File MIES_Epochs.ipf

EP Handle code relating to epoch information


variable EP_ClearEpochs(string device)

Clear the list of epochs.

variable EP_CollectEpochInfo(WaveText epochWave, DataConfigurationResult *s)

Fill the epoch wave with epochs before DAQ/TP.

  • epochWave – epochs wave

  • s – struct holding all input

static variable EP_CollectEpochInfoDA(WaveText epochWave, DataConfigurationResult *s)
static variable EP_CollectEpochInfoTTL(WaveText epochWave, DataConfigurationResult *s)
static variable EP_AddEpochsFromTP(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, variable amplitude)

Adds four epochs for a test pulse and three sub epochs for test pulse components.

  • ec[in] EP_EpochCreationData

  • amplitude[in] amplitude of the TP in the DA wave without gain

static variable EP_AddEpochsFromOodDAQRegions(wave epochWave, variable channel, string oodDAQRegions, variable stimsetBegin, variable stimsetEnd)

Adds epochs for oodDAQ regions.

  • epochWave[in] epoch wave

  • channel[in] number of DA channel

  • oodDAQRegions[in] string containing list of oodDAQ regions as d-d;…

  • stimsetBegin[in] offset time in micro seconds where stim set begins

  • stimsetEnd[in] offset time in micro seconds where stim set ends

static std::tuple<WaveDouble, WaveDouble> EP_GetStimEpochsOffsetAndLength(EP_EpochCreationData *ec)

Calculate stimset epoch offsets and stimset epoch lengths in wavebuilder stimset indices.

static std::tuple<WaveDouble, WaveDouble> EP_GetStimEpochsOffsetTimeAndDuration(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, wave wbStimsetEpochOffset, wave wbStimsetEpochLength)

Calculates the offset times in microseconds of stimset epochs relative to the stimset start in the data wave.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • wbStimsetEpochOffset – offsets of the epochs of the stimset in wavebuilder stimset wave indices

  • wbStimsetEpochLength – length of the epochs of the stimset in wavebuilder stimset wave indices

static std::tuple<variable, variable, variable, variable> EP_AddEpochsForStimset(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, wave stimepochDuration)

Adds the stimset level 0 epoch, oodDAQ offset epoch level 0, stimset sweep extension from delta method as level 1 epoch.

static variable EP_GetEpochType(string stimNote, variable sweep, variable epochNr)

Returns numerical epoch type from a stimset epoch of a sweep WaveBuilderEpochTypes.

  • stimNote – stimset wave note

  • sweep – stimset sweep number

  • epochNr – epoch number

static string EP_GetStimsetEpochShortName(variable epochNr)

Returns epoch short name from stimset epoch number.


epochNr – epoch number

static std::tuple<variable, variable, string> EP_AddStimsetEpoch(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, variable stimepochOffsetTime, variable stimepochDuration, variable epochNr, variable stimsetBegin, variable stimsetEnd)

Adds the epochs of a stimset as level 1 epochs.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • stimepochOffsetTime – stimset epoch offset time in microseconds

  • stimepochDuration – stimset epoch duration in microseconds

  • epochNr – epoch number

  • stimsetBegin – stimset begin time offset in microseconds

  • stimsetEnd – stimset end time offset in microseconds

static std::tuple<WAVE, WAVE> EP_PTGetPulseIndices(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, variable epochNr)

Get PulseTrain start and end indices (inclusive), where the pulse is active in the wavebuilder stimset wave.


pulse start and end indices where the pulse is active in the wavebuilder stimset wave

static variable EP_PTCorrectOverlap(wave pulseStartIndices, wave pulseEndIndices)

Correction for overlapping pulses from e.g. poisson distribution.

  • pulseStartIndices – pulse active start indices in wavebuilder stimset wave indices

  • pulseEndIndices – pulse active end indices in wavebuilder stimset wave indices

static wave EP_PTGetPulseStartTimes(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, variable wbStimsetEpochOffset, wave pulseStartIndices)

Calculates the start times of PulseTrain pulses in the data wave.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • wbStimsetEpochOffset – offset of the stimset epoch in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • pulseStartIndices – start indices of PulseTrain pulses in the wavebuilder stimset


wave with start times of PulseTrain pulses in the data wave relative to the stimset begin in the data wave in microseconds

static std::tuple<variable, variable> EP_PTAddPTPEpoch(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, string shortNameEpTypePT, string epSubTags, wave startTimes, variable pulseNr, variable epochBegin, variable epochEnd)

