File MIES_MassExperimentProcessing.ipf

MEP Process multiple MIES pxps to convert data into NWBv2


  • Stop Igor Pro

  • Install MIES from the installer

  • Create a shortcut to this file and place it in the Igor Procedures folder

  • Ensure that only MIES is installed and no other Igor Pro packages

  • In the MIES installation folder (All Users: C:\Program Files\MIES, User: C:\Users\$User\Documents\MIES) create an empty file named UserConfig.txt.


  • Start Igor Pro

  • Select “Macros” -> “Mass convert PXPs to NWBv2”

  • Enter an input and output folder for the conversion

  • Wait until it’s done

In the output folder there will be a conversion.json file with results of the conversion process. Search for the error key for failed conversions.


static variable LoadPackagePrefs(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs)
static variable SavePackagePrefs(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs)
static variable ProcessCurrentExperiment(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs)
static variable PerformMiesTasks(string outputFilePath)
static variable IsAppropriateExperiment()
static string FindNextExperiment(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs)
static variable GetJSON(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs)
static variable StoreJSON(MultiExperimentProcessPrefs *prefs, variable jsonID)
static variable PostLoadNextExperiment(string nextExperimentFullPath)
static variable AfterFileOpenHook(variable refNum, string file, string pathName, string type, string creator, variable kind)
variable StartMultiExperimentProcess()
variable StartMultiExperimentProcessWrapper()


static const string INPUT_FOLDER = ""
static const string OUTPUT_FOLDER = ""
static const string kPackageName = "MIES PXP to NWBv2"
static const string kPreferencesFileName = "ProcessPrefsMIESNWBv2.bin"
static const double kPrefsRecordID = 0
static const double kPrefsVersionNumber = 102
struct MultiExperimentProcessPrefs

Public Members

uint32 version
uint32 processRunning
char settingsFile[256]