Struct EP_EpochCreationDataΒΆ
struct EP_EpochCreationData
Helper structure for data used in epoch creation.
structure variables for index based positions are prefixed: dw* - index in the data wave (e.g. DAChannel) wb* - index in the stimset wave from the wave builder
Public Members
WaveText epochWave
Epochs wave.
variable channel
GUI channel number.
variable channelType
channel type as of XopChannelConstants
variable sweep
sweep of stimset
variable decimationFactor
decimation factor from stimset to data wave
variable samplingInterval
sampling interval of data wave
variable scale
DAScale of channel.
string stimNote
stimset wave note
variable dwStimsetSize
stimset size in data wave
variable reducedStimsetSize
For DA: size of stimset wave that was decimated to the data wave the duration of that stimset can be reduced compared to the duration of the original wavebuilder stimset due to oodDAQ end cutoff, typically DimSize of the stimset in DC For TTL: same as dwStimsetSize note: While for DA the stimset size in DC can only be reduced for TTL channels it can be increased, see structure element dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize
variable dwStimsetBegin
begin of stimset in indicces of the data wave
variable wbOodDAQOffset
offset from oodDAQ shift in wavebuilder stimset wave indices
variable wbStimsetSize
size of the original wavebuilder stimset, used as reference point for flipping calculation
variable wbEffectiveStimsetSize
sum of all stimset epochs without extension from delta mechanism (multi sweep, different size)
variable dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize
for ITC TTL stimsets are joined in DC to a single 2D wave that ROWS size equals the largest single stimset. This value is the data wave length that is used to decimate the from DC modified stimset into the data wave. The stimset is decimated to the data wave until dwJoinedTTLStimsetSize - 1. The related value for DA channels is s.setLength. For DA channels: NaN
variable flipping
set to one if the stimset is flipped, zero otherwise
variable tpTotalLengthPoints
test pulse properties transferred from DataConfigurationResult structure, originally calculated by TP_GetCreationPropertiesInPoints
variable tpPulseStartPoint
variable tpPulseLengthPoints
WaveText epochWave