Adds the PulseTrain Pulse-To-Pulse level 2 epoch.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • shortNameEpTypePT – short name for the epoch type PulseTrain

  • epSubTags – tags for the PulseTrain epoch

  • startTimes – start times in micro seconds of the pulses relative to the start of the data wave (zero)

  • pulseNr – pulse number

  • epochBegin – start time of stimset epoch (level 1) in microseconds

  • epochEnd – end time of stimset epoch (level 1) in microseconds


start and end time of the added Pulse-To-Pulse level 2 epoch in microseconds

static variable EP_PTAddPTBLTEpoch(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, string shortNameEpTypePT, string epSubTags, variable pulseNr, variable numPulses, variable epochBegin, variable epochEnd, variable subEpochbegin, variable subEpochend)

Adds the PulseTrain Pulse-To-Pulse-Baseline-Trail level 2 epoch if present.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • shortNameEpTypePT – short name for the epoch type PulseTrain

  • epSubTags – tags for the PulseTrain epoch

  • pulseNr – pulse number

  • numPulses – number of pulses in PulseTrain

  • epochBegin – start time of stimset epoch (level 1) in microseconds

  • epochEnd – end time of stimset epoch (level 1) in microseconds

  • subEpochbegin – start time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

  • subEpochend – end time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

static variable EP_PTAddPTPActiveAndBaseFlipped(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, string shortNameEpTypePT, string epSubTags, variable stimsetEndIndex, variable wbStimsetEpochOffset, variable pulseNr, variable pulseStartIndexWB, variable pulseEndIndexWB, variable subEpochBegin, variable subEpochEnd)

For flipped stimsets: Adds the PulseTrain Pulse-Active level 3 epoch, and Pulse-Baseline level 3 epoch if present.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • shortNameEpTypePT – short name for the epoch type PulseTrain

  • epSubTags – tags for the PulseTrain epoch

  • stimsetEndIndex – offset of the stimset epoch in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • wbStimsetEpochOffset – end index of the stimset in the data wave

  • pulseNr – pulse number

  • pulseStartIndexWB – start index of the pulse in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • pulseEndIndexWB – end index of the pulse in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • subEpochBegin – start time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

  • subEpochEnd – end time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

static variable EP_PTAddPTPActiveAndBase(EP_EpochCreationData *ec, string shortNameEpTypePT, string epSubTags, variable stimsetEndIndex, variable wbStimsetEpochOffset, variable pulseNr, variable pulseStartIndexWB, variable pulseEndIndexWB, variable subEpochBegin, variable subEpochEnd)

For non-flipped stimsets: Adds the PulseTrain Pulse-Active level 3 epoch, and Pulse-Baseline level 3 epoch if present.

  • ecEP_EpochCreationData

  • shortNameEpTypePT – short name for the epoch type PulseTrain

  • epSubTags – tags for the PulseTrain epoch

  • stimsetEndIndex – offset of the stimset epoch in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • wbStimsetEpochOffset – end index of the stimset in the data wave

  • pulseNr – pulse number

  • pulseStartIndexWB – start index of the pulse in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • pulseEndIndexWB – end index of the pulse in wavebuilder stimset indices

  • subEpochBegin – start time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

  • subEpochEnd – end time of Pulse-To-Pulse epoch (level 2) in microseconds

static variable EP_GetFlippingIndex(EP_EpochCreationData *ec)
static std::tuple<variable, variable> EP_AddEpochsFromStimSetNote(EP_EpochCreationData *ec)

Adds epochs for a stimset including higher tree level epochs.

Hints for epoch calculation:

  • prefer index based calculation over time based

  • for IndexAfterDecimation(wbStimOffset, decimationFactor) the wbStimOffset must always refer to the same runnign index value as used in the decimation in DC It is usually (e.g. for DA) dwIndex = dwOffset + IndexAfterDecimation(wbStimOffset, decimationFactor) with dwOffset equal to ec.dwStimsetBegin (from s.insertStart)

  • In contrast to the generated stimset wave the stimset epoch includes only the effective stimset, extensions from oodDAQ shifts get an own epoch.

  • For DA without oodDAQ the generated and effective stimset are the same

  • If ITC hardware is used and multiple TTL channels are active where one channel uses a shorter wavebuilder stimset than the other(s) then the shorter stimset is extended to match the size of the largest stimset. The larger size is in DC then decimated to the data wave. Due to decimation effects such stimset can increase in size in the data wave (e.g. with wb stimset size 185000, decimation factor 5 the increase is 2 points in the data wave) relative to the calculated setLength.



