File MIES_BrowserSettingsPanel.ipf¶
BSP Panel for DB and AB (SweepBrowser) that combines different settings in a tabcontrol.
string BSP_GetPanel(string mainPanel)¶
return the name of the external panel depending on main window name
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
string BSP_GetNotebookSubWindow(string win)¶
return the name of the WaveNote Display inside BSP
string BSP_GetSweepControlsPanel(string mainPanel)¶
return the name of the bottom Panel
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
string BSP_GetSFFormula(string mainPanel)¶
string BSP_GetSFJSON(string mainPanel)¶
string BSP_GetSFHELP(string mainPanel)¶
variable BSP_InitPanel(string mainPanel)¶
Inits controls of BrowserSettings side Panel.
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
static variable BSP_UnHidePanel(string mainPanel)¶
UnHides BrowserSettings side Panel.
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
static variable BSP_UnHideSettingsPanel(string mainPanel)¶
static variable BSP_UnHideSweepControls(string mainPanel)¶
open bottom Panel
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
static variable BSP_DynamicSweepControls(string mainPanel)¶
dynamic settings for bottom panel at initialization
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
static variable BSP_AddWindowHooks(string win)¶
Add default window hooks.
variable BSP_RemoveWindowHooks(string win)¶
Remove all window hooks from the window and its subwindows.
variable BSP_DynamicStartupSettings(string mainPanel)¶
dynamic settings for panel initialization
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
variable BSP_SweepFormulaHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
Hook function for the Sweep Formula Notebook.
variable BSP_UnsetDynamicStartupSettings(string mainPanel)¶
Unsets all control properties that are set in BSP_DynamicStartupSettings for DataBrowser type.
- Parameters:
mainPanel – mainWindow panel name
variable BSP_BindListBoxWaves(string win)¶
wave BSP_GetChannelSelectionWave(string win)¶
Get the channel selection wave.
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
- Returns:
channel selection wave
dfref BSP_GetFolder(string win, string folderType, variable versionCheck = defaultValue)¶
get a FOLDER property from the specified panel
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
folderType – see the FOLDER constants in this file
versionCheck – [optional, defaults to true] abort on outdated window version
- Returns:
DFR to specified folder. No check for invalid folders
variable BSP_SetFolder(string win, dfref dfr, string folderType)¶
set a FOLDER property at the specified panel
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
dfr – DataFolder Reference to the folder
folderType – see the FOLDER constants in this file
string BSP_GetDevice(string win)¶
get the assigned DEVICE property from the main panel
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
- Returns:
device as string
string BSP_SetDevice(string win, string device)¶
set DEVICE property to the userdata of the main panel
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
device – bound device as string
string BSP_GetBrowserType(string win)¶
get the MIES Browser Type
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
- Returns:
D for DataBrowser or S for SweepBrowser
static string BSP_SetBrowserType(string win, string type, variable mode)¶
set DEVICE property to the userdata of the main panel
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
mode – One of BrowserModes
static variable BSP_ParseBrowserMode(string mode)¶
static string BSP_SerializeBrowserMode(variable mode)¶
variable BSP_GetBrowserMode(string win)¶
variable BSP_SetDataBrowser(string win, variable mode)¶
wrapper function for external calls
variable BSP_SetSweepBrowser(string win, variable mode)¶
wrapper function for external calls
variable BSP_IsSweepBrowser(string win)¶
wrapper function for external calls
variable BSP_IsDataBrowser(string win)¶
wrapper function for external calls
variable BSP_HasBoundDevice(string win)¶
check if the DEVICE property has a not nullstring property
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
- Returns:
1 if device is assigned and 0 otherwise. does not check if device is valid.
