File MIES_Utilities_Strings.ipf¶
utility functions for string handling
string ExtractStringFromPair(string str, string key, string keySep = defaultValue, string listSep = defaultValue)¶
Same functionality as GetStringFromWaveNote() but accepts a string.
See also
string PossiblyUnquoteName(string name, string quote)¶
Remove the surrounding quotes from the string if they are present.
string LineBreakingIntoPar(string str, variable minimumWidth = defaultValue)¶
Break a string into multiple lines.
All spaces and tabs which are not followed by numbers are replace by carriage returns (\r) if the minimum width was reached.
A generic solution would either implement the real deal
Knuth, Donald E.; Plass, Michael F. (1981), Breaking paragraphs into lines Software: Practice and Experience 11 (11): 1119-1184, doi:10.1002/spe.4380111102.
or translate 1 from C++ to Igor Pro.
- Parameters:
str – string to break into lines
minimumWidth – [optional, defaults to zero] Each line, except the last one, will have at least this length
string RemovePrefix(string str, string start = defaultValue, variable regExp = defaultValue)¶
Remove a prefix from a string.
Same semantics as the RemoveEnding builtin for regExp == 0.
- Parameters:
str – string to potentially remove something from its beginning
start – [optional, defaults to the first character] Remove this from the begin of str
regExp – [optional, defaults to false] If start is a simple string (false) or a regular expression (true)
string RemoveEndingRegExp(string str, string endingRegExp)¶
Remove the given reguluar expression from the end of the string.
In case the regular expression does not match, the string is returned unaltered.
See also
DisplayHelpTopic "Regular Expressions"
variable SearchWordInString(string str, string word, string *prefix = defaultValue, string *suffix = defaultValue)¶
Search for a Word inside a String.
example of the usage of SearchStringBase (basically the same as WM GrepString())
Function SearchString(str, substring) string str, substring ASSERT(!IsEmpty(substring), "supplied substring is empty") WAVE/Z/T wv = SearchStringBase(str, "(.*)\\Q" + substring + "\\E(.*)") return WaveExists(wv) End
- Parameters:
str – [in] input text in which word should be searched
word – [in] searchpattern (non-regex-sensitive)
prefix – [out] (optional) string preceding word. (”” for unmatched pattern)
suffix – [out] (optional) string succeeding word.
- Returns:
1 if word was found in str and word was not “”. 0 if not.
static std::tuple<variable, string, string> SearchRegexInString(string str, string regex)¶
wave SearchStringBase(string str, string regex)¶
More advanced version of SplitString.
supports 6 subpatterns, specified by curly brackets in regex
- Returns:
text wave containing subpatterns of regex call
variable CountSubstrings(string str, string pattern)¶
Search for the occurence of pattern in string.
- Returns:
number of occurences
variable ParseUnit(string unitWithPrefix, string *prefix, variable *numPrefix, string *unit)
Parses a simple unit with prefix into its prefix and unit.
Note: The currently allowed units are the SI base units [1] and other common derived units. And in accordance to SI definitions, “kg” is a base unit.
- Parameters:
unitWithPrefix – [in] string to parse, examples are “ms” or “kHz”
prefix – [out] symbol of decimal multipler of the unit, see below or [1] chapter 3 for the full list
numPrefix – [out] numerical value of the decimal multiplier
unit – [out] unit
variable GetDecimalMultiplierValue(string prefix)
Return the numerical value of a SI decimal multiplier.
See also
string ReplaceWordInString(string word, string str, string replacement)¶
string ReplaceRegexInString(string regex, string str, string replacement)¶
Replaces all occurences of the regular expression
string NormalizeToEOL(string str, string eol)
Normalize the line endings in the given string to either classic Mac OS/Igor Pro EOLs (
) or Unix EOLs (\n
string ElideText(string str, variable returnLength)¶
Elide the given string to the requested length.
variable NumBytesInUTF8Character(string str, variable byteOffset)¶
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 character that starts byteOffset bytes from the start of str. NOTE: If byteOffset is invalid this routine returns 0. Also, if str is not valid UTF-8 text, this routine return 1.
From DisplayHelpTopic “Character-by-Character Operations”
variable UTF8CharactersInString(string str)¶
Returns the number of UTF8 characters in a string.
From DisplayHelpTopic “Character-by-Character Operations”
string UTF8CharacterAtPosition(string str, variable charPos)¶
Returns the UTF8 characters in a string at position charPos.
From DisplayHelpTopic “Character-by-Character Operations”
string UpperCaseFirstChar(string str)¶
Upper case the first character in an ASCII string.