Return values:
  • err – one if error, zero otherwise

  • stimsetEndIndex – stimset end index in data wave

variable EP_SortEpochs(WaveText epochWave)

Sorts all epochs per channel number / channel type in EpochsWave.

Removes epochs marked for removal, those with NaN as StartTime and EndTime, as well.


  • Ascending starting time

  • Descending ending time

  • Ascending tree level


epochWave[in] epoch wave

static variable EP_GetEpochCount(WaveText epochWave, variable channel, variable channelType)

Returns the number of epoch in the epochsWave for the given channel.

  • epochWave[in] wave with epoch info

  • channel[in] number of DA/TTL channel

  • channelType[in] type of channel (DA or TTL)


number of epochs for channel

variable EP_AddUserEpoch(WaveText epochWave, variable channelType, variable channelNumber, variable epBegin, variable epEnd, string tags, string shortName = defaultValue)

Add user epochs.

Allows to add user epochs for not yet finished sweeps. The tree level is fixed to EPOCH_USER_LEVEL to not collide with stock entries.

  • epochWave – epoch wave

  • channelType – channel type, currently only XOP_CHANNEL_TYPE_DAC and XOP_CHANNEL_TYPE_TTL is supported

  • channelNumber – channel number

  • epBegin – start time of the epoch in seconds

  • epEnd – end time of the epoch in seconds

  • tags – tags for the epoch

  • shortName – [optional, defaults to auto-generated] user defined short name for the epoch, will be prefixed with EPOCH_SHORTNAME_USER_PREFIX

static variable EP_AddEpoch(WaveText epochWave, variable channel, variable channelType, variable epBegin, variable epEnd, string epTags, string epShortName, variable level, variable lowerlimit = defaultValue, variable upperlimit = defaultValue)

Adds a epoch to the epochsWave.

  • epochWave[in] epochs wave

  • channel[in] number of DA/TTL channel

  • channelType[in] type of channel (either DA or TTL)

  • epBegin[in] start time of the epoch in micro seconds

  • epEnd[in] end time of the epoch in micro seconds

  • epTags[in] tags of the epoch

  • epShortName[in] short name of the epoch, should be unique

  • level[in] level of epoch

  • lowerlimit[in] [optional, default = -Inf] epBegin is limited between lowerlimit and Inf, epEnd must be > this limit

  • upperlimit[in] [optional, default = Inf] epEnd is limited between -Inf and upperlimit, epBegin must be < this limit

variable EP_WriteEpochInfoIntoSweepSettings(string device, variable sweepNo, variable acquiredTime, variable plannedTime)

Write the epoch info into the sweep settings wave.

  • device – device

  • sweepNo – sweep Number

  • acquiredTime – if acquisition was stopped early time of last acquired point in AD wave, NaN otherwise

  • plannedTime – time of one point after the end of the DA wave

string EP_EpochWaveToStr(wave epochsWave, variable channel, variable channelType)

Convert the epochs wave layer given by channel and channelType to a string suitable for storing the labnotebook.

  • epochsWave – wave with epoch information

  • channel – DA/TTL channel number

  • channelType – channel type (DA or TTL)

wave EP_EpochStrToWave(string epochStr)

Converts a string containing epoch information in the format that is stored in the Labnotebook to a 2D epoch wave.

See also



epochStr[in] string with epoch information in the format as stored in the labnotebook


2D text wave with epoch information, use EPOCH_COL_ constants for column access

string EP_GetShortName(string name)

Returns the ShortName from a epoch name string, empty string if no ShortName is present.

string EP_RemoveShortNameFromTags(string tags)
static variable EP_AdaptEpochInfo(string device, wave configWave, variable acquiredTime, variable plannedTime)

Adapt epoch information.

  • Adjust epoch end time to the acquired time

  • Blanks out which are then too small or lie outside the acquired region

  • Add an unacquired epoch

  • device – device

  • configWave – DAQ config wave

  • acquiredTime – if acquisition was stopped early time of last acquired point in AD wave [s], NaN otherwise

  • plannedTime – planned acquisition time, time at one point after the end of the DA wave [s]

static variable EP_AdaptEpochInfoChannel(string device, variable channelNumber, variable channelType, variable acquiredTime, variable plannedTime)
variable EP_AdaptEpochInfoChannelImpl(WaveText epochWave, variable channelNumber, variable channelType, variable samplingInterval, variable acquiredTime, variable plannedTime)

Device independent implementation of EP_AdaptEpochInfoChannel.

