File MIES_AnalysisFunctions_Dashboard.ipf¶
AD Dashboard for pass/fail style analysis functions
variable AD_UpdateAllDatabrowser()¶
Update the dashboards of all databrowsers.
static variable AD_GetColorForResultMessage(string result)¶
variable AD_Update(string win)¶
Update the dashboards of the given sweepbrowser/databrowser.
static string AD_GetResultMessage(variable anaFuncType, variable passed, wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage, variable ongoingDAQ, variable waMode)¶
static variable AD_FillWaves(string win, WaveText list, WaveText info)¶
Get result list of analysis function runs.
std::tuple<variable, variable> AD_GetAnalysisFunctionType(wave numericalValues, wave anaFuncTypes, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
Return the analysis function type and a bit-mask of possible workarounds for CreateAnaFuncLBNKey()
- Parameters:
numericalValues – numeric labnotebook
anaFuncTypes – wave with the analysis function types as derived from MapAnaFuncToConstant()
sweepNo – sweep number
headstage – headstage
static string AD_FormatListKey(variable stimsetCycleID, variable headstage)¶
static variable AD_LabnotebookEntryExistsAndIsTrue(WaveOrNull data)¶
static string AD_GetSquarePulseFailMsg(wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage, variable waMode)¶
static string AD_GetDAScaleOperationMode(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetDAScaleFailMsg(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetMultiDAScaleFailMsg(wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetRheobaseFailMsg(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetFastRheoEstFailMsg(wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetSpikeControlFailMsg(wave numericalValues, wave textualValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_GetChirpFailMsg(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage)¶
static std::tuple<variable, string> AD_GetBaselineFailMsg(variable anaFuncType, wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
Return an appropriate error message if the baseline QC failed for the given sweep, or an empty string otherwise.
- Parameters:
anaFuncType – One of PatchSeqAnalysisFunctionTypes
numericalValues – Numerical labnotebook
sweepNo – Sweep number
headstage – Headstage
- Return values:
qc – 0/1 for failing or passing, NaN in case it could not be determined
msg – error message for the failure case
static string AD_GetBaselineChunkFailMsg(variable anaFuncType, wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable headstage, variable chunk, string subkey, string testname)¶
static string AD_GetPerSweepFailMessage(variable anaFuncType, wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable refSweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage, variable numRequiredPasses = defaultValue)¶
Gather per sweep failure information for some analysis function types.
See also
- Parameters:
anaFuncType – analysis function type
numericalValues – numerical labnotebook
textualValues – textual labnotebook
refSweepNo – reference sweep number
sweepDFR – datafolder reference to the folder holding the sweep data
headstage – headstage
numRequiredPasses – [optional, defaults to off] allows to determine the set failure state by not having reached enough passing sets
static string AD_HasAsyncQCFailed(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable anaFuncType, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
static string AD_HasPrematureStopLegacy(wave numericalValues, WaveText textualValues, variable anaFuncType, variable sweepNo, dfref sweepDFR, variable headstage)¶
static variable AD_SelectResult(string win)¶
Show the sweeps from the selected SCIs in the dashboard.
variable AD_PlotBounds(string browser, variable sweepNo)¶
Plot the inner/outer bounds for
Requires that the sweep is displayed.
variable AD_ListBoxProc(WMListboxAction *lba)¶
variable AD_CheckProc_PassedSweeps(WMCheckboxAction *cba)¶
variable AD_CheckProc_FailedSweeps(WMCheckboxAction *cba)¶
variable AD_CheckProc_Toggle(WMCheckboxAction *cba)¶
static const string AD_OOR_DASCALE_MSG = "Failure as the future DAScale would be out of range"¶