static variable BSP_InitMainCheckboxes(string win)¶
set the initial state of the enable/disable buttons
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
variable BSP_SetOVSControlStatus(string win)¶
enable/disable the OVS buttons
- Parameters:
win – specify mainPanel or bsPanel with OVS controls
variable BSP_SetARControlStatus(string win)¶
enable/disable the AR buttons
- Parameters:
win – specify mainPanel or bsPanel with OVS controls
variable BSP_SetSFControlStatus(string win)¶
enable/disable the SF buttons
- Parameters:
win – specify mainPanel or bsPanel with OVS controls
variable BSP_SetControlStatus(string win, string controlList, variable status)¶
enable/disable a list of controls
- Parameters:
win – specify mainPanel or bsPanel with OVS controls
controlList – list of controls
status – 1: enable; 0: disable
static variable BSP_MainPanelButtonToggle(string mainPanel, variable visible)¶
action for button in mainPanel
- Parameters:
mainPanel – main Panel window
visible – set status of external Panel (opened: visible = 1)
static variable BSP_HidePanel(string win)¶
variable BSP_ClosePanelHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
panel close hook for side panel
variable BSP_SweepsAndMouseWheel(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
variable BSP_CheckBoxProc_ArtRemoval(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
enable/disable checkbox control for side panel
variable BSP_CheckBoxProc_PerPulseAver(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
enable/disable checkbox control for side panel
variable BSP_CheckBoxProc_SweepFormula(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
enable/disable checkbox control for side panel
variable BSP_ButtonProc_Panel(WMButtonAction *ba)¶
procedure for the open button of the side panel
variable BSP_SliderProc_ChangedSetting(WMSliderAction *spa)¶
variable BSP_TimeAlignmentProc(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
variable BSP_TimeAlignmentPopup(WMPopupAction *pa)¶
variable BSP_TimeAlignmentLevel(WMSetVariableAction *sva)¶
variable BSP_DoTimeAlignment(WMButtonAction *ba)¶
variable BSP_CheckProc_ScaleAxes(WMCheckboxAction *cba)¶
variable BSP_AxisScalingLevelCross(WMSetVariableAction *sva)¶
static variable BSP_UpdateSweepControls(string win, string ctrl, variable firstSweepOrIndex, variable lastSweepOrIndex)¶
update controls in scPanel and change to new sweep
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
ctrl – name of the button that was pressed and is initiating the update
firstSweepOrIndex – first available sweep(DB) or index(SB)
lastSweepOrIndex – last available sweep(DB) or index(SB)
- Returns:
the new sweep number in case of DB or the index for SB
variable BSP_IsActive(string win, variable elementID)¶
check if the specified setting is activated
- Parameters:
win – name of external panel or main window
elementID – one of MIES_BSP_* constants like MIES_BSP_PA
- Returns:
1 if setting was activated, 0 otherwise
variable BSP_UpdateHelpNotebook(string helpNotebook)¶
Fill the SweepFormula help notebook with the contents of the stored file.
string BSP_GetFormulaGraph(string win)¶
Return a sweep formula graph name unique for that sweepbrowser/databrowser.
string BSP_GetFormulaGraphTitle(string win)¶
variable BSP_ParseChannelSelectionControl(string ctrl, string *channelType, variable *channelNum)¶
Parse a control name for the “Channel Selection Panel” and return its channel type and number. The number will be NaN for the ALL control.
variable BSP_ChannelSelectionWaveToGUI(string panel, wave channelSel)¶
Set the channel selection dialog controls according to the channel selection wave.
variable BSP_GUIToChannelSelectionWave(string win, string ctrl, variable checked)¶
Set the channel selection wave acccording to the channel selection controls.
variable BSP_RemoveDisabledChannels(wave channelSel, wave ADCs, wave DACs, wave statusHS, wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo)¶
Removes the disabled channels and headstages from
will be the result from BSP_FetchSelectedChannels() which is a copy of the permanent channel selection wave.
variable BSP_ScaleAxes(string win)¶
std::tuple<TiledGraphSettings> BSP_GatherTiledGraphSettings(string win)¶
variable BSP_CheckProc_ChangedSetting(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
variable BSP_ButtonProc_RestoreData(WMButtonAction *ba)¶
variable BSP_CheckProc_OverlaySweeps(WMCheckBoxAction *cba)¶
wave BSP_GetLogbookWave(string win, variable logbookType, variable logbookWaveType, variable sweepNumber = defaultValue, variable selectedExpDevice = defaultValue)¶
Generic getter for logbook waves.