  • epochWave – epoch wave (4d)

  • channelNumber – GUI channel number

  • channelType – channel type

  • samplingInterval – sampling interval of channel type

  • acquiredTime – acquiredTime in [s]

  • plannedTime – plannedTime in [s]

wave EP_GetEpochs(wave numericalValues, wave textualValues, variable sweepNo, variable channelType, variable channelNumber, string shortname, variable treelevel = defaultValue, WaveTextOrNull epochsWave = defaultValue, dfref sweepDFR = defaultValue)

Get epochs from the LBN filtered by given parameters.

See also


  • numericalValues – Numerical values from the labnotebook

  • textualValues – Textual values from the labnotebook

  • sweepNo – Number of sweep

  • channelType – type of channel

  • channelNumber – GUI channel number

  • shortname – short name filter, can be a regular expression which is matched caseless. For older tag formats it can be a simple tag entry (or regexp).

  • treelevel – [optional: default = not set] tree level of epochs, if not set then treelevel is ignored

  • epochsWave – [optional: defaults to $””] when passed, gathers epoch information from this wave directly. This is required for callers who want to read epochs during MID_SWEEP_EVENT in analysis functions.

  • sweepDFR – [optional: defaults to $””] when passed, allows to fetch also epoch from recreation


Text wave with epoch information, only rows fitting the input parameters are returned. Can also be a null wave.

wave EP_FetchEpochs_TS(wave numericalValues, WaveTextOrNull textualValues, variable sweep, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)

Return free text wave with the epoch information of the given channel, do not attempt recreation.

See also


  • numericalValues – Numerical values from the labnotebook

  • textualValues – Textual values from the labnotebook

  • sweep – Number of sweep

  • channelNumber – GUI channel number

  • channelType – Type of channel


epochs wave, see GetEpochsWave() for the wave layout

wave EP_FetchEpochs(wave numericalValues, WaveTextOrNull textualValues, variable sweep, dfref singleSweepDFR, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)

Return free text wave with the epoch information of the given channel, attempt recreation.

See also


  • numericalValues – Numerical values from the labnotebook

  • textualValues – Textual values from the labnotebook

  • sweep – Number of sweep

  • singleSweepDFR – sweep DF, e.g. from GetSingleSweepFolder(deviceDFR, sweepNo)

  • channelNumber – GUI channel number

  • channelType – Type of channel


epochs wave, see GetEpochsWave() for the wave layout

static wave EP_FetchEpochsFromRecreation(wave numericalValues, WaveTextOrNull textualValues, variable sweep, dfref singleSweepDFR, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)
static wave EP_FetchEpochsFromLNB(wave numericalValues, WaveTextOrNull textualValues, variable sweep, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)
static variable EP_GetDACFromADCChannel(wave numericalValues, variable sweep, variable channelNumber)
variable EP_CopyLBNEpochsToEpochsWave(string device, variable sweepNo)

Append epoch information from the labnotebook to the newly cleared epoch wave.

static wave EP_GetGaps(wave numericalValues, wave textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable channelType, variable channelNumber)

Helper function that returns (unintended) gaps between epochs.

wave EP_GetNextEpoch(wave numericalValues, wave textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable channelType, variable channelNumber, string shortname, variable treelevel, variable ignoreGaps = defaultValue)

Returns the following epoch of a given epoch name in a specified tree level.

variable EP_GetEpochAmplitude(string epochTag)

returns the Amplitude value from the epoch tag data

static wave EP_RecreateEpochsFromLoadedData(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo)

Recreate DA epochs from loaded data. The following must be loaded: LabNotebook, Sweep data of sweepNo, Stimsets used in the sweep User epochs are not recreated !

  • numericalValues – numerical LabNotebook

  • textualValues – textual LabNotebook

  • sweepDFR – single sweep folder, e.g. for measurement with a device this wold be DFREF sweepDFR = GetSingleSweepFolder(deviceDFR, sweepNo)

  • sweepNo – sweep number


recreated 4D epoch wave

static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static wave EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_DetermineDurations(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, dfref sweepDFR, variable type, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_Baseline(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable type, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_AddTPUserEpochs(WaveText epochWave, DataConfigurationResult *s, string params, variable type)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_DaScale(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_Rheobase(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_Ramp(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_PipetteInBath(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_SealEvaluation(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_TrueRestingMembranePotential(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_AccessResistanceSmoke(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
static variable EP_AddRecreatedUserEpochs_PSQ_Chirp(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable waMode, dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, DataConfigurationResult *s, WaveText epochWave)
wave EP_FetchEpochsFromRecreated(wave epochWave, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)

Fetches a single epoch channel from a recreated epoch wave. The returned epoch channel wave has the same form as epoch information that was stored in the LNB returned by EP_FetchEpochs.

