File MIES_Oscilloscope.ipf¶
SCOPE Scope window handling for data acquisition and testpulse results
string SCOPE_GetGraph(string device)¶
string SCOPE_GetPanel(string device)¶
variable SCOPE_OpenScopeWindow(string device)¶
variable SCOPE_KillScopeWindowIfRequest(string device)¶
variable SCOPE_GetTPTopAxisStart(string device, variable *axisMin)¶
variable SCOPE_UpdateGraph(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP)¶
static std::tuple<variable, variable, variable> SCOPE_GetCheckBoxesForAddons(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP)¶
variable SCOPE_CreateGraph(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP)¶
variable SCOPE_SetADAxisLabel(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable activeHeadStage)¶
static variable SCOPE_UpdatePowerSpectrum(string device, wave columns, wave osci = defaultValue)¶
variable SCOPE_UpdateOscilloscopeData(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable chunk = defaultValue, variable fifoPos = defaultValue, variable deviceID = defaultValue)¶
Prepares a subset/copy of
for displaying it in the oscilloscope panel.- Parameters:
device – panel title
chunk – Only for TEST_PULSE_MODE and multi device mode; Selects the testpulse to extract
fifoPos – Position of the hardware DAQ fifo to keep track of the position which will be written next
deviceID – device ID
static variable SCOPE_SU_UpdateOscilloscope(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable chunk, variable fifoPos)¶
static variable SCOPE_NI_UpdateOscilloscope(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable deviceiD, variable fifoPos)¶
static variable SCOPE_ITC_UpdateOscilloscope(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable chunk, variable fifoPos)¶
static variable SCOPE_ITC_AdjustFIFOPos(string device, variable fifopos)¶
Adjusts the fifo position when using ITC.
- Parameters:
device – device
fifopos – fifo position
- Returns:
adjusted fifo position
static const double SCOPE_TIMEAXIS_RESISTANCE_RANGE = 120¶
static const double SCOPE_GREEN = 26122¶
static const double SCOPE_BLUE = 39168¶
static const string RES_FORMAT_STR = "\\[1\\K(%d, %d, %d)\\{\"%%s\", FloatWithMinSigDigits(%s[%%%s][%d], numMinSignDigits = 2)}\\]1\\K(0, 0, 0)"¶
static const double PRESSURE_SPECTRUM_PERCENT = 0.05¶