File MIES_Structures.ipf¶
All non-static structures together with their initialization routines are defined here.
variable InitPulseAverageSettings(PulseAverageSettings *pa)¶
variable InitFormulaProperties(FormulaProperties *fp)¶
variable InitOOdDAQParams(OOdDAQParams *params, WaveRefWave stimSets, wave setColumns, variable preFeatureTime, variable postFeatureTime)¶
variable InitDeltaControlNames(DeltaControlNames *s)¶
variable InitBufferedDrawInfo(BufferedDrawInfo *s)¶
initializes a BufferedDrawInfo structure The json path for AppendTracesToGraph and Labels is set empty by default
See also
variable NWB_ASYNC_SerializeStruct(NWBAsyncParameters *s, dfref threadDFR)¶
std::tuple<NWBAsyncParameters> NWB_ASYNC_DeserializeStruct(dfref threadDFR)¶
struct BackgroundStruct¶
Public Members
WMBackgroundStruct wmbs¶
int32 count¶
Number of invocations of background function.
int32 threadDeadCount¶
DAQ/TP-MD with ITC hardware only: Number of successive tries to get data from the thread.
variable tickslastReceivedFifoPos¶
DAQ-MD with ITC hardware only: ticks count when the fifo position was last updated.
variable lastReceivedFifoPos¶
DAQ-MD with ITC hardware only: last received fifo position.
WMBackgroundStruct wmbs¶
struct PostPlotSettings¶
Time alignment settings
variable timeAlignment¶
variable timeAlignMode¶
string timeAlignRefTrace¶
variable timeAlignLevel¶
Public Members
variable hideSweep¶
variable zeroTraces¶
Zero traces settings.
variable visualizeEpochs¶
PulseAverageSettings pulseAverSett¶
variable timeAlignment¶
struct PulseAverageSettings¶
Time alignment settings
variable startingPulse¶
These settings influence the extracted single pulse waves, see also PA_GenerateAllPulseWaves().
variable endingPulse¶
variable overridePulseLength¶
variable fixedPulseLength¶
Public Members
variable showIndividualPulses¶
variable showAverage¶
variable regionSlider¶
variable multipleGraphs¶
variable zeroPulses¶
variable autoTimeAlignment¶
variable enabled¶
variable hideFailedPulses¶
variable searchFailedPulses¶
variable failedPulsesLevel¶
variable failedNumberOfSpikes¶
variable yScaleBarLength¶
variable showImages¶
variable showTraces¶
variable drawXZeroLine¶
variable pulseSortOrder¶
string imageColorScale¶
DFREF dfr¶
PulseAverageDeconvSettings deconvolution¶
variable startingPulse¶
struct PulseAverageDeconvSettings¶
struct PulseAverageSetIndices¶
Public Members
WaveRefWave setIndices¶
WaveRefWave setIndicesUnsorted¶
WaveRefWave setWaves2Unsorted¶
WAVE properties¶
WaveRefWave propertiesWaves¶
WaveRefWave axesNames¶
WAVE ovlTracesAvg¶
WAVE ovlTracesDeconv¶
WAVE imageAvgDataPresent¶
WAVE imageDeconvDataPresent¶
DFREF pulseAverageHelperDFR¶
DFREF pulseAverageDFR¶
WAVE channels¶
WAVE regions¶
WAVE numEntries¶
WAVE startEntry¶
WAVE indexHelper¶
WaveRefWave setIndices¶
struct TiledGraphSettings¶
Parameter to CreateTiledChannelGraph.
struct FormulaProperties¶
Helper structure for formula parsing of the Wavebuilder combine epoch.
struct WaveLocationMod¶
Helper structure for UpgradeWaveLocationAndGetIt()
struct OOdDAQParams¶
Helper structure for Optimized overlap distributed acquisition (oodDAQ) functions.
WaveRefWave stimSets¶
Wave ref wave with different stimsets.
WAVE setColumns¶
Set (aka column) to use for each stimset.
variable preFeaturePoints¶
Time in points which should be kept signal-free before features.
variable postFeaturePoints¶
Time in points which should be kept signal-free after features.
WaveRefWave stimSets¶
struct AnalysisFunction_V3¶
The structure passed into
and later analysis functions.Public Members
variable eventType¶
WaveRefWave scaledDACWave¶
scaled and undecimated data from the DAC hardware, wave ref wave where each element is a channel wave. Channels are in the same order as the config wave rows.
variable headStage¶
active headstage index,
variable sweepNo¶
Potential future number of the sweep. Once the sweep is finished it will be saved with this number. Use GetSweepWave() to query the sweep itself.
variable sweepsInSet¶
Number of sweeps in the currently acquired stimset of the passed headstage.
string params¶
Analysis function parameters set in the stimset’s textual parameter wave. Settable via AFH_AddAnalysisParameter().
