
page todo

Member AB_LoadDataWrapper  (dfref tmpDFR, string expFilePath, string datafolderPath, string listOfNames, variable typeFlags=defaultValue, variable recursive=defaultValue)

this is not 100% correct as users might choose a different name for the unpacked experiment folder

Member AB_LoadSweepsFromNWB  (string discLocation, string dataFolder, string device)

: Update this function for the use with SweepTable

Member AB_StoreChannelsBySweep  (variable groupID, variable nwbVersion, string channelList, WaveInteger sweeps, WaveText storage)

Update this function for the use with SweepTable

Member CalculateTPLikePropsFromSweep  (wave numericalValues, wave textualValues, wave sweep, wave deltaI, wave deltaV, wave resistance)

unify with TP_Delta code

add support for evaluating “inserted TP” only

Member DAP_FormatStimSetPopupValue  (variable channelType, string searchString=defaultValue)

rework the code to have a fixed popValue

Member DC_CalculateChannelColumnNo  (string device, string setName, variable channelNo, variable channelType)

this code here is different compared to what RA_BckgTPwithCallToRACounterMD and RA_CounterMD do

Member GetChanneListFromDAQConfigWave  (wave config, variable channelType)

change to return a 0/1 wave with constant size a la DAG_GetChannelState

Member GetCursorXPositionAB  (string graph, variable *csrAx, variable *csrBx)

make this a generic cursor getter function and merge with cursors() in

Member GetLBNumericalKeys  (string device)

move the renaming stuff into one function for all four labnotebook waves

Member GetRunningSingleDevice  ()

remove and use background struct members for the deviceID and GetDeviceMapping instead

Member GetTypeListFromITCConfig  (wave config, variable channelType)

change to return a 0/1 wave with constant size a la DAG_GetChannelState

Member GetUniqueEntries  (wave wv, variable caseSensitive=defaultValue)

this should be removed as it does not belong into this function

Member H5_GetLinkTarget  (string discLocation, string path)

Needs HDF5 XOP support for reading link targets use HDF5LinkInfo

Member LoadSweepTable  (variable locationID, variable version)

Allow Executions for files with missing SweepTable entry using LoadSweepNumber

File MIES_PressureControl.ipf

TPbackground can crash while operating pressure regulators if called in the middle of a TP. Need to call P_Pressure control from TP functions that occur between TPs to prevent this from happening

Member MSQ_ForceSetEvent  (string device, variable headstage)

this hack must go away.

Member MSQ_GetLBNEntryForHeadstageSCI  (wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable type, string str, variable headstage)

merge with LBN functions once these are reworked.

Member MSQ_GetLBNEntryForHSSCIBool  (wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo, variable type, string str, variable headstage)

merge with LBN functions once these are reworked.


: IP8 convert all call sites to use MultiThread/T=

Member P_UpdatePressureDataStorageWv  (string device)

Needs to be reworked for specific controls and allow the value to be directly passed in with an optional parameter

Member PSQ_DS_FitFrequencyCurrentData  (string device, variable sweepNo, WaveOrNull apfreq, WaveOrNull DAScales, variable numPointsForLineFit, variable singleFit=defaultValue)

prefer f over g due to

Member PSQ_ForceSetEvent  (string device, variable headstage)

this hack must go away.

Member PSX_OperationPrep  (variable jsonId, string jsonPath, string graph)

: Don’t hardcode trace names

Member PSX_UpdateEventWaves  (string win, variable val=defaultValue, variable index=defaultValue, variable toggle=defaultValue, WaveOrNull indizes=defaultValue, variable writeState=defaultValue, variable stateType=defaultValue, variable comboIndex=defaultValue)

Multithread does not work with index waves

Member ResizeControlsSafe  (WMWinHookStruct *s)

reported as #5100 to WM

Member SetControlTitleColor  (string win, string controlName, variable R, variable G, variable B)

store color in control user data, check for color change before applying change

Member SetPressureWaveDimLabels  (wave wv)

If user switched headStage mode while pressure regulation is ongoing, pressure reg either needs to be turned off, or steady state slope values need to be used

Enable mode switching with TP running (auto stop TP, switch mode, auto startTP)

Enable headstate switching with TP running (auto stop TP, change headStage state, auto start TP)

Member SplitWavesToDimension  (WaveRefWave input, variable sdim=defaultValue)

workaround IP issue 4979 (singleWaves is not a free wave)