Tutorials and Examples#
Basic Usage#
A full guide for how to build, simulate, and analyze brain networks with (BMTK) using a scaled-down model of the mouse visual primary cortex layer 4 system and a variety of simple and complex stimuli.
A in-depth tutorial for how to use the BMTK Network Builder module to create and save brain networks models across differfent scales and levels-of-resolution.
How to use BMTK BioNet to run simulations of networks of biophyscially realistic compartmental cell models.
How to use BMTK PointNet for running simulation of single point-neuron models.
Use BMTK FilterNet to convert stimuli into a series of spikes for analysis and network stimuli.
How to use BMTK PopNet for running simulation of populations and population firing rates using DiPDE.
More Features#
Advanced options and functions for placing cells when building a network using BMTK Network Builder.
Importing cell locations using Allen Common Coordinate Framework with NNRD files.
How to use FilterNet module to use audio wav files as stimuli for virtual neurons with filters that detect spectral and temporal modulation
static synapse
adjusting parameters in PointNet (NEST)
STDP and STP synpatic models in PointNet (NEST)
Using built-in Spike Generator process to create spike trains (for analysis and simulation) with Poisson and Gamma based distributions with
homogeneous firing rates
Heterogeneous firing-rates
built-in refractor period
Use activity of previous recurrent recordings for input to simulation.
Allows you to capture and separate out network activity not generated by external stimulus.
Can also select subpopulations of cells and synapses to segment subnetwork and motif activity within a larger network.
Importing NEURON HOC template cell models.
Overwriting and appending to default cell model parameters and mechanisms.
Writing custom cell models in Python.
Importing customized channels and ion mechanisms into existing models.
Using Built-in NEST cell models.
Overridding cell model instantiation.
Custom cell models with NESTML
Using Built-in NEST cell models.
Overridding cell model instantiation.
Custom cell models with NESTML
How to create you’re own pregenerated spike-train files using SONATA, CSV, or NWB files.
Write your own python function to dynamically generate input spike-trains before or during simulation.
Advanced Options for setting current clamp stimulus in a simulation.
Voltage Clamping stimulus.
Use Allen Cell-Types intracullar experimental stimuli (sweep) for a simulation.
Extracellular stimulus input
Recording single and group cell contribution to a extracellular electrode or mesh.
Setting extracellular resistance.
Calculating Current Source Density.
Running BMTK on the Neuroscience Gateway (NSG).
BMTK Example Networks#
The BMTK github repository also includes a number of examples models that showcase the numerious capabilities and features supported by BMTK, each sub-directory containing a different model including necessary files to build, simulate, and analyize. While most of these are small toy models designed to run quickly on one’s machine, they can provide a good jumping off point for building large more realistic networks, plus more concrete examples of how to use BMTK.
name |
description |
features |
A small network of 14 cells - 10 multi-compartment biophysically detailed cells and 4 point integrate-and-fire cells - called V1. Recieves input from two networks of virtual cells (spike-trains) - LGN and TW. |
A single excitatory cell that is stimulated by current clamps or virtual synapses |
This is a small example network of a 450 cell simulation based on the 45,000 mouse layer 4 network described in Arkhipov et. al. 2018. Of the cells 180 are biophysically detailed multicompartment cells downloaded from the Allen Cell-Types database, the remaining are point integrate-and-fire neuron models. The network is driven by an external network of virtual nodes/spike-trains |
Membrane (V)
This is a small example network of a 450 cell as above, but used to replay module for recreating and isolating network activity of different subsystems. |
Network Replay
A small toy network with various advanced options for stimulation. |
Extracellular Stimulation
Voltage Clamps
Spontaneous Stimuli
An example of using Allen Institute All Active cells models, recreating Allen Cell-Types Sweep experiments. |
Allen Cell-Types Database
An example of advanced extracellular network stimulation using COMSOL physics files. |
Extracellular Stimulation
An example using Neurodata without Borders (NWB) files and DANDI archive for integrating ECEPhys experimental data into a network simulation. |
NWB 2.0
Includes Files and instructions for running a small network simulation on Neuroscience Gateway (NSG) |
A network that uses STP type synapses |
STP synapses
A small network of 120 point-neurons. Uses PointNet and will require NEST to run. |
Optogenetic inhibition
A small network of 120 point-neurons. Neuron and synapse models are specified as NESTML models to demonstrate how to incorporate NESTML models. Uses PointNet and will require NEST and NESTML to run. |
This is a small example network of a 450 point neuron simulation based on the 45,000 mouse layer 4 network described in Arkhipov et. al. 2018. The network is driven by an external network of virtual nodes/spike-trains. |
This is a small example network that uses the Allen Institute generalized leaky integrate-and-fire (glif) cell models. The network is recurrent and receives stimulation from external spike trains (virtual cells). |
Parallel simulations
A small example network that uses different types of current clamp (IClamp) stimuli formats. |
PointNet simulation with plastic synapses |
An example for a drifiting grating stimulus. All parameters can be found in the config file |
Drifting Gratings
This is an example for creating a looming stimulus from LGN filters. The stimulus is a black circle that expands at 80degs/sec and then repeats. The example uses 85 cells from 3 LGN models. |
Looming Movie
FilterNet simulations from arbitary movies |
Simple Excitatory-Inhibitory 2 population network using PopNet (DIPDE) |
A more complex PopNet example converted from the point_120cells/ example |