File MIES_OptimzedOverlapDistributedAcquisition.ipf

OOD This file holds functions related to oodDAQ.


static variable OOD_GetThresholdLevel(wave stimset)

returns the threshold level for ood region detection from a single column stimset


stimset[in] 1d wave containing stimset data


threshold level defining signal above baseline

static wave OOD_GetRegionsFromStimset(wave stimset, variable prePoints, variable postPoints)

retrieves regions with signal from a 1D data wave, used for stimsets

  • stimset[in] 1D wave containing stimset data

  • prePoints[in] oodDAQ pre delay in points the regions get expanded at the rising edge

  • postPoints[in] oodDAQ post delay in points the regions get expanded at the falling edge


2D wave with region information

static wave OOD_CompactRegions(wave regions)

Reduces a 2D region wave by joining overlapping regions to one.


regions[in] 2D wave containing region data


2D wave with compacted regions

static wave OOD_GetRegionsFromStimsets(OOdDAQParams *params)

generates regions data waves from stimsets taking the pre and post delay into account


params[in] OOdDAQParams structure


wave reference wave holding the 2D region waves for each stimset

static wave OOD_GetFeatureRegions(WaveRefWave setRegions, wave offsets)

returns a 1D wave with regions as lists from the input regions waves, is used for the LNB

  • setRegions[in] wave reference wave of 2D region waves

  • offsets[in] offset wave storing the offsets per stimset


1D text wave with lists of regions

static wave OOD_CalculateOffsetsImpl(WaveRefWave setRegions)

Calculates offsets for each stimset for OOD.


setRegions – wave reference wave of 2D region waves for each stimset


1D wave with offsets for each stimset in points

static variable OOD_CalculateOffsets(string device, OOdDAQParams *params)

Calculated the offsets for normal acquisition.

  • device[in] title of the device panel

  • params[in] OOdDAQParams structure with oodDAQ setup data

static string OOD_AddToRegionList(variable first, variable last, string list)

Return a list with $first-$last added at the end with ; as separator.

  • first[in] sample point number in wavebuilder scale with start of region

  • last[in] sample point number in wavebuilder scale with end of region

  • list[in] list string where the element is added


list string with added element

static variable OOD_Debugging(OOdDAQParams *params)

Prints various internals useful for oodDAQ debugging, called when DEBUGGING_ENABLED is set.


params[in] OOdDAQParams structure with oodDAQ internals

wave OOD_GetResultWaves(string device, OOdDAQParams *params)

Return the oodDAQ optimized stimsets.

The offsets and the regions are returned in params and all results are cached.

  • device[in] title of the device panel

  • params[in] OOdDAQParams structure with the initial settings


one dimensional numberic wave with the offsets in points for each stimset

static wave OOD_CreateStimSet(OOdDAQParams *params)

Generate a stimset for “overlapped dDAQ” from the calculated offsets by OOD_CalculateOffsets().


params[in] OOdDAQParams structure with the stimsets and offset information


stimsets with offsets, one wave per offset

wave OOD_OffsetStimSetColAndCutoff(wave stimSet, variable column, variable offset, variable postFeaturePoints)

Here the trailing baseline is of the stimset column removed (postFeatureTime) The last feature amplitude should stay as DA signal until the whole stimset (all columns) ends.


static const double OOD_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD = 0.1

Signal threshold level in parts of dynamic range above minimum