Testpulse Analysis Algorithm

This algorithm has been moved as simpler code to TP_TSAnalysis() and TP_ROAnalysis().


The algorithm analyses the measured test pulse response to determine the instantaneous resistance, the steady state resistance and the baseline steady state.

The TP_Delta() function is called after data is available for each device. This data can contain test pulse responses from several head stages from multiple ADC channels.

The function is split into several parts:


The goal of the algorithm is to determine the base line level, steady state resistance and instantaneous resistance of a test pulse response. The available data contains the response pulse as well as information about the excitation amplitude and length. The excitation pulse is in units of current or voltage depending on the used clamp mode. The actual data consists of discrete points of analog to digital input (response). For simplicity this will be neglected in the following.

The resistance is calculated by

\[R = \frac{U}{I}\]

Where depending on voltage- or current clamp mode the response test pulse is either a current or voltage. The response is the difference between base line live and steady state / instantaneous level. For determining the levels in the response data ranges are defined where the data points get averaged.

The known ranges are

\[\begin{split}baselinefraction &= fullTPrange * baselinefrac \\ duration &= activeTPtime\end{split}\]

Where baselinefrac is the part relative to the full test pulse range in the front of the test pulse where the excitation signal was at its base line level. The time duration is the length of the active portion of the exciting test pulse.

The range for averaging for the base line level is defined minimum of:

\[baselineAvgRange = Min( 5 ms, 0.2 * duration, 0.2 * baselinefraction)\]

The reference point for the end of the range is defined to be close to the start of the active test pulse:

\[\begin{split}end &= baselinefraction - const \\ begin &= end - baselineAvgRange\end{split}\]

The base line level is determined by averaging over all discrete data points p in this range:

\[baselinelevel = \frac{1}{N} \sum^{end}_{n=begin} p_n\]

The range for averaging for the steady state level is defined to be equal to the base line averaging length. The reference point for the end of the range is defined to be close to the end of the active test pulse:

\[\begin{split}end &= (1 - baselinefrac) * fullTPrange - const \\ begin &= end - baselineAvgRange\end{split}\]

The steady state level is determined by averaging over all discrete data points p in this range:

\[steadystatelevel = \frac{1}{N} \sum^{end}_{n=begin} p_n\]

The range for averaging for the instantaneous level is 0.25 ms. The reference point for the start of the range is defined to be close after the start of the active test pulse:

\[\begin{split}end &= baselinefraction + const \\ begin &= end - 0.25 ms\end{split}\]

In this partial range P I of all points p the discrete location of the point with maximum value is determined.

\[locMax = MaxLocation(P_I); P_I = P[begin, end]\]

The instantaneous level is determined by the data point p at locMax:

\[instantaneouslevel = p_{locMax}\]

Note that the constant const for the reference point offset is the same for all three ranges.

The current/voltage amplitudes for are the differences of the levels to the base line level:

\[\begin{split}steadstateAmp &= steadystatelevel - baselinelevel \\ instantaneousAmp &= instantaneouslevel - baselinelevel\end{split}\]

With the amplitudes and the known clamp amplitudes the resistances are:

\[\begin{split}R_{SS} &= \frac{steadystateAmp}{currentClampAmp} \\ R_{Inst} &= \frac{instantaneoueAmp}{currentClampAmp}\end{split}\]

Respectively for voltage clamp:

\[\begin{split}R_{SS} &= \frac{voltageClampAmp}{steadystateAmp} \\ R_{Inst} &= \frac{voltageClampAmp}{instantaneoueAmp}\end{split}\]

The function returns the resistances as well as the base line level.

Miscellaneous at startup

To log the function execution time the current time is retrieved by

referenceTime = DEBUG_TIMER_START()

The test pulse response is saved if the GUI checkbox was enabled by TP_StoreFullWave():

WAVE GUIState = GetDA_EphysGuiStateNum(device)


Retrieving input data

The device specific data folder for the test pulse is retrieved. The current and voltage clamp parameters are retrieved from it. It is used as well to put the calculated BaselineSSAvg, SSResistance and InstResistance back to the devices test pulse data folder.

DFREF dfr = GetDeviceTestPulse(device)

The actual test pulse data is retrieved from OscilloscopeData, where the data points are stored in rows and the columns count the DAC, ADC and TTL channels (in this order).

WAVE OscilloscopeData = GetOscilloscopeWave(device)

Retrieve device specific Current Clamp and Voltage Clamp amplitudes. The values are in pA and mV and can be set on the front panel in the tab “Data Acquisition”. Default: -50 pA / 10 mV.

