File IPNWB_Debugging.ipf

Holds functions for debugging.


variable ASSERT_TS(variable var, string errorMsg)

Low overhead function to check assertions (threadsafe variant)

Example usage:

ASSERT_TS(DataFolderExistsDFR(dfr), "MyFunc: dfr does not exist")
do something with dfr

Unlike ASSERT() this function does not print a stacktrace or jumps into the debugger. The reasons are Igor Pro limitations. Therefore it is advised to prefix errorMsg with the current function name.

  • var – if zero an error message is printed into the history and procedure execution is aborted, nothing is done otherwise.

  • errorMsg – error message to output in failure case

variable DEBUGPRINTv(variable var, string format = defaultValue)

Output debug information and return the parameter var.

Debug function especially designed for usage in return statements.

For example calling the following function

Function doStuff()
 variable var = 1 + 2
 return DEBUGPRINTv(var)
will output
DEBUG doStuff(...)#L5: return value 3
to the history.

  • var – numerical argument for debug output

  • format – optional format string to override the default of “%g”

string DEBUGPRINTs(string str, string format = defaultValue)

Output debug information and return the parameter str.

Debug function especially designed for usage in return statements.

For example calling the following function

Function/s doStuff()
 variable str= "a" + "b"
 return DEBUGPRINTs(str)
will output
DEBUG doStuff(...)#L5: return value ab
to the history.

  • str – string argument for debug output

  • format – optional format string to override the default of “%s”

variable DEBUGPRINT(string msg, variable var = defaultValue, string str = defaultValue, string format = defaultValue)

Generic debug output function.

Outputs variables and strings with optional format argument.


DEBUGPRINT("before a possible crash")
DEBUGPRINT("some variable", var=myVariable)
DEBUGPRINT("my string", str=myString)
DEBUGPRINT("Current state", var=state, format="%.5f")

  • msg – descriptive string for the debug message

  • var – variable

  • str – string

  • format – format string overrides the default of “%g” for variables and “%s” for strings


Start a timer for performance measurements.


variable referenceTime = DEBUG_TIMER_START()
// part one to benchmark
// part two to benchmark

variable DEBUGPRINT_ELAPSED(variable referenceTime)

Print the elapsed time for performance measurements.

variable EnableDebugMode()

Enable debug mode.

variable DisableDebugMode()

Disable debug mode.



static const string functionReturnMessage = "return value"