MERFISH CCF mapped coordinates#

Registration to the Allen CCFv3 was performed at 10 micron in-plane resolution. For each section, an anatomical label reference was created using class/subclass level cell type assignments which are then used to match to corresponding CCF parcellations. The midline was manually determined for each section to rotate the section upright and center in in the middle (section coordinates). This set of rectified images were stacked in sequential order to create an inital configuration for registration.

The ANTS registration framework was use to establish a 2.5D deformable spatial mapping between the MERFISH data and CCF coordinates via three major steps: (1) A 3D global affine (12 dof) mapping was performed to align the CCF into the MERFISH space (resampled CCF); (2) 2D affine (6 dof) registration of each MERFISH section to match the target resampled CCF section and finally, (3) a 2D multi-scale, symmetric diffeomorphic registration of each section (reconstructed coordinates) to finer level match to the target CCF section. Global and section-wise mappings from each of these registration steps were preserved and concatenated (with appropriate inversions) to allow point-to-point mapping between the original MERFISH coordinate space and the CCF space. See Yao et al for further details.

The purpose of this notebook is to provide an overview of how the mapped coordinate information is represented through example use cases.

You need to be connected to the internet to run this notebook and have run through the getting started notebook.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import SimpleITK as sitk
from pathlib import Path

from abc_atlas_access.abc_atlas_cache.abc_project_cache import AbcProjectCache

We will interact with the data using the AbcProjectCache. This cache object tracks which data has been downloaded and serves the path to the requsted data on disk. For metadata, the cache can also directly serve a up a Pandas Dataframe. See the getting_started notebook for more details on using the cache including installing it if it has not already been.

Change the download_base variable to where you have downloaded the data in your system.

download_base = Path('../../data/abc_atlas')
abc_cache = AbcProjectCache.from_cache_dir(download_base)


Read in section, reconstructed and CCF coordinates for all cells#

Read in the expanded cell metadata table we created in part 1 of the MERFISH tutorial. To keep track of the three type of coordinates we will rename the section coordinates (x,y,z) in the dataframe to (x_section, y_section, z_section)

cell = abc_cache.get_metadata_dataframe(directory='MERFISH-C57BL6J-638850', file_name='cell_metadata_with_cluster_annotation')
cell.rename(columns={'x': 'x_section',
                     'y': 'y_section',
                     'z': 'z_section'},
cell.set_index('cell_label', inplace=True)
brain_section_label cluster_alias average_correlation_score feature_matrix_label donor_label donor_genotype donor_sex x_section y_section z_section neurotransmitter class subclass supertype cluster neurotransmitter_color class_color subclass_color supertype_color cluster_color
1019171907102340387-1 C57BL6J-638850.37 1408 0.596276 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 7.226245 4.148963 6.6 NaN 04 DG-IMN Glut 038 DG-PIR Ex IMN 0141 DG-PIR Ex IMN_2 0515 DG-PIR Ex IMN_2 #666666 #16f2f2 #3D53CC #CC7A3D #73FFBF
1104095349101460194-1 C57BL6J-638850.26 4218 0.641180 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.064889 7.309543 4.2 Glut 23 P Glut 235 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut 0953 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63
1017092617101450577 C57BL6J-638850.25 4218 0.763531 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.792921 8.189973 4.0 Glut 23 P Glut 235 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut 0953 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63
1018093344101130233 C57BL6J-638850.13 4218 0.558073 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 3.195950 5.868655 2.4 Glut 23 P Glut 235 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut 0953 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63
1019171912201610094 C57BL6J-638850.27 4218 0.591009 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.635732 7.995842 4.4 Glut 23 P Glut 235 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut 0953 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63