Retrieve the column of the first ADC channel in OscilloscopeData wave, due to the DAC, ADC, TTL order it is 1 for one enabled head stage, 2 for two enabled head stages a.s.o.

NVAR ADChannelToMonitor = $GetADChannelToMonitor(device)

Retrieve head stage properties, where rows count the active head stages and columns enumerate the properties. It is used later to decide if a certain head stage operates in current clamp or voltage clamp mode.

WAVE activeHSProp = GetActiveHSProperties(device)

The test pulse is centered on a baseline, the baselineFrac is a number < 1, that defines the fraction in front and after the test pulse. Example: With a typical value of 0.25 for baselineFrac, the whole test pulse consists of parts of 0.25_baseline + 0.5_testpulse + 0.25_baseline.

Length of the buffer that stores previous results of BaselineSSAvg, SSResistance and InstResistance for a running average. The running average is later applied by TP_CalculateAverage() if the size is > 1. The size is set on the front panel in the Settings tab.

The later resistance calculation is based on R = U / I. Since R is always positive, the sign of the local clamp current/voltage variables is removed.

amplitudeIC = abs(amplitudeICGlobal)
amplitudeVC = abs(amplitudeVCGlobal)

Extraction of ranges

The duration of the test pulse is converted to time by using the scale delta of the OscilloscopeData waves rows, which is the sample interval.

durationInTime = duration * DimDelta(OscilloscopeData, ROWS)

The length in time of the base line fraction is calculated by the fraction of the full test pulse length multiplied by the scale delta of the OscilloscopeData waves rows, which is the sample interval.

baselineInTime = baseLineFrac * lengthTPInPoints * DimDelta(OscilloscopeData, ROWS)

For the determination of the baseline level and the steady state level a small range of points is taken into account. The range the lowest value of either

  • 5 ms

  • 20% of the test pulse duration

  • 20% of the base line duration

The range is converted to points by dividing through the sample interval.

evalRangeInPoints = min(5, 0.2 * min(durationInTime, baselineInTime)) / DimDelta(OscilloscopeData, ROWS)

The reference point for the base line determination is defined by the base line fraction multiplied by the length of the test pulse in points, which gives the onset point of the active test pulse.

evalOffsetPointsCorrected = (TP_EVAL_POINT_OFFSET / sampleInt) * HARDWARE_ITC_MIN_SAMPINT
refPoint = baselineFrac * lengthTPInPoints - evalOffsetPointsCorrected

The base line range in points is defined from the reference point minus the evalRangeInPoints to the reference point.

BaselineSSStartPoint = refPoint - evalRangeInPoints
BaselineSSEndPoint   = refPoint

The reference point for the steady state level determination is defined by 1 - base line fraction multiplied by the length of the test pulse, which gives the end point of the active test pulse.

refPoint = (1 - baselineFrac) * lengthTPInPoints - evalOffsetPointsCorrected

The steady state range in points is defined from the reference point minus the evalRangeInPoints to the reference point.

TPSSStartPoint = refPoint - evalRangeInPoints
TPSSEndPoint   = refPoint

The range for the points to calculate the instantaneous resistance is a fixed range of 0.25 ms. It is converted to points by dividing the sample interval.

evalRangeInPoints = 0.25 / DimDelta(OscilloscopeData, ROWS)

The reference point is defined by the base line fraction multiplied by the length of the test pulse in points, which gives the onset point of the active test pulse.

refPoint = baselineFrac * lengthTPInPoints + evalOffsetPointsCorrected

The range of points for the instantaneous resistance calculation is defined from the reference point to the reference point plus 0.25 ms in points.

TPInstantaneousOnsetPoint = refPoint
TPInstantaneousEndPoint   = refPoint + evalRangeInPoints
The calculated ranges are used to create free waves BaselineSS, TPSS and

Instantaneous that store the specific row range of the OscilloscopeData wave. This includes all columns.

Duplicate/FREE/R=[BaselineSSStartPoint, BaselineSSEndPoint][] OscilloscopeData, BaselineSS
Duplicate/FREE/R=[TPSSStartPoint, TPSSEndPoint][] OscilloscopeData, TPSS
Duplicate/FREE/R=[TPInstantaneousOnsetPoint, TPInstantaneousEndPoint][] OscilloscopeData, Instantaneous


The steady state ranges are summed by columns (n x m to 1 x m wave) and divided the number of rows (i.e. number of points) to get the average per channel. The resulting wave is AvgTPSS (1 x m) holding the steady state averages.

