File MIES_SamplingInterval.ipf

SI Routines for calculating and handling the minimum sampling interval


static variable SI_FillITCConfig(wave wv, wave results, variable idx, variable totalNumDA, variable totalNumAD, variable totalNumTTL)

Fill the passed wave to be used as DAQConfigWave.

static variable SI_FillITCConfigWithPerms(wave wv, variable start, variable value, variable channelType)

Fill the passed wave to be used as DAQConfigWave for the exhaustive search.

static variable SI_CompressWave(wave wv)

Removes invalid and duplicated entries from the generated table from SI_CreateLookupWave.

static variable SI_SortWave(wave wv)

Sort the lookup wave.

static variable SI_FindMatchingTableEntry(wave wv, ActiveChannels *ac)

Search the given active channel combination in the lookup wave.

static wave SI_LoadMinSampIntFromDisk(string deviceType)

Try to load the lookup wave for the minimum sampling interval from disk for the given deviceType.


a lookup wave or an invalid wave ref if it could not be loaded from disk

wave SI_StoreMinSampIntOnDisk(wave wv, string deviceType)

Store the lookup wave on disc.

static variable SI_FillActiveChannelsStruct(string device, ActiveChannels *ac)

Query the DA_EPhys panel for the active channels and fill it in the passed structure.


number of active channels

variable SI_CreateLookupWave(string device, variable ignoreChannelOrder = defaultValue)
static variable SI_TestSampInt(string device)
variable SI_CalculateMinSampInterval(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP, variable channelType)

Calculate the minimum sampling interval.

See also



sampling interval in microseconds (1e-6)

static variable SI_NI_CalculateMinSampInterval(string device)

Calculate the minimum sampling interval for NI hardware.


sampling interval in microseconds (1e-6)

static variable SI_ITC_CalculateMinSampInterval(string device, variable dataAcqOrTP)

Calculate the minimum sampling interval for ITC hardware using the lookup waves on disk.


sampling interval in microseconds (1e-6)

static wave SI_GetMinSampIntWave(string device)

Return a wave ref with the lookup wave for the sampling interval.

This functions tries to load the wave from disk on the first call so this function might take a while to execute.


static const double MIN_CONSECUTIVE_SAMPINT = 6

The consecutive check in SI_TestSampInt enforces not only one sucessfull sampling interval but also the multiples 2^x where x ranges from 1 to MIN_CONSECUTIVE_SAMPINT Set to 0 to deactivate