
page deprecated

Member AFP_ANALYSIS_FUNC_V1  (string device, variable eventType, wave DAQDataWave, variable headStage)

Use AFP_ANALYSIS_FUNC_V3() instead

Member AFP_ANALYSIS_FUNC_V2  (string device, variable eventType, wave DAQDataWave, variable headStage, variable realDataLength)

Use AFP_ANALYSIS_FUNC_V3() instead

Member SF_GetArgumentTop  (variable jsonId, string jsonPath, string graph, string opShort)

: executing all arguments e.g. as array in the executor poses issues as soon as data types get mixed. e.g. operation(0, A, [1, 2, 3]) fails as [0, A, [1, 2, 3]] can not be converted to an Igor wave. Thus, it is strongly recommended to parse each argument separately.