File MIES_Labnotebook.ipf


variable LBN_SetDimensionLabels(WaveText keys, wave values, variable start = defaultValue)

Set column dimension labels from the first row of the key wave.

std::tuple<variable, string, variable> LBN_GetEntryProperties(WaveTextOrNull keyWave, string key)

Queries the unit and column from the key wave.

  • keyWave – labnotebook key wave

  • key – key to look for

Return values:
  • result – one on error, zero otherwise

  • unit – unit of the result [empty if not found]

  • col – column of the result into the keyWave [NaN if not found]

wave LBN_GetNumericWave(variable defValue = defaultValue)

Return a wave suitable for consumption by ED_AddEntryToLabnotebook()

wave LBN_GetTextWave(string defValue = defaultValue)

Return a wave suitable for consumption by ED_AddEntryToLabnotebook()

wave LBV_GetFilledLabnotebookEntries(WaveOrNull values)

Return all labnotebook entries which are at least written once.

static string LBV_IsLabnotebookColumnFilled(wave values, variable col)

Return the name of the given labnotebook column if it was written into at least once, an empty string otherwise.