variable lastValidRowIndexDA¶
last valid row index for DA channels in
which will be filled with data at the end of DAQ. If the acquisition was aborted, the remaining samples beyond lastValidRowIndexDA are NaN. The total number of rows inrawDAQWave
might be higher due to alignment requirements of the data acquisition hardware (e.g. ITC).Always
variable lastValidRowIndexAD¶
last valid row index for AD/TTL channels in
which will be filled with data at the end of DAQ. The total number of rows inrawDAQWave
might be higher due to alignment requirements of the data acquisition hardware (e.g. ITC).Always
variable lastKnownRowIndexDA¶
last written row index in
s DA channel(s) with already acquired dataAlways
variable lastKnownRowIndexAD¶
last written row index in
s AD/TTL channel(s) with already acquired dataAlways
variable sampleIntervalDA¶
sample interval of DA channel(s) in ms
variable sampleIntervalAD¶
sample interval of AD channel(s) in ms
variable eventType¶
struct DeltaControlNames¶
Helper structure for WB_GetDeltaDimLabel()
struct TPAnalysisInput¶
Helper structure for TP data transfer to analysis.
struct RectD¶
Helper structure for GetPlotArea()
struct HardwareDataTPInput¶
Helper structure for CA_HardwareDataTPKey()
struct BufferedDrawInfo¶
Stores information for buffered draw jsonID - stores information about traces and labels to draw/setup traceWaves - wave ref wave with references to the trace waves (which are always non-free)
struct ChirpBoundsInfo¶
Helper strucuture for PSQ_CR_DetermineBoundsState()
struct NWBAsyncParameters¶
Helper structure for the ASYNC NWB writing during DAQ.
See also
NWB_ASYNC_SerializeStruct() and NWB_ASYNC_DeserializeStruct()
struct DataConfigurationResult¶
Structure to hold the result of data configuration from DC_GetConfiguration()
Unnamed Group
variable globalTPInsert¶
Various GUI settings
variable scalingZero¶
variable indexingLocked¶
variable indexing¶
variable distributedDAQ¶
variable distributedDAQOptOv¶
variable distributedDAQOptPre¶
variable distributedDAQOptPost¶
variable multiDevice¶
variable powerSpectrum¶
WAVE statusHS¶
Various delays in points of the DA data wave
variable onsetDelayUser¶
variable onsetDelayAuto¶
variable onsetDelay¶
Sum of onsetDelayUser and onsetDelayAuto.
variable distributedDAQDelay¶
variable terminationDelay¶
Unnamed Group
WAVE offsets¶
oodDAQ optimization results, see OOdDAQParams_Output
Unnamed Group
WaveDouble DACAmp¶
All waves here use active channel indexing like DataConfigurationResult::DACList and can thus be all indexed together.
See also
WaveRefWave stimSet¶
Stimulus set wave (2D)
WaveRefWave TTLstimSet¶
WaveDouble setLength¶
See also
WaveDouble TTLsetLength¶
WaveDouble headstageDAC¶
Headstage of DAC if associated,
iff unassociated.
WaveDouble setColumn¶
See also
WaveDouble TTLsetColumn¶
WaveDouble setCycleCount¶
WaveDouble TTLcycleCount¶
Public Members
variable dataAcqOrTP¶
What type of operation is done. Either DAQ(
variable baselineFrac¶
See also
variable decimationFactor¶
See also
variable numDACEntries¶
Number of DAC’s, always larger than 0.
variable numADCEntries¶
Number of ADC’s, always larger than 0.
variable numTTLEntries¶
Number of TTLs, can be zero.
variable numActiveChannels¶
Sum of numDACEntries/numADCEntries/numTTLEntries.
variable hardwareType¶
One of HardwareDACTypeConstants.
variable samplingIntervalDA¶
Sampling interval for DA channels in μs,.
See also
variable samplingIntervalAD¶
Sampling interval for AD channels in μs,.
See also
variable samplingIntervalTTL¶
Sampling interval for TTL channels in μs,.
See also
WAVE testPulse¶
See also
variable testPulseLength¶
Length of the DataConfigurationResult::testPulse wave in points test pulse properties from TP_GetCreationPropertiesInPoints
variable tpPulseStartPoint¶
variable tpPulseLengthPoints¶
WAVE gains¶
See also
WaveDouble insertStart¶
Offset in points where the stimulus set starts in the DAQ data wave.
WaveDouble headstageADC¶
Headstage of ADC if associated,
iff unassociated Uses active channel indexing like DataConfigurationResult::ADCList
variable skipAhead¶
Number of sweeps to skip over on start of data acquisition.
variable stopCollectionPoint¶
Maximum number of samples that can be acquired to the data wave For ITC can be higher that planned samples to be acquired (no automatic stop, only programmatic)
variable joinedTTLStimsetSize¶
for ITC, TTL stimset size in DC after TTL stimsets were bit-combined to a joined wave fixing should remove the need for this
WAVE statusTTLFiltered¶
wave indexing GUI TTL channels, 1 - activated, 0 deactivated
variable globalTPInsert¶
struct ActiveChannels¶
Helper struct for storing the number of active channels per rack.
struct PSQ_PulseSettings¶
Settings structure filled by PSQ_GetPulseSettingsForType()
Public Members
variable prePulseChunkLength¶
variable pulseDuration¶
variable postPulseChunkLength¶
variable usesBaselineChunkEpochs¶
Allows to define the baseline chunks by user epochs with shortname
other members are ignored with this option. The baseline chunks should be added in PRE_SWEEP_CONFIG_EVENT.
variable prePulseChunkLength¶
struct CheckParametersStruct¶
struct SF_PlotMetaData¶
Helper struct for data gathered by SF formula plotter in SF_GatherFormulaResults.
struct ASYNC_ReadOutStruct¶
ReadOut Structure for ASYNC.