Next we read in the reconstructed coordinates and mapped parcellation from the metadata directory and join it to the cell dataframe

reconstructed_coords = abc_cache.get_metadata_dataframe(
    dtype={"cell_label": str}
reconstructed_coords.rename(columns={'x': 'x_reconstructed',
                                     'y': 'y_reconstructed',
                                     'z': 'z_reconstructed'},
reconstructed_coords.set_index('cell_label', inplace=True)
reconstructed_coordinates.csv: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 256M/256M [00:08<00:00, 30.5MMB/s]
x_reconstructed y_reconstructed z_reconstructed parcellation_index
1019171911101460569 7.143894 7.890964 0.8 945
1019171911101550321 4.188673 7.962972 0.8 945
1019171911100841066 6.859447 5.908534 0.8 893
1019171911101400425 3.952014 7.564086 0.8 842
1019171911101380264 2.803546 7.221688 0.8 0
cell_joined = cell.join(reconstructed_coords, how='inner')
brain_section_label cluster_alias average_correlation_score feature_matrix_label donor_label donor_genotype donor_sex x_section y_section z_section ... cluster neurotransmitter_color class_color subclass_color supertype_color cluster_color x_reconstructed y_reconstructed z_reconstructed parcellation_index
1019171907102340387-1 C57BL6J-638850.37 1408 0.596276 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 7.226245 4.148963 6.6 ... 0515 DG-PIR Ex IMN_2 #666666 #16f2f2 #3D53CC #CC7A3D #73FFBF 7.255606 4.007680 6.6 1160
1104095349101460194-1 C57BL6J-638850.26 4218 0.641180 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.064889 7.309543 4.2 ... 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.036436 7.264429 4.2 564
1017092617101450577 C57BL6J-638850.25 4218 0.763531 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.792921 8.189973 4.0 ... 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.784270 8.007646 4.0 761
1018093344101130233 C57BL6J-638850.13 4218 0.558073 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 3.195950 5.868655 2.4 ... 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 3.161528 5.719814 2.4 718
1019171912201610094 C57BL6J-638850.27 4218 0.591009 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.635732 7.995842 4.4 ... 4199 PG-TRN-LRN Fat2 Glut_1 #2B93DF #6b5ca5 #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.618763 7.847877 4.4 761

5 rows × 24 columns

We repeat the process for the cell CCF coordinates

ccf_coords = abc_cache.get_metadata_dataframe(
    dtype={"cell_label": str}
ccf_coords.rename(columns={'x': 'x_ccf',
                           'y': 'y_ccf',
                           'z': 'z_ccf'},
ccf_coords.drop(['parcellation_index'], axis=1, inplace=True)
ccf_coords.set_index('cell_label', inplace=True)
ccf_coordinates.csv: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 296M/296M [00:09<00:00, 30.9MMB/s]
x_ccf y_ccf z_ccf
1019171911101460569 12.282330 6.987808 7.385773
1019171911101550321 12.192214 7.002155 4.366855
1019171911100841066 12.500341 4.750392 7.074634
1019171911101400425 12.231647 6.544816 4.128568
1019171911101380264 12.238502 6.135836 2.948194
cell_joined = cell_joined.join(ccf_coords, how='inner')
brain_section_label cluster_alias average_correlation_score feature_matrix_label donor_label donor_genotype donor_sex x_section y_section z_section ... subclass_color supertype_color cluster_color x_reconstructed y_reconstructed z_reconstructed parcellation_index x_ccf y_ccf z_ccf
1019171907102340387-1 C57BL6J-638850.37 1408 0.596276 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 7.226245 4.148963 6.6 ... #3D53CC #CC7A3D #73FFBF 7.255606 4.007680 6.6 1160 7.495417 2.445872 7.455066
1104095349101460194-1 C57BL6J-638850.26 4218 0.641180 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.064889 7.309543 4.2 ... #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.036436 7.264429 4.2 564 9.227966 6.133693 5.225024
1017092617101450577 C57BL6J-638850.25 4218 0.763531 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.792921 8.189973 4.0 ... #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.784270 8.007646 4.0 761 9.344912 6.989939 6.002664
1018093344101130233 C57BL6J-638850.13 4218 0.558073 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 3.195950 5.868655 2.4 ... #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 3.161528 5.719814 2.4 718 10.977068 4.398568 3.305223
1019171912201610094 C57BL6J-638850.27 4218 0.591009 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.635732 7.995842 4.4 ... #9B7ACC #990041 #663D63 5.618763 7.847877 4.4 761 8.997138 6.798329 5.827197