MatrixOP /free /NTHR = 0 AvgTPSS = sumCols(TPSS)
avgTPSS /= dimsize(TPSS, ROWS)

The base line ranges are summed by columns (n x m to 1 x m wave) and divided by the number of rows (equals number of points per channel) to get the average per channel. The resulting wave is AvgBaselineSS (1 x m) holding the base line averages.

MatrixOp /FREE /NTHR = 0   AvgBaselineSS = sumCols(BaselineSS)
AvgBaselineSS /= dimsize(BaselineSS, ROWS)

The base line average wave is duplicated to a reduced wave containing only the active ADC channels and is put back into the test pulse folder. A reference to the reduced wave is kept as BaselineSSAvg. The current number of AD channels is used to skip the DAC channels. The full remaining range is duplicated, requiring that no TTL channels are active (original column order from OscilloscopeData wave with DAC, ADC, TTL)

Duplicate/O/R=[][ADChannelToMonitor, dimsize(BaselineSS,1) - 1] AvgBaselineSS dfr:BaselineSSAvg/Wave=BaselineSSAvg

The absolute difference of the steady state level and the base line level is calculated by abs(AvgTPSS - AvgBaselineSS) per AD channel and stored in AvgDeltaSS.

Duplicate/FREE AvgTPSS, AvgDeltaSS
AvgDeltaSS -= AvgBaselineSS
AvgDeltaSS = abs(AvgDeltaSS)

A free wave InstAvg (1 x col) for calculating the instantaneous average is created, where col is the column number of OscilloscopeData, but at least 1.

columnsInWave = dimsize(Instantaneous, 1)
if(columnsInWave == 0)
  columnsInWave = 1

Make/FREE/N=(1, columnsInWave) InstAvg

For each active AD channel:

The column of Instantaneous is extracted to a 1d free wave Instantaneous1d. WaveStats is applied to retrieve the point location of the minimum and maximum value V_minRowLoc and V_maxRowLoc in Instantaneous1d. The base line level average for the current AD channel is read from AvgBaselineSS to the variable OndDBaseline, which is not further used. Depending on the set clamp mode of the current AD channel from activeHSProp and the sign of V/I-clamp amplitude of the current device the maximum or minimum region is averaged:

  • V-clamp mode and positive amplitude -> maximum region

  • V-clamp mode and negative amplitude -> minimum region

  • I-clamp mode and positive amplitude -> maximum region

  • I-clamp mode and negative amplitude -> minimum region

The average is calculated by using the mean function that averages from scaled location x1 to x2. x1 is the scaled location for the point at V_maxRowLoc - 1 and x2 is the scaled location for the point at V_maxRowLoc + 1. This effectively calculated the mean from three consecutive points in Instantaneous1d and puts it into the first row of InstAvg at the unreduced column position of the active AD channel.

The same averaging is done when the minimum region is targeted with V_minRowLoc.

The MultiThread directive is questionable here as it is a single value assignment.

  matrixOp /Free Instantaneous1d = col(Instantaneous, i + ADChannelToMonitor)
  WaveStats/Q/M=1 Instantaneous1d
  OndDBaseline = AvgBaselineSS[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor]
  if((activeHSProp[i][%ClampMode] == V_CLAMP_MODE ? sign(amplitudeVCGlobal) : sign(amplitudeICGlobal)) == 1) // handles positive or negative TPs
    Multithread InstAvg[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor] = mean(Instantaneous1d, pnt2x(Instantaneous1d, V_maxRowLoc - 1), pnt2x(Instantaneous1d, V_maxRowLoc + 1))
    Multithread InstAvg[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor] = mean(Instantaneous1d, pnt2x(Instantaneous1d, V_minRowLoc - 1), pnt2x(Instantaneous1d, V_minRowLoc + 1))
  i += 1
while(i < (columnsInWave - ADChannelToMonitor))

Afterwards the absolute difference to the base line averages from AvgBaselineSS is calculated and put back to InstAvg. Also here the MultiThread is questionable as the wave is (1 x m) with m the number of channels.

