Source code for bmtk.simulator.filternet.modules.record_rates

import os
import csv
import pandas as pd
import h5py
import numpy as np
import glob

from .base import SimModule
from import bmtk_world_comm

[docs]class RecordRates(SimModule): def __init__(self, csv_file=None, h5_file=None, tmp_dir='output', sort_order='node_id', compression='gzip'): self._tmp_dir = tmp_dir self._csv_file = csv_file if csv_file is None or os.path.isabs(csv_file) else os.path.join(tmp_dir, csv_file) self._save_to_csv = csv_file is not None self._tmp_rates_path = None h5_file = h5_file if h5_file is None or os.path.isabs(h5_file) else os.path.join(tmp_dir, h5_file) self._save_to_h5 = h5_file is not None self._h5_file = h5_file # make sure h5py is not confused with string 'none' or 'None'. if isinstance(compression, str): if compression.lower() == 'none': compression = None self._compression = compression self._sort_order = sort_order self._n_nodes = 0 self._n_timesteps = 0 self._timestamps = None self._node_ids = {} self._firing_rates = {} self._node_counter = 0
[docs] def initialize(self, sim): self._node_counter = 0 self._n_nodes = len(sim.local_cells())
# self._node_ids = {} # np.zeros(len(sim.local_cells()), dtype=np.uint)
[docs] def save(self, sim, cell, times, rates): if self._timestamps is None: self._n_timesteps = len(times) self._timestamps = times if cell.population not in self._firing_rates: self._firing_rates[cell.population] = np.zeros((self._n_nodes, self._n_timesteps), dtype=float) self._node_ids[cell.population] = np.zeros(self._n_nodes, dtype=np.uint) self._firing_rates[cell.population][self._node_counter, :] = rates self._node_ids[cell.population][self._node_counter] = cell.node_id self._node_counter += 1
[docs] def finalize(self, sim): if bmtk_world_comm.MPI_size > 1: self._tmp_rates_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, '.rates.{}.h5'.format(bmtk_world_comm.MPI_rank)) self._write_rates_on_rank() bmtk_world_comm.barrier() self._combine_rates() bmtk_world_comm.barrier() if bmtk_world_comm.MPI_rank == 0: if self._sort_order in ['node_id', 'node_ids']: for pop in self._firing_rates.keys(): index_order = np.argsort(self._node_ids[pop]) self._node_ids[pop] = self._node_ids[pop][index_order] self._firing_rates[pop] = self._firing_rates[pop][index_order, :] if self._save_to_h5: try: rates_h5 = h5py.File(self._h5_file, 'w') rates_grp = rates_h5.create_group('/firing_rates') for pop, pop_table in self._firing_rates.items(): pop_grp = rates_grp.create_group(pop) pop_grp.create_dataset('node_id', data=self._node_ids[pop], compression=self._compression) pop_grp.create_dataset('times', data=self._timestamps, compression=self._compression) pop_grp.create_dataset('firing_rates_Hz', data=self._firing_rates[pop].T, compression=self._compression) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Unable to save rates to hdf5') if self._save_to_csv: csv_fhandle = open(self._csv_file, 'w') csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_fhandle, delimiter=' ') csv_writer.writerow(['node_id', 'population', 'timestamps', 'firing_rates']) for pop in self._firing_rates.keys(): for i, node_id in enumerate(self._node_ids[pop]): for ts, fr in zip(self._timestamps, self._firing_rates[pop][i, :]): csv_writer.writerow([node_id, pop, ts, fr]) bmtk_world_comm.barrier() self._clean()
def _write_rates_on_rank(self): with h5py.File(self._tmp_rates_path, 'w') as h5: for pop in self._firing_rates.keys(): pop_grp = h5.create_group(pop) pop_grp.create_dataset('time', data=self._timestamps, compression=self._compression) pop_grp.create_dataset('node_id', data=self._node_ids[pop], compression=self._compression) pop_grp.create_dataset('firing_rates_Hz', data=self._firing_rates[pop], compression=self._compression) def _combine_rates(self): n_cells = {} if bmtk_world_comm.MPI_rank == 0: rates_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, '.rates.*.h5')) h5_handles = [] timestamps = None for rp in rates_paths: rates_h5 = h5py.File(rp, 'r') h5_handles.append(rates_h5) for pop, pop_grp in rates_h5.items(): if pop not in n_cells: n_cells[pop] = 0 n_cells[pop] += pop_grp['firing_rates_Hz'].shape[0] if timestamps is None: timestamps = pop_grp['time'][()] else: assert (np.allclose(timestamps, pop_grp['time'][()])) n_timestamps = len(timestamps) self._firing_rates = {pop: np.zeros((n_cells[pop], n_timestamps), dtype=float) for pop in n_cells.keys()} self._node_ids = {pop: np.zeros(n_cells[pop], dtype=np.uint32) for pop in n_cells.keys()} beg_indices = {pop: 0 for pop in n_cells.keys()} for h5 in h5_handles: for pop, pop_grp in h5.items(): beg_index = beg_indices[pop] end_index = beg_index + pop_grp['node_id'].shape[0] self._firing_rates[pop][beg_index:end_index, :] = pop_grp['firing_rates_Hz'] # [:, :] self._node_ids[pop][beg_index:end_index] = pop_grp['node_id'][:] beg_indices[pop] = end_index def _clean(self): if self._tmp_rates_path is not None and os.path.exists(self._tmp_rates_path): try: os.remove(self._tmp_rates_path) except Exception as e: pass