Source code for bmtk.simulator.filternet.lgnmodel.poissongeneration

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as sinterp
import scipy.integrate as spi
import warnings
import scipy.optimize as sopt
import scipy.stats as sps

[docs]def generate_renewal_process(t0, t1, renewal_distribution): last_event_time = t0 curr_interevent_time = float(renewal_distribution()) event_time_list = [] while last_event_time+curr_interevent_time <= t1: event_time_list.append(last_event_time+curr_interevent_time) curr_interevent_time = float(renewal_distribution()) last_event_time = event_time_list[-1] return event_time_list
[docs]def generate_poisson_process(t0, t1, rate): if rate is None: raise ValueError('Rate cannot be None') if rate > 10000: warnings.warn('Very high rate encountered: %s' % rate) try: assert rate >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Negative rate (%s) not allowed' % rate) try: assert rate < np.inf except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Rate (%s) must be finite' % rate) if rate == 0: return [] else: return generate_renewal_process(t0, t1, sps.expon(0, 1./rate).rvs)
[docs]def generate_inhomogenous_poisson(t_range, y_range, seed=None): if not seed == None: np.random.seed(seed) spike_list = [] for tl, tr, y in zip(t_range[:-1], t_range[1:], y_range[:-1]): spike_list += generate_poisson_process(tl, tr, y) return spike_list
[docs]def generate_poisson_rescaling(t, y, seed=None): y = np.array(y) t = np.array(t) assert not np.any(y < 0) f = sinterp.interp1d(t, y, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False) return generate_poisson_rescaling_function(lambda y, t: f(t), t[0], t[-1], seed=seed)
[docs]def generate_poisson_rescaling_function(f, t_min, t_max, seed=None): def integrator(t0, t1): return spi.odeint(f, 0, [t0, t1])[1][0] if not seed == None: np.random.seed(seed) spike_train = [] while t_min < t_max: e0 = np.random.exponential() def root_function(t): return e0 - integrator(t_min, t) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: result = sopt.root(root_function, .1) assert result.success except AssertionError: if not e0 < integrator(t_min, t_max): assert Exception else: break t_min = result.x[0] spike_train.append(t_min) return np.array(spike_train)