File MIES_MiesUtilities_GUI.ipf¶
This file holds MIES utility functions for GUI.
string GetSpecialControlLabel(variable channelType, variable controlType)¶
Return the dimension label for the special, aka non-unique, controls.
string GetPanelControl(variable channelIndex, variable channelType, variable controlType)¶
Returns the name of a control from the DA_EPHYS panel.
Constants are defined at ChannelTypeAndControlConstants
variable GetNextTraceIndex(string graph)¶
Helper function for CreateTiledChannelGraph and friends.
Return the next trace index for a graph which uses our trace data storage wave.
string GetTraceNamePrefix(variable traceIndex)¶
Return a trace name prefix suitable for GetNextTraceIndex()
std::tuple<RGBColor> GetHeadstageColor(variable headstage, variable channelType = defaultValue, variable channelNumber = defaultValue, variable isSplitted = defaultValue)¶
Return the color of the given headstage.
- Parameters:
headstage – Headstage, Use “NaN” for non-associated channels
channelType – [optional, empty by default] The channel type for non-associated channels, currently only XOP_CHANNEL_TYPE_TTL is evaluated
channelNumber – [optional, empty by default] For plotting “TTL” channels only, GUI channel number
isSplitted – [optional, default 1] For plotting “TTL” channels only, Flag if the color for a splitted or unsplitted channel should be returned
variable TimeAlignMainWindow(string graph, PostPlotSettings *pps)¶
Time Alignment for the BrowserSettingsPanel.
This function should work for any given reference trace in pps.timeAlignRefTrace in the popup menu. (DB and SB)
- Parameters:
graph – graph with sweep traces
pps – settings
string TimeAlignGetAllTraces(string graph)¶
return a list of all traces relevant for TimeAlignment
variable TimeAlignHandleCursorDisplay(string win)¶
Adds or removes the cursors from the graphs depending on the panel settings.
- Parameters:
win – main DB/SB graph or any subwindow panel.
variable TimeAlignUpdateControls(string win)¶
Enable/Disable TimeAlignment Controls and Cursors.
variable TimeAlignCursorMovedHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
wave GetAllSweepTraces(string graphs, variable region = defaultValue, variable channelType = defaultValue, variable prefixTraces = defaultValue)¶
Get a textwave of all traces from a list of graphs.
- Parameters:
graphs – semicolon separated list of graph names
region – [optional] return only traces with the specified region userdata entry
channelType – [optional] return only the traces with the given channel type
prefixTraces – [optional, defaults to true] prefix the traces names with the graph name and a
- Returns:
graph::trace named patterns
wave GetSweepUserData(string graph, string key, variable channelType = defaultValue, variable region = defaultValue)¶
static variable CalculateFeatureLoc(wave wv, variable mode, variable level, variable first, variable last)¶
Find the given feature in the given wave range
are in x coordinates and clipped to valid values.
variable TimeAlignmentIfReq(string graphtrace, variable mode, variable level, variable pos1x, variable pos2x, variable force = defaultValue)¶
Perform time alignment of features in the sweep traces.
See also
- Parameters:
graphtrace – reference trace in the form of graph::trace
mode – time alignment mode
level – level input to the
operation inpos1x – specify start range for feature position
pos2x – specify end range for feature position
force – [optional, defaults to false] redo time aligment regardless of wave note
variable EqualizeVerticalAxesRanges(string graph, variable ignoreAxesWithLevelCrossing = defaultValue, variable level = defaultValue, variable rangePerClampMode = defaultValue)¶
Equalize all vertical axes ranges so that they cover the same range.
- Parameters:
graph – graph
ignoreAxesWithLevelCrossing – [optional, defaults to false] ignore all vertical axis which cross the given level in the visible range
level – [optional, defaults to zero] level to be used for
rangePerClampMode – [optional, defaults to false] use separate Y ranges per clamp mode
variable UpdateSweepPlot(string win)¶
variable UpdateSettingsPanel(string win)¶
update of panel elements and related displayed graphs in BSP
wave GetPlainSweepList(string win)¶
wave GetTraceInfos(string graph, WaveText addFilterKeys = defaultValue, WaveText addFilterValues = defaultValue)¶
Return the graph user data as 2D text wave.
Only returns infos for sweep traces without duplicates. Duplicates are present with oodDAQ display mode.
- Parameters:
graph – [in] Name of graph
addFilterKeys – [in] [optional, default = $””] additional keys for filtering
addFilterValues – [in] [optional, default = $””] additional values for filtering, must have same size as keys
variable RemoveSweepFromGraph(string win, variable index)¶
Remove the given sweep from the Databrowser/Sweepbrowser.
Needs a manual call to PostPlotTransformations() afterwards.
- Parameters:
win – graph
index – overlay sweeps listbox index
variable AddSweepToGraph(string win, variable index, BufferedDrawInfo *bdi = defaultValue)¶
Add the given sweep to the Databrowser/Sweepbrowser.
Needs a manual call to PostPlotTransformations() afterwards.
- Parameters:
win – graph
index – overlay sweeps listbox index
bdi – [optional, default = n/a] BufferedDrawInfo structure, when given buffered draw is used.
variable UpdateSweepInGraph(string win, variable index)¶
Update the given sweep in the Databrowser/Sweepbrowser plot.
Needs a manual call to PostPlotTransformations() afterwards.
- Parameters:
win – graph
index – overlay sweeps listbox index
variable StoreWindowCoordinatesHook(WMWinHookStruct *s)¶
Generic window hooks for storing the window coordinates in the JSON settings file.