File MIES_AnalysisBrowser_SweepBrowser.ipf¶
SB Visualization of sweep data in the analysis browser
static wave SB_GetSweepBrowserMapFromGraph(string win)¶
dfref SB_GetSweepBrowserFolder(string win)¶
variable SB_TranslateSBMapIndexToABMapIndex(string win, variable sbIndex)¶
dfref SB_GetSweepDataFolder(WaveText sweepMap, variable sweepNo = defaultValue, variable index = defaultValue)¶
Return the sweep data folder for either a given index or sweepNo If a sweepNo is given then the result for the first sweep found with that number is returned.
dfref SB_GetSweepDataPathFromIndex(dfref sweepBrowserDFR, variable mapIndex)¶
variable SB_GetIndexFromSweepDataPath(string win, dfref dataDFR)¶
static variable SB_SetUserData(string win)¶
set graph userdata similar to DB_SetUserData()
- Parameters:
win – name of main window or external subwindow in SweepBrowser
static wave SB_GetSweepPropertyFromNumLBN(string graph, variable mapIndex, string key)¶
Return numeric labnotebook entries.
- Parameters:
graph – sweep browser graph
mapIndex – index into the sweep browser map, equal to the index into the popup menu (0-based)
key – labnotebook key
- Returns:
wave with the setting for each headstage or an invalid wave reference if the setting does not exist
string SB_GetListOfExperiments(string graph)¶
Return a list of experiments from which the sweeps in the sweep browser graph originated from.
- Parameters:
graph – sweep browser name
wave SB_GetChannelInfoFromGraph(string graph, string channel, string experiment = defaultValue)¶
Return a text wave with information about the channel waves of the sweep browser graph of all or a specific experiment.
The returned textwave will have multiple columns with different information on each wave.
One entry for each wave
0: channel number
1: absolute path to the wave
2: headstage
variable channelNumber, headstage, numWaves, i string graph = "SweepBrowser1" // name of an existing sweep browser graph string channel = "DA" WAVE/T wv = SB_GetChannelInfoFromGraph(graph, channel) numWaves = DimSize(wv, ROWS) for(i = 0; i < numWaves; i += 1) WAVE data = $(wv[i][%path]) channelNumber = str2num(wv[i][%channel]) headstage = str2num(wv[i][%headstage]) printf "Channel %d acquired by headstage %d is stored in %s\r", channelNumber, headstage, NameOfWave(data) endfor
- Parameters:
graph – name of main window or external subwindow in SweepBrowser
channel – type of the channel, one of XOP_CHANNEL_NAMES
experiment – [optional, defaults to all] name of the experiment the channel wave should originate from
variable SB_UpdateSweepPlot(string win)¶
variable SB_AddToSweepBrowser(dfref sweepBrowser, string fileName, string dataFolder, string device, variable sweep)¶
dfref SB_OpenSweepBrowser(variable mode = defaultValue)¶
string SB_GetSweepList(string win)¶
wave SB_GetPlainSweepList(string win)¶
Returns a numeric wave with all sweep numbers.
Can contain duplicates!
wave SB_GetSweepsFromDevice(string win, string device)¶
Gets sweep numbers for a given device.
wave SB_GetDeviceList(string win)¶
Gets the unique devices for which data was loaded into the sweepbrowser.
wave SB_GetLogbookWave(string win, variable logbookType, variable logbookWaveType, variable sweepNumber = defaultValue, string dataFolder = defaultValue, string device = defaultValue)¶
Generic getter for the labnotebook waves.
Use case 1:
No optional parameters given: Returns a wave reference wave with all labnotebook waves from all displayed sweeps, ordered by index
Use case 2:
sweepNumber given: Return the labnotebook wave of that sweep only
Use case 3:
dataFolder and device given: Return the labnotebook for the given nwb/pxp data folder and device combination
Use case 1:
sweepNumber given: Return one of the four results waves from the sweeps nwb/pxp data folder
Use case 2:
datafolder given: Return one of the four results waves from the given datafolder sweeps nwb/pxp data folder
- Parameters:
win – panel
logbookType – one of LogbookTypes
logbookWaveType – one of LabnotebookWaveTypes
sweepNumber – [optional] sweep number
dataFolder – [optional] nwb/pxp data folder (aka experiment)
device – [optional] device of the experiment
- Returns:
valid labnotebook wave or a null wave in case it does not exist
variable SB_PopupMenuSelectSweep(WMPopupAction *pa)¶
variable SB_ButtonProc_ExportTraces(WMButtonAction *ba)¶
variable SB_AddSweepToGraph(string win, variable index)¶
wave SB_GetSweepMap(string win)¶