5 rows × 27 columns

Visualize cells in section, reconstruced and CCF coordinates#

We define a helper function to visualize cells in a section colorized by either cluster or annotation term and optionally with a boundary overlay

def plot_section(xx=None, yy=None, cc=None, val=None, pcmap=None, 
                 overlay=None, extent=None,, alpha=1.0,
                 fig_width = 6, fig_height = 6):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    fig.set_size_inches(fig_width, fig_height)

    if xx is not None and yy is not None and pcmap is not None:
        plt.scatter(xx, yy, s=0.5, c=val, marker='.', cmap=pcmap)
    elif xx is not None and yy is not None and cc is not None:
        plt.scatter(xx, yy, s=0.5, color=cc, marker='.', zorder=1)   
    if overlay is not None and extent is not None and bcmap is not None:
        plt.imshow(overlay, cmap=bcmap, extent=extent, alpha=alpha, zorder=2)
    ax.set_ylim(11, 0)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 11)
    return fig, ax

For example section “C57BL6J-638850.40”, we plot cells by section, reconstructed and ccf coordinates colorized by neurotransmitter type assignment. Note that cells from a single brain section remains together at the same z (posterior-to-anterior) value in section and reconstructed coordinates. Since the brain sections are at an angle compared to the CCF, the cells are spread across multiple x (anterior-to-posterior) CCF coordinates.

brain_section = 'C57BL6J-638850.40'
pred = (cell_joined['brain_section_label'] == brain_section)
section = cell_joined[pred]
print("z_section values:", np.unique(section['z_section']))
print("z_reconstructed values:", np.unique(section['z_reconstructed']))
print("x_ccf values:", np.unique(section['x_ccf']))
z_section values: [7.2]
z_reconstructed values: [7.2]
x_ccf values: [6.32598314 6.32656693 6.3266852  ... 7.16574148 7.16579943 7.16598123]
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['x_section'],
res = ax.set_title("Neuortransmitter - Section Coordinates")
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['x_reconstructed'],
res = ax.set_title("Neuortransmitter - Reconstructed Coordinates")
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['z_ccf'],
res = ax.set_title("Neuortransmitter - CCF Coordinates")

Associate mapped parcellation and parcellation terms to the MERFISH data#

Read in the pivoted parcellation annotation information we created in the Allen CCFv3 tutorial and join with the cell metadata dataframe.