  • epochWave – 4d epoch wave

  • channelNumber – GUI channel number

  • channelType – channel type, one of XopChannelConstants


epoch channel wave (2d)


static const string EPOCH_SHORTNAME_KEY = "ShortName"
static const string EPOCH_TYPE_KEY = "Type"
static const string EPOCH_SUBTYPE_KEY = "SubType"
static const string EPOCH_AMPLITUDE_KEY = "Amplitude"
static const string EPOCH_PULSE_KEY = "Pulse"
static const string EPOCH_CYCLE_KEY = "Cycle"
static const string EPOCH_INCOMPLETE_CYCLE_KEY = "Incomplete Cycle"
static const string EPOCH_HALF_CYCLE_KEY = "Half Cycle"
static const string EPOCHNAME_SEP = ";"
static const string STIMSETKEYNAME_SEP = "="
static const string SHORTNAMEKEY_SEP = "="
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_TOTALONSETDELAY = "B0_TO"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_ONSETDELAYUSER = "B0_OD"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_DDAQ = "B0_DD"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_TERMINATIONDELAY = "B0_TD"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_UNASSOC_NOTP_BASELINE = "B0_TP"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_DDAQOPT = "B0_DO"
static const string EPOCH_SN_BL_GENERALTRAIL = "B0_TR"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TP = "TP"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TP_PULSE = "TP_P"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TP_BLFRONT = "TP_B0"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TP_BLBACK = "TP_B1"
static const string EPOCH_SN_OODAQ = "OD"
static const string EPOCH_SN_STIMSET = "ST"
static const string EPOCH_SN_STIMSETBLTRAIL = "B"
static const string EPOCH_SN_EPOCH = "E"
static const string EPOCH_SN_PULSETRAIN = "PT"
static const string EPOCH_SN_PULSETRAIN_FULLPULSE = "P"
static const string EPOCH_SN_PULSETRAIN_PULSEAMP = "P"
static const string EPOCH_SN_PULSETRAIN_PULSEBASE = "B"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TRIG = "TG"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TRIG_CYCLE = "C"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TRIG_CYCLE_INCOMPLETE = "I"
static const string EPOCH_SN_TRIG_HALF_CYCLE = "H"
static const string EPOCH_SN_UNACQUIRED = "UA"
static const double EPOCH_GAPS_WORKAROUND = 0
struct EP_EpochCreationData

Helper structure for data used in epoch creation.

structure variables for index based positions are prefixed: dw* - index in the data wave (e.g. DAChannel) wb* - index in the stimset wave from the wave builder

Public Members

WaveText epochWave

Epochs wave.

variable channel

GUI channel number.

variable channelType

channel type as of XopChannelConstants

variable sweep

sweep of stimset

variable decimationFactor

decimation factor from stimset to data wave

variable samplingInterval

sampling interval of data wave

variable scale

DAScale of channel.

string stimNote

stimset wave note

variable dwStimsetSize

stimset size in data wave

variable reducedStimsetSize

For DA: size of stimset wave that was decimated to the data wave the duration of that stimset can be reduced compared to the duration of the original wavebuilder stimset due to oodDAQ end cutoff, typically DimSize of the stimset in DC For TTL: same as dwStimsetSize note: While for DA the stimset size in DC can only be reduced for TTL channels it can be increased, see structure element dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize

variable dwStimsetBegin

begin of stimset in indicces of the data wave

variable wbOodDAQOffset

offset from oodDAQ shift in wavebuilder stimset wave indices

variable wbStimsetSize

size of the original wavebuilder stimset, used as reference point for flipping calculation

variable wbEffectiveStimsetSize

sum of all stimset epochs without extension from delta mechanism (multi sweep, different size)

variable dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize

for ITC TTL stimsets are joined in DC to a single 2D wave that ROWS size equals the largest single stimset. This value is the data wave length that is used to decimate the from DC modified stimset into the data wave. The stimset is decimated to the data wave until dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize - 1. The related value for DA channels is s.setLength. For DA channels: NaN

variable flipping

set to one if the stimset is flipped, zero otherwise

variable tpTotalLengthPoints

test pulse properties transferred from DataConfigurationResult structure, originally calculated by TP_GetCreationPropertiesInPoints

variable tpPulseStartPoint
variable tpPulseLengthPoints