Tutorials and Examples#

Basic Usage#


A high level look at the BMTK workflow, SONATA data-format, and how to create an environment for network modeling and simulation

Building Networks models with the BMTK NetworkBuilder

Using the BMTK NetworkBuilder to create SONATA based network models for use in simulation and analysis

Simulating biologically detailed networks

How to use BMTK BioNet to run simulations of networks of biophyscially realistic compartmental cell models.

Simulating point-neuron networks with PointNet

How to use BMTK PointNet for running simulation of single point-neuron models.

Generating releastic sensory stimuli with FilterNet

Use BMTK FilterNet to convert stimuli into a series of spikes for analysis and network stimuli.

Analyzing simulation results

How to use bmtk to fetch data from simulation results, plot and get statistics.

More Features#

Parallelization and Threading Options

Options for running large-scale simulations taking advantage of multiple cores and Threading with HPC

Advanced Stimulus for simulations

More options for input stimulus to simulations

Advanced simulation recordings

Includes voltage. LFP, synapse recording

Customized Python

Creating modules