File IPNWB_Constants.ipf¶
HDF5 file paths
const string NWB_ROOT = "/"¶
const string NWB_GENERAL = "/general"¶
const string NWB_SUBJECT = "/general/subject"¶
const string NWB_DEVICES = "/general/devices"¶
const string NWB_STIMULUS = "/general/stimsets"¶
const string NWB_LABNOTEBOOK = "/general/labnotebook"¶
const string NWB_RESULTS = "/general/results"¶
const string NWB_INTRACELLULAR_EPHYS = "/general/intracellular_ephys"¶
const string NWB_STIMULUS_TEMPLATES = "/stimulus/templates"¶
const string NWB_STIMULUS_PRESENTATION = "/stimulus/presentation"¶
const string NWB_IMAGES = "/acquisition/images"¶
const string NWB_EPOCHS = "/epochs"¶
const string NWB_PROCESSING = "/processing"¶
const string NWB_ANALYSIS = "/analysis"¶
const string NWB_SPECIFICATIONS = "/specifications"¶
const string NWB_TIME_INTERVALS_EPOCHS = "/intervals/epochs"¶
const string NWB_TIME_INTERVALS_TIMESERIES_EPOCHS = "/intervals/epochs/timeseries"¶
IPNWB naming conventions
const string NWB_ELECTRODE_PREFIX = "electrode_"¶
Channel constants (inspired by the ITC XOP)
const double IPNWB_CHANNEL_TYPE_OTHER = -1¶
const double IPNWB_CHANNEL_TYPE_ADC = 0¶
const double IPNWB_CHANNEL_TYPE_DAC = 1¶
const double IPNWB_CHANNEL_TYPE_TTL = 3¶
Constants for FunctionInfo and WaveType
const double IGOR_TYPE_COMPLEX = 0x001¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_32BIT_FLOAT = 0x002¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_64BIT_FLOAT = 0x004¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_8BIT_INT = 0x008¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_16BIT_INT = 0x010¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_32BIT_INT = 0x020¶
const double IGOR_TYPE_UNSIGNED = 0x040¶
Can be combined, using bitwise or, with all integer types.
const double IGOR_TYPE_STRUCT_PARAMETER = 0x200¶
Unnamed Group
const double ROWS = 0¶
Convenience definition to nicify expressions like DimSize(wv, ROWS) easier to read than DimSize(wv, 0).
const double COLS = 1¶
const double LAYERS = 2¶
const double CHUNKS = 3¶
Constants for the acquisition modes
const double V_CLAMP_MODE = 0¶
const double I_CLAMP_MODE = 1¶
const double I_EQUAL_ZERO_MODE = 2¶
Parameters for gnoise and enoise
Don’t use for new code.
Constants for the compression modes
const double NO_COMPRESSION = 0x0¶
const double CHUNKED_COMPRESSION = 0x1¶
const double SINGLE_CHUNK_COMPRESSION = 0x2¶
Constants for the reference modes
const double NO_REFERENCE = 0x0¶
const double OBJECT_REFERENCE = 0x1¶
const double REGION_REFERENCE = 0x2¶
Constants for NWB version 2 specifications and base classes
const string NWB_SPEC_NAME = "core"¶
const string NWB_SPEC_VERSION = "2.2.4"¶
const string NWB_SPEC_LOCATION = "namespace:core:json:"¶
const string NWB_SPEC_START = "nwb.namespace"¶
const string NWB_SPEC_INCLUDE = "nwb.base;nwb.behavior;nwb.device;nwb.ecephys;nwb.epoch;nwb.file;nwb.icephys;nwb.image;nwb.misc;nwb.ogen;nwb.ophys;nwb.retinotopy;"¶
const string HDMF_SPEC_NAME = "hdmf-common"¶
const string HDMF_SPEC_VERSION = "1.1.3"¶
const string HDMF_SPEC_LOCATION = "namespace:hdmf-common:json:"¶
const string HDMF_SPEC_START = "namespace"¶
const string HDMF_SPEC_INCLUDE = "table;sparse;"¶
const string NDX_MIES_SPEC_NAME = "ndx-mies"¶
const string NDX_MIES_SPEC_VERSION = "0.1.0"¶
const string NDX_MIES_SPEC_LOCATION = "namespace:ndx-mies:json:"¶
const string NDX_MIES_SPEC_START = "namespace"¶
const string NDX_MIES_SPEC_INCLUDE = "ndx-mies.extensions"¶