File MIES_AnalysisFunctions_MultiPatchSeq_SpikeControl.ipf¶
SC Spike Control analysis function for multi patch sequence
static std::tuple<variable, variable> SC_GetTrials(string device, variable sweepNo, variable headstage)¶
Store the newly calculated rerun trials in the labnotebook and return the minimum and maximum of it.
static wave SC_GetHeadstageQCForSetCount(string device, variable sweepNo)¶
Return a 2D wave with the headstage QC result as a function of the set sweep count.
This function does return the result for all active headstages. The
argument is needed for fetching all sweeps from the current SCI.Value:
Cumulated headstage QC result
Stimulus set sweep count
static variable SC_GetSetSweepCount(wave numericalValues, variable sweepNo)¶
Return the stimulus set sweep count for the given sweep.
static variable SC_GetSetPassed(string device, variable sweepNo)¶
Return pass/fail state of the set.
This is true iff we have for very stimulus set sweep count a passing headstage
static variable SC_GetSweepPassed(string device, variable sweepNo)¶
Return pass/fail state of the sweep.
This is true iff we have for the current stimulus set sweep count a passing headstage
static wave SC_FilterPulses(WaveRefWave propertiesWaves, WaveOrNull indizesAll, WaveOrNull indizesSweep)¶
Given a list of pulses by their indizes, this function return only the diagonal ones which are matching the given sweep.
static variable SC_AddPulseRegionLBNEntries(WaveText inputLBN, variable pulseIndex, variable region, variable headstage, WaveOrNull data = defaultValue)¶
Add a new
entry in to the waveinputLBN
The value part after the
is only present ifdata
is passed in
static std::tuple<WAVE, WaveRefWave> SC_GetPulseAveragePropertiesWaves(string device)¶
Return the PA plot waves from the databrowser connected to the given device.
static wave SC_GetPulseIndizes(wave properties, WaveRefWave propertiesWaves, variable sweepNo)¶
Return the diagonal pulses for the given sweep.
static std::tuple<WaveText, WaveText> SC_GetSpikeNumbersAndPositions(string device, variable sweepNo)¶
Return the spike numbers and positions in waves prepared for labnotebook writing.
static variable SC_ProcessPulses(string device, variable sweepNo, variable minimumSpikePosition, variable idealNumberOfSpikes)¶
Fetch the pulses from the PA plot and write the results into the labnotebooks.
static string SC_SpikeCountStateToString(variable countState)¶
Convert a numeric spike counts state to its string.
Returns “” for unknown state variables
static variable SC_SpikeCountsCalcDetail(variable minimum, variable maximum, variable idealNumberOfSpikes)¶
Determine the spike counts state.
Minimum[HS] == Maximum[HS] == idealNumberOfSpikes -> Pass
idealNumberOfSpikes >= Maximum[HS] -> Too few
idealNumberOfSpikes <= Mininum[HS] -> Too many
If nothing else matched -> Mixed
We assume:
minimum < maximum
idealNumberOfSpikes >= 1
All numbers are integers
static wave SC_SpikeCountsCalc(string device, wave minimum, wave maximum, variable idealNumberOfSpikes)¶
Determine the spike counts state for all headstages.
static wave SC_SpikeCountsQC(string device, WaveText spikeNumbersLBN, variable idealNumberOfSpikes)¶
Check that the we have found the expected number of spikes per pulse.
- Returns:
Spike counts state according to SpikeCountsStateConstants stringified
static variable SC_SpikePositionsCalcDetail(wave spikePositions, variable minimumSpikePosition)¶
Calculate the QC state of a list of spike positions from one pulse.
All are in
Pulse active coordinate system
- Parameters:
spikePositions – spike position
minimumSpikePosition – minimum allowed spike position
static wave SC_SpikePositionQC(string device, WaveTextOrNull spikePositionsLBN, variable minimumSpikePosition)¶
Calculate the QC state of the spike positions of each pulse.
All values are in PA crd, see SC_SpikeControl().
- Parameters:
device – device
spikePositionsLBN – spike position of each pulse, ordered per headstage, for the current sweep
minimumSpikePosition – minimum allowed spike position
static wave SC_RegionBlanked(wave data, variable totalOnsetDelay, WaveText oodDAQRegion)¶
Replace all points inside an oodDAQ region with NaN in the data wave.
static wave SC_SpontaneousSpikingCheckQC(string device, variable sweepNo)¶
Return a wave ready for the labnotebook with the spontaneous spike check QC entries.
static wave SC_HeadstageQC(string device, WaveText spikeCountStateLBN, wave spontaneousSpikingCheckLBN)¶
Determine the headstage QC result.
static variable SC_DetermineQCState(string device, variable sweepNo, wave spikeNumbersLBN, WaveOrNull spikePositionsLBN, variable minimumSpikePosition, variable idealNumberOfSpikes)¶
Determine and write the QC states to the labnotebook.
static variable SC_CanStillSkip(variable maxTrials, string params)¶
Check if we can still skip sweeps without running more than
static variable SC_SkipsExhausted(variable minTrials, string params)¶
Check if we have exhausted the available trials on all headstages.
static variable SC_ReactToQCFailures(string device, variable sweepNo, string params)¶
Perform various actions on QC failures.
string SC_SpikeControl_GetParams()¶
string SC_SpikeControl_GetHelp(string name)¶
string SC_SpikeControl_CheckParam(string name, CheckParametersStruct *s)¶
variable SC_SpikeControl(string device, AnalysisFunction_V3 *s)¶
Analysis function to check sweeps for failed pulses and rerun them if the pulses failed.
Decision logic flowchart:
For judging the quality of the spike positions we have introduced a new coordinate system which we call pulse active coordinate system (
PA crd
).Consider the following pulse on the DA wave and the response spike in the AD wave
/// /// +---------+ /// | | /// | | /// | | /// | | /// | | /// | | /// -------+ +---------------------- /// /// X /// XXX /// X XX /// X XX /// X X /// X X /// X X /// X X /// X X /// X X /// X X /// -------X X-------- /// ///
and the let pulse active start at 5ms and end at 15ms. We define the start as 0 and the end as 100. Therefore the spike position will be 110 in `PA crd` which is one point after the end of the pulse. The graphs were made with
static const string SC_PULSE_PREFIX_RE = "^[^:]+:"¶
Pulse information in the labnotebook is stored as
. This regular expression can be used to match the prefix in order to remove it with RemovePrefix.