File MIES_DAEphys_GuiState.ipf

DAG Routines dealing with the DA_Ephys GUI state waves


variable DAG_RecordGuiStateNum(string device, wave GUIState = defaultValue)

Records the state of the DA_ephys panel into the numerical GUI state wave.

variable DAG_RecordGuiStateTxT(string device, wave GUIState = defaultValue)

Records the state of the DA_ephys panel into the textual GUI state wave.

variable DAG_GetNumericalValue(string device, string ctrl, variable index = defaultValue)

Query a control value from the numerical gui state wave.

This does return the zero-based index for PopupMenues.

Convienience wrapper to make the call sites nicer.


  • device – device

  • ctrl – control name

  • index – [optional, default to NaN] Some control entries have multiple entries per headstage/channel/etc.

string DAG_GetTextualValue(string device, string ctrl, variable index = defaultValue)

Query a control value from the textual gui state wave.

Convienience wrapper to make the call sites nicer.

  • device – device

  • ctrl – control name

  • index – [optional, default to NaN] Some control entries have multiple entries per headstage/channel/etc.

wave DAG_GetChannelState(string device, variable type)

Return a free wave of the status of the checkboxes specified by channelType, uses GetDA_EphysGuiStateNum() instead of GUI queries.

wave DAG_GetActiveHeadstages(string device, variable clampMode)

Return a wave with NUM_HEADSTAGES rows with 1 where the given headstages is active and in the given clamp mode.

variable DAG_HeadstageIsHighestActive(string device, variable headstage, variable clampMode = defaultValue)

Return true/false if the given headstage is the highest active.

  • device – device

  • headstage – headstage to check

  • clampMode – [optional, defaults to all clamp modes] Restrict to the given clamp mode

wave DAG_GetChannelTextual(string device, variable channelType, variable controlType)

Return a free wave of the popup menu strings specified by channelType, uses GetDA_EphysGuiStateTxT() instead of GUI queries.

variable DAG_GetHeadstageState(string device, variable headStage)

Returns the headstage State.

variable DAG_GetHeadstageMode(string device, variable headStage)

the mode of the headstage defined in the locked DA_ephys panel, can be V_CLAMP_MODE or I_CLAMP_MODE or NC

variable DAG_Update(string device, string controlName, variable val = defaultValue, string str = defaultValue)

Updates the state of a control in the GUIState numeric wave.

One or both parameters have to be passed.

  • device – device

  • controlName – control name

  • val – [optional] numerical value, 0-based index for popup menues

  • str – [optional] textual value

string DAG_GetUniqueSpecCtrlListNum(string device)

Returns a list of unique and type specific controls.

string DAG_GetUniqueSpecCtrlListTxT(string device)

Returns a list of unique and type specific controls with textual values.

static wave DAG_ControlStatusWave(string device, variable type)

Returns a free wave of the status of the checkboxes specified by channelType.

The only caller should be DAG_RecordGuiStateNum().

static wave DAG_GetAllHSMode(string device)

Return the mode of all DA_Ephys panel headstages.

All callers, except the ones updating the GUIState wave, should prefer DAG_GetHeadstageMode() instead.

static string DAG_GetUniqueCtrlList(string device)

Parses a list of controls in the device and returns a list of unique controls.

static string DAG_GetSpecificCtrlNum(string device, string list)

Parses a list of controls and returns numeric checkBox, valDisplay, setVariable, popUpMenu, and slider controls.

static string DAG_GetSpecificCtrlTxT(string device, string list)

Parses a list of controls and returns textual valDisplay, setVariable and popUpMenu controls.

static wave GetAllDAEphysSetVarNum(string device, variable channelType, variable controlType)

Returns the mode of all setVars in the DA_Ephys panel of a controlType.

static wave GetAllDAEphysSetVarTxT(string device, variable channelType, variable controlType)

Returns the mode of all setVars in the DA_Ephys panel of a controlType.

static wave GetAllDAEphysPopMenuIndex(string device, variable channelType, variable controlType)

Returns the index of all popupmenus in the DA_Ephys panel of a controlType.

static wave GetAllDAEphysPopMenuString(string device, variable channelType, variable controlType)

Returns the string contents of all popupmenus in the DA_Ephys panel of a controlType.