File MIES_Indexing.ipf¶
IDX Indexing related functionality
variable IDX_StoreStartFinishForIndexing(string device)¶
variable IDX_ResetStartFinishForIndexing(string device)¶
Resets the selected set popupmenus stored by IDX_StoreStartFinishForIndexing.
static variable IDX_IndexingDoIt(string device)¶
Locked indexing, indexes all active channels at once.
static variable IDX_IndexSingleChannel(string device, variable channelType, variable channel)¶
Indexes a single channel - used when indexing is unlocked.
Callers need to call DAP_UpdateDAQControls() with REASON_STIMSET_CHANGE_DUR_DAQ.
variable IDX_MaxSweepsLockedIndexing(string device)¶
Sum of the largest sets for each indexing step.
static variable IDX_StepsInSetWithMaxSweeps(string device, variable IndexNo, variable channelType)¶
Return the number of steps in the largest set for a particular index number.
static std::tuple<variable, variable> IDX_GetCurrentSets(string device, variable channelType, variable channelNumber)¶
Return the 0-based popup menu indizes of the current WAVE/INDEX_END stimsets.
static variable IDX_MaxSets(string device, variable channelType)¶
Return the number of sets on the active channel with the most sets.
variable IDX_MaxNoOfSweeps(string device, variable IndexOverRide)¶
determine the max number of sweeps in the largest start set on active (checked) DA or TTL channels works for unlocked (independent) indexing
- Parameters:
device – device
IndexOverRide – index override is the same as indexing off. some Functions that call this function only want the max number of steps in the start (active) set, when indexing is on. 1 = over ride ON
variable IDX_MinNoOfSweeps(string device)¶
Returns the number of sweeps in the stimulus set with the smallest number of sweeps (across all active stimulus sets).
- Parameters:
device – device
wave IDX_GetSetsInRange(string device, variable channel, variable channelType, variable lockedIndexing)¶
Returns a 1D textwave of selected set names.
Constants are defined at ChannelTypeAndControlConstants
- Parameters:
device – panel
channel – channel
lockedIndexing – defaults to false, true returns just the DAC/TTL setname
static variable IDX_NumberOfSweepsAcrossSets(string device, variable channel, variable channelType, variable lockedIndexing)¶
Determine the number of sweeps for a DA or TTL channel.
variable IDX_NumberOfSweepsInSet(string setName)¶
Return the number of sweeps.
static variable IDX_ApplyUnLockedIndexing(string device, variable count)¶
static variable IDX_TotalIndexingListSteps(string device, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)¶
variable IDX_UnlockedIndexingStepNo(string device, variable channelNumber, variable channelType, variable count)¶
static variable IDX_DetIfCountIsAtSetBorder(string device, variable count, variable channelNumber, variable channelType)¶
variable IDX_CalculcateActiveSetCount(string device)¶
Calculate the active set count.
static wave IDX_GetStimsets(string device, variable channelIdx, variable channelType)¶
Extract the list of stimsets from the control user data.
static string IDX_GetSingleStimset(WaveText listWave, variable idx, variable allowNone = defaultValue)¶
Return the stimset from the list of stimsets returned by IDX_GetStimsets()
- Parameters:
listWave – list of stim sets returned by IDX_GetStimsets()
idx – 0-based index
allowNone – [optional, defaults to false] Return the
stimset for idx0
. Not allowed during DAQ.
variable IDX_HandleIndexing(string device)¶