parcellation_annotation = abc_cache.get_metadata_dataframe(directory='Allen-CCF-2020',
parcellation_annotation.set_index('parcellation_index', inplace=True)
parcellation_annotation.columns = ['parcellation_%s'% x for x in  parcellation_annotation.columns]
parcellation_organ parcellation_category parcellation_division parcellation_structure parcellation_substructure
0 unassigned unassigned unassigned unassigned unassigned
1 brain grey HY TMv TMv
2 brain grey Isocortex SSp-m SSp-m6b
5 brain fiber tracts lfbs cst int
6 brain grey P PSV PSV
parcellation_color = abc_cache.get_metadata_dataframe(directory='Allen-CCF-2020',
parcellation_color.set_index('parcellation_index', inplace=True)
parcellation_color.columns = ['parcellation_%s'% x for x in  parcellation_color.columns]
parcellation_organ_color parcellation_category_color parcellation_division_color parcellation_structure_color parcellation_substructure_color
0 #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000
1 #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #E64438 #FF4C3E #FF4C3E
2 #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #70FF71 #188064 #188064
cell_joined = cell_joined.join(parcellation_annotation, on='parcellation_index')
cell_joined = cell_joined.join(parcellation_color, on='parcellation_index')
brain_section_label cluster_alias average_correlation_score feature_matrix_label donor_label donor_genotype donor_sex x_section y_section z_section ... parcellation_organ parcellation_category parcellation_division parcellation_structure parcellation_substructure parcellation_organ_color parcellation_category_color parcellation_division_color parcellation_structure_color parcellation_substructure_color
1019171907102340387-1 C57BL6J-638850.37 1408 0.596276 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 7.226245 4.148963 6.6 ... brain grey HPF DG DG-po #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #7ED04B #7ED04B #7ED04B
1104095349101460194-1 C57BL6J-638850.26 4218 0.641180 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.064889 7.309543 4.2 ... brain grey P TRN TRN #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #FF9B88 #FFBA86 #FFBA86
1017092617101450577 C57BL6J-638850.25 4218 0.763531 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.792921 8.189973 4.0 ... brain grey P P-unassigned P-unassigned #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #FF9B88 #FF9B88 #FF9B88
1018093344101130233 C57BL6J-638850.13 4218 0.558073 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 3.195950 5.868655 2.4 ... brain fiber tracts cbf arb arb #FFFFFF #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #CCCCCC
1019171912201610094 C57BL6J-638850.27 4218 0.591009 C57BL6J-638850 C57BL6J-638850 wt/wt M 5.635732 7.995842 4.4 ... brain grey P P-unassigned P-unassigned #FFFFFF #BFDAE3 #FF9B88 #FF9B88 #FF9B88

5 rows × 37 columns

The joined DataFrame cell_joined created above is available from the cache as the file cell_metadata_with_parcellation_annotation.

Visualize cell parcellation assignment at different anatomical levels#

For example section “C57BL6J-638850.40”, we plot cells reconstructed coordinates colorized by parcellation assignment at the division and structure anatomical levels

pred = (cell_joined['brain_section_label'] == brain_section)
section = cell_joined[pred]
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['x_reconstructed'],
res = ax.set_title("Division - Reconstructed Coordinates")
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['x_reconstructed'],
res = ax.set_title("Structure - Reconstructed Coordinates")
fig, ax = plot_section(xx=section['x_reconstructed'],
res = ax.set_title("Substructure - Reconstructed Coordinates")

Aggregate cells by parcellation assignment at different anatomical levels#

Define a helper function to count the number of cells for each term and apply it to the division and structure anatomical levels

def parcellation_cell_count (df,level) :
    cell_count = df.groupby(level)[['cluster_alias']].count()
    cell_count.columns = ['number_of_cells']
    cell_count.sort_values('number_of_cells', ascending=False, inplace=True)
    return cell_count
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(cell_joined, 'parcellation_division')
Isocortex 935742
STR 401346
CB 383127
HPF 304642
MB 281852
OLF 274354
MY 147562
P 136569
TH 133805
HY 132902
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(section, 'parcellation_structure')
SSp-bfd 8865
SSs 7210
CP 4715
DG 4491
VISa 4462
CA1 3705
PIR 3119
cst 3000
cc 2858
RSPv 2853

We can filtered cells to specific subclasses and types and count within the filtered set

pred = (cell_joined['subclass'] == '145 MH Tac2 Glut')
filtered = cell_joined[pred]
print("number of cells:", len(filtered))
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(filtered, 'parcellation_structure')
number of cells: 4696
MH 4404
V3-unassigned 132
mfsbshy 73
brain-unassigned 46
chpl 21
LH 12
DG 3
TH-unassigned 2
LP 1
MD 1
pred = (cell_joined['subclass'] == '146 LH Pou4f1 Sox1 Glut')
filtered = cell_joined[pred]
print("number of cells:", len(filtered))
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(filtered, 'parcellation_structure')
number of cells: 1067
LH 851
mfsbshy 109
MH 59
PAG 10
TH-unassigned 10
brain-unassigned 7
PF 6
DG 5
MD 4
pred = (cell_joined['subclass'] == '147 AD Serpinb7 Glut')
filtered = cell_joined[pred]
print("number of cells:", len(filtered))
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(filtered, 'parcellation_structure')
number of cells: 1190
AD 1036
mfsbshy 84
brain-unassigned 35
DG 22
LD 4
AM 3
TH-unassigned 3
mfbc 3
pred = (cell_joined['subclass'] == '007 L2/3 IT CTX Glut')
filtered = cell_joined[pred]
print("number of cells:", len(filtered))
cell_count = parcellation_cell_count(filtered, 'parcellation_substructure')
number of cells: 121784
MOs2/3 12762
MOp2/3 10586
VISp2/3 9250
SSs2/3 7149
SSp-m2/3 5203
SSp-bfd2/3 5032
TEa2/3 4396
SSp-ul2/3 3337
RSPagl2/3 3142
ACAv2/3 3085

