File MIES_Utilities_Time.ipf¶
utility functions for time/date related operations
string GetTimeStamp(variable secondsSinceIgorEpoch = defaultValue, variable humanReadable = defaultValue)¶
Return a formatted timestamp of the form
Uses the local time zone and not UTC.
- Parameters:
humanReadable – [optional, default to false] Return a format viable for display in a GUI
secondsSinceIgorEpoch – [optional, defaults to number of seconds until now] Seconds since the Igor Pro epoch (1/1/1904)
variable DateTimeInUTC()
Return the seconds, including fractional part, since Igor Pro epoch (1/1/1904) in UTC time zone.
string GetISO8601TimeStamp(variable secondsSinceIgorEpoch = defaultValue, variable numFracSecondsDigits = defaultValue, variable localTimeZone = defaultValue)
Return a string in ISO 8601 format with timezone UTC.
- Parameters:
secondsSinceIgorEpoch – [optional, defaults to number of seconds until now] Seconds since the Igor Pro epoch (1/1/1904) in UTC (or local time zone depending on
)numFracSecondsDigits – [optional, defaults to zero] Number of sub-second digits
localTimeZone – [optional, defaults to false] Use the local time zone instead of UTC
variable ParseISO8601TimeStamp(string timestamp)
Parse a ISO8601 timestamp, e.g. created by GetISO8601TimeStamp(), and returns the number of seconds, including fractional parts, since Igor Pro epoch (1/1/1904) in UTC time zone.
Accepts also the following specialities:
no UTC timezone specifier (UTC timezone is still used)
between date and timefractional seconds
as decimal separator
std::tuple<variable, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string> ParseISO8601TimeStampToComponents(string timestamp)¶
Parses a ISO8601 timestamp to its components, year, month, day, hour, minute are required and the remaining components are optional and can be returned as empty strings.
variable StopAllMSTimers()¶
Stop all millisecond Igor Pro timers.
variable RelativeNowHighPrec()¶
Return a time in seconds with high precision, microsecond resolution, using an arbitrary zero point.
variable GetReferenceTime()¶
Start a timer for performance measurements.
variable referenceTime = GetReferenceTime() // part one to benchmark print GetReferenceTime(referenceTime) // part two to benchmark print GetReferenceTime(referenceTime) // you can also store all times via StoreElapsedTime(referenceTime)
variable GetElapsedTime(variable referenceTime)¶
Get the elapsed time in seconds.
variable StoreElapsedTime(variable referenceTime)¶
Store the elapsed time in a wave.
variable GetDayOfWeek(variable seconds)¶
Returns the day of the week, where 1 == Sunday, 2 == Monday … 7 == Saturday.