Struct TimeSeriesPropertiesΒΆ

struct TimeSeriesProperties

Holds class specific entries for TimeSeries objects.

Usage for writers

STRUCT TimeSeriesProperties tsp
InitTimeSeriesProperties(tsp, channelType, clampMode)
AddProperty(tsp, "gain", 1.23456)
// more calls tp AddProperty()
WriteSingleChannel(locationID, path, p, tsp)

and for readers

STRUCT TimeSeriesProperties tsp
InitTimeSeriesProperties(tsp, channelType, clampMode)
ReadTimeSeriesProperties(groupID, channel, tsp)

Public Members

WaveText names
WAVE data
WaveText unit
WAVE isCustom

NWBv1: 1 if the entry should be marked as NWB custom.

string missing_fields

keep track of missing fields while reading

string neurodata_type