Resampled CCF template and parcellations#

The anatomical template, parcellation and boundary volume in resample CCF coordinates are also available for download for visualization and analysis

print("reading resampled_average_template")
file = abc_cache.get_data_path(directory='MERFISH-C57BL6J-638850-CCF',
average_template_image = sitk.ReadImage(file)
average_template_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(average_template_image)

print("reading resampled_annotation")
file = abc_cache.get_data_path(directory='MERFISH-C57BL6J-638850-CCF',
annotation_image = sitk.ReadImage(file)
annotation_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(annotation_image)

print("reading resampled_annotation_boundary")
file = abc_cache.get_data_path(directory='MERFISH-C57BL6J-638850-CCF',
annotation_boundary_image = sitk.ReadImage(file)
annotation_boundary_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(annotation_boundary_image)
reading resampled_average_template
resampled_average_template.nii.gz: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 117M/117M [00:04<00:00, 27.3MMB/s]
reading resampled_annotation
resampled_annotation.nii.gz: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2.12M/2.12M [00:00<00:00, 13.0MMB/s]
reading resampled_annotation_boundary
resampled_annotation_boundary.nii.gz: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1.55M/1.55M [00:00<00:00, 7.96MMB/s]
# Function to print out image information
def image_info(img):
    print('size: ' + str(img.GetSize()) + ' voxels')
    print('spacing: ' + str(img.GetSpacing()) + ' mm' )
    print('direction: ' + str(img.GetDirection()) )
    print('origin: ' + str(img.GetOrigin()))
size: (1100, 1100, 76) voxels
spacing: (0.009999999776482582, 0.009999999776482582, 0.20000000298023224) mm
direction: (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
origin: (5.476531505584717, 8.600000381469727, 6.435669422149658)

To enable the overlay of image section with cell coordinates we need to compute the extent the image in mm coordinates

size = average_template_image.GetSize()
spacing = average_template_image.GetSpacing()
extent = (-0.5 * spacing[0], (size[0]-0.5) * spacing[0], (size[1]-0.5) * spacing[1], -0.5 * spacing[1])

Visualize cells with parcellation boundary overlay#

For example section “C57BL6J-638850.40”, we first compute the corresponding z section in the resampled image volume and visualize the resampled average template, annotation and parcellation for that section

zindex = int(section.iloc[0]['z_reconstructed'] / 0.2)
template_slice = average_template_array[zindex, :, :]
fig, ax = plot_section(overlay=template_slice, extent=extent)
res = ax.set_title('resampled_average_template')
annotation_slice = annotation_array[zindex, :, :]
fig, ax = plot_section(overlay=annotation_slice, extent=extent)
res = ax.set_title('resampled_annotation')
boundary_slice = annotation_boundary_array[zindex, :, :]
fig, ax = plot_section(overlay=boundary_slice,, extent=extent)
res = ax.set_title('resampled_annotation_boundary')

Using the help function, we can overlay the parcellation boundary overlay on top of the cells colorized by subclass

fig, ax = plot_section(section['x_reconstructed'],
                       alpha = 1.0*(boundary_slice>0),
                       fig_width = 9,
                       fig_height = 9 )
res = ax.set_title("Subclass - Reconstructed Coordinates")