Works with Databrowser/Sweepbrowser.
For the Sweepbrowser this returns the stored logbooks. If you want to fetch the global results wave use GetLogbookWaves().
- Parameters:
win – panel
logbookType – one of LogbookTypes
logbookWaveType – one of LabnotebookWaveTypes
sweepNumber – [optional] sweep number
selectedExpDevice – [optional, defaults to off] return the labnotebook for the selected experiment/device combination
- Returns:
returns the specified logbook wave or a null wave
wave BSP_FetchSelectedChannels(string graph, variable index = defaultValue, variable sweepNo = defaultValue)¶
Return the wave with the selected channels respecting the overlay sweeps headstage ignore list. The wave has the same layout as BSP_GetChannelSelectionWave.
std::tuple<variable, variable> BSP_FirstAndLastSweepAcquired(string win)¶
Return the last and first sweep numbers for the databrowser or the indizes for the sweepbrowser.
variable BSP_ButtonProc_ChangeSweep(WMButtonAction *ba)¶
variable BSP_MainTabControlFinal(WMTabControlAction *tca)¶
variable BSP_UpdateSweepNote(string win)¶
static variable BSP_UnHideSettingsHistory(string win)¶
static variable BSP_RemoveTraces(string graph)¶
variable BSP_AddTracesForEpochs(string win)¶
Debug function to add traces with epoch information.
variable BSP_EpochGraphToolTip(WMTooltipHookStruct *s)¶
variable BSP_SFHelpWindowHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
static string BSP_GetHelpOperationHeadline(string op)¶
static string BSP_GetHelpKeywordHeadline(string keyWord)¶
static variable BSP_SFFormulaColoring(string sfWin)¶
variable BSP_TTHookSFFormulaNB(WMTooltipHookStruct *s)¶
static string BSP_RetrieveSFHelpTextImpl(string win, string hlpStart, string hlpEnd)¶
variable BSP_WindowHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
string BSP_RenameAndSetTitle(string win, string newName)¶
Renames the browser window and sets an informative title.
- Parameters:
win – name of the existing window
newName – suggested new name, will be adapted to be unique
static variable BSP_MemoryFreeMappedDF(string win)¶
static const string EXT_PANEL_SUBWINDOW = "BrowserSettingsPanel"¶
static const string EXT_PANEL_SWEEPCONTROL = "SweepControl"¶
static const string EXT_PANEL_SF_FORMULA = "sweepFormula_formula"¶
static const string EXT_PANEL_SF_JSON = "sweepFormula_json"¶
static const string EXT_PANEL_SF_HELP = "sweepFormula_help"¶
static const string BROWSERTYPE_DATABROWSER = "D"¶
static const string BROWSERTYPE_SWEEPBROWSER = "S"¶
static const string BROWSERSETTINGS_CONTROLS_DATABROWSER = "popup_DB_lockedDevices;"¶
exclusive controls that are enabled/disabled for the specific browser window type
static const string BROWSERSETTINGS_AXES_SCALING_CHECKBOXES = "check_Display_VisibleXrange;check_Display_EqualYrange;check_Display_EqualYignore"¶
static const string SWEEPCONTROL_CONTROLS_DATABROWSER = "check_SweepControl_AutoUpdate;setvar_SweepControl_SweepNo;"¶
exclusive controls that are enabled/disabled for the specific browser window type
static const string SWEEPCONTROL_CONTROLS_SWEEPBROWSER = "popup_SweepControl_Selector;"¶
static const string BSP_USER_DATA_SF_CONTENT_CRC = "SweepFormulaContentCRC"¶
static const double BSP_EPOCH_LEVELS = 5¶