Multithread InstAvg -= AvgBaselineSS
Multithread InstAvg = abs(InstAvg)

The steady state delta wave is duplicated to a reduced wave containing only the active AD channels and is put back into the test pulse folder. A reference to the reduced wave is kept as SSResistance. The current number of AD channels is used to skip the DAC channels. The full remaining range is duplicated, requiring that no TTL channels are active (original column order from OscilloscopeData wave with DAC, ADC, TTL)

The x scale of the SSResistance wave is set to the time where the TPSSEndPoint is located. As SSResistance is a (1 x m) wave, this sets the time point for the averaged data.

Duplicate/O/R=[][ADChannelToMonitor, dimsize(TPSS,1) - 1] AvgDeltaSS dfr:SSResistance/Wave=SSResistance
SetScale/P x IndexToScale(OscilloscopeData, TPSSEndPoint, ROWS),1,"ms", SSResistance // this line determines where the value sit on the bottom axis of the oscilloscope

The instantaneous average wave is duplicated to a reduced wave containing only the active AD channels and is put back into the test pulse folder. A reference to the reduced wave is kept as InstResistance. The current number of AD channels is used to skip the DAC channels. The full remaining range is duplicated, requiring that no TTL channels are active (original column order from OscilloscopeData wave with DAC, ADC, TTL)

The x scale of the InstResistance wave is set to the time where the TPInstantaneousOnsetPoint is located. As InstResistance is a (1 x m) wave, this sets the time point for the averaged data.

Duplicate/O/R=[][(ADChannelToMonitor), (dimsize(TPSS,1) - 1)] InstAvg dfr:InstResistance/Wave=InstResistance
SetScale/P x IndexToScale(OscilloscopeData, TPInstantaneousOnsetPoint, ROWS),1,"ms", InstResistance

For each active AD channel: The actual resistance is calculated by the formula R = U / I for SSResistance and InstResistance.

For I-clamp mode of the current channel:

  • SSResistance = AvgDeltaSS / amplitudeIC * 1000

  • InstResistance = InstAvg / amplitudeIC * 1000

For V-clamp mode of the current channel:

  • SSResistance = amplitudeVC / AvgDeltaSS * 1000

  • InstResistance = amplitudeVC / InstAvg * 1000

AvgDeltaSS contains the absolute difference of the steady state level and the base line level. InstAvg contains the absolute difference of the instantaneous level and the base line level. By default the current values are in pA and the voltage values in mV, thus the resulting resistance values are in MΩ.

i = 0
  if(activeHSProp[i][%ClampMode] == I_CLAMP_MODE)
    // R = V / I
    Multithread SSResistance[0][i] = (AvgDeltaSS[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor] / (amplitudeIC)) * 1000
    Multithread InstResistance[0][i] =  (InstAvg[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor] / (amplitudeIC)) * 1000
    Multithread SSResistance[0][i] = ((amplitudeVC) / AvgDeltaSS[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor]) * 1000
    Multithread InstResistance[0][i] = ((amplitudeVC) / InstAvg[0][i + ADChannelToMonitor]) * 1000
  i += 1
while(i < (dimsize(AvgDeltaSS, 1) - ADChannelToMonitor))

columns is set that holds the number of active AD channels, but at least 1. It is later used to set the number of ADCs for calling TP_RecordTP().

columns = DimSize(TPSS, 1) - ADChannelToMonitor
  columns = 1

Running Average of results

A running average is applied if tpBufferSize is greater than one. TPBaselineBuffer, TPInstBuffer and TPSSBuffer are the waves holding the values for the running average and are at maximum (tpBufferSize x m) in size. TP_CalculateAverage() takes the new value from the second parameter and puts the averaged value back therein.

 if(tpBufferSize > 1)
   // the first row will hold the value of the most recent TP,
   // the waves will be averaged and the value will be passed into what was storing the data for the most recent TP
   WAVE/SDFR=dfr TPBaselineBuffer, TPInstBuffer, TPSSBuffer

  TP_CalculateAverage(TPBaselineBuffer, BaselineSSAvg)
  TP_CalculateAverage(TPInstBuffer, InstResistance)
  TP_CalculateAverage(TPSSBuffer, SSResistance)

Final Calls

numADCs is set to the value of columns and TP_RecordTP() is called to set the TPStorage wave with the given averages. All the input waves are reduced waves holding only AD channels. DQ_ApplyAutoBias() is called with the current values of BaselineSSAvg and SSResistance. Finally the elapsed time since function start is printed to the debug output.

variable numADCs = columns
TP_RecordTP(device, BaselineSSAvg, InstResistance, SSResistance, numADCs)
DQ_ApplyAutoBias(device, BaselineSSAvg, SSResistance)