File MIES_ArtefactRemoval.ipf

AR Functions related to artefact removal


static wave AR_ComputeRanges(dfref sweepDFR, variable sweepNo, wave numericalValues)

Return a free 2D wave with artefact positions and the corresponding DA channel from which it originated.


  • Artefact position [ms]

  • DAC

  • ADC

  • Headstage

static variable AR_UpdatePanel(string device, wave ranges, dfref sweepDFR)
static variable AR_UpdateListBoxWave(string device)
static variable AR_RemoveTraces(string graph)

Remove the traces used for highlightning the to-be-removed ranges.

static string AR_GetHighlightTraces(string graph)

Return a list of the traces used for highlightning the to-be-removed ranges.

variable AR_HighlightArtefactsEntry(string graph)
static variable AR_HandleRanges(string graph, variable removeRange = defaultValue)
static dfref AR_GetFolder(string device)

Return the datafolder reference to the folder storing the listbox wave and the artefact data wave.

Requires the user data PANEL_FOLDER of the external artefact removal panel.

static dfref AR_GetSweepFolder(string device)

Return the datafolder reference to the folder storing the single 1D sweep waves.

Requires the user data AR_SWEEPFOLDER of the external artefact removal panel.

static variable AR_SetSweepFolder(string device, dfref sweepDFR)

Updates the AR_SWEEPFOLDER user data of the artefact removal panel.

variable AR_MainListBoxProc(WMListboxAction *lba)
variable AR_SetVarProcCutoffLength(WMSetVariableAction *sva)
variable AR_ButtonProc_RemoveRanges(WMButtonAction *ba)
variable AR_UpdateTracesIfReq(string graph, dfref sweepFolder, variable sweepNo)
variable AR_CheckProc_Update(WMCheckboxAction *cba)
variable AR_IsActive(string win)

checks if AR is active.


static const double AR_MIN_RANGE_FACTOR = 0.1