import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
from .simulator_module import SimulatorMod
from bmtk.simulator.core.io_tools import io
class AmpsReader(object):
def __init__(self, **args):
self.has_delays = True
self.amps = self.__to_list(args['amp'])
self.delays = self.__to_list(args['delay'])
self.durations = self.__to_list(args['duration'])
except KeyError as ke:
io.log_exception('{}: missing current-clamp parameter {}.'.format(IClampMod.__name__, ke))
if not len(self.amps) == len(self.delays) == len(self.durations):
io.log_exception('{}: current clamp parameters amp, delay, duration must be same length when using list.'.format(
def __to_list(value):
# Helper function so that amp, delay, duration can be passed as either a list of scalar
return value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) else [value]
class CSVAmpReader(object):
def __init__(self, **args):
self.has_delays = False
self._csv_path = args['file']
self._sep = args.get('separator', ' ')
self._ts_col = args.get('timestamps_column', 'timestamps')
self._amps_col = args.get('amplitudes_column', 'amps')
except KeyError as ke:
io.log_exception('{}: missing current-clamp parameter {}.'.format(IClampMod.__name__, ke))
self._inputs_df = pd.read_csv(self._csv_path, sep=self._sep)
# Make sure csv has atleast two values
if len(self._inputs_df) < 2:
io.log_exception('{}: csv file must be row oriented and contain two or more values.'.format(
# Check that csv has both a timestamp and amplitudes column, if not, or set to a different column name than
# the default, indicate problem to user
for pname, cname in zip(['timestamps_col', 'amplitudes_col'], [self._ts_col, self._amps_col]):
if cname not in self._inputs_df.columns:
io.log_exception('{}: csv file missing column "{}". Use "{}" option to specify.'.format(
IClampMod.__name__, cname, pname)
self.amps = self._inputs_df[self._amps_col].values
self.delays = self._inputs_df[self._ts_col].values
class NWBReader(object):
def __init__(self, **args):
self.has_delays = False
self._nwb_path = args['file']
self._sweep_id = args['sweep_id']
self._downsample = args.get('downsample', None)
self._sweep_window = args.get('sweep_window', None)
self._offset = args.get('delay', 0.0)
except KeyError as ke:
io.log_exception('{}: missing current-clamp parameter {}.'.format(IClampMod.__name__, ke))
# if the "sweep_id" is a integer type value: 6, "6", 6.0; then change it to Sweep_<id> which is
# how it is saved in the Allen NWB files.
sweep_id_num = int(self._sweep_id)
self._sweep_id = 'Sweep_{}'.format(sweep_id_num)
except ValueError as ve:
self._sweep_id = self._sweep_id
with h5py.File(self._nwb_path, 'r') as h5:
if self._sweep_id not in h5['/epochs']:
io.log_exception('{}: {} missing sweep group {}.'.format(
IClampMod.__name__, self._nwb_path, self._sweep_id)
# Get timestamps and amplitudes from Allen Cell-Types filefile
sweep_grp = h5['epochs/{}/stimulus/timeseries'.format(self._sweep_id)]
self._idt = 1000.0/sweep_grp['starting_time'].attrs['rate'] # convert rate to ms
self.amps = sweep_grp['data'][()]*1.0e9
self.delays = np.arange(len(self.amps))*self._idt
# If the "downsample" option is used take every n'th value in the nwb stimulus
if self._downsample is not None and self._downsample > self._idt:
stride = int(np.round(self._downsample/self._idt))
self.amps = self.amps[::stride]
self.delays = self.delays[::stride]
self._idt = self._downsample # update stimulus dt
# If "sweep_window" filter out stimuli that falls outside the time window
if self._sweep_window is not None:
if len(self._sweep_window) != 2 or self._sweep_window[0] >= self._sweep_window[1] or self._sweep_window[0] < 0:
io.log_exception('{}: "sweep_window" parameter must be set to [start_time, stop_time] where 0 <= start_time < stop_time.'.format(
idx_beg = np.argwhere(self.delays >= self._sweep_window[0]).flatten()[0]
idx_end = np.argwhere(self.delays <= self._sweep_window[1]).flatten()[-1] + 1
self.amps = self.amps[idx_beg:idx_end]
self.delays = self.delays[idx_beg:idx_end]
# Adds an offset for the simulation time, needs to be done after the sweep_window
# is applied
self.delays += self._offset
class IClampMod(SimulatorMod):
A Module to help with creating a current-clamp/generator that can be injected into a selected subset
of cells.
This class if primarily focused on reading the inputs parameters and/or configuration files to determine
the current injection onsets, amplitudes, and stop times depending on the input-type. The actual implementation
of the current injections is dependent on the simulator (IClamp for BioNet, step_current_generator for PointNet)
and implementation is done in their respective files.
Input Parameters:
input_type : string
Specifies if input parameters are passed in directory, or needs to be read from a csv or nwb file.
node_set: string, list or dictionary
A filter to determine which subset of nodes/cells that injection current will be applied too.
def __init__(self, input_type, **mod_args):
if input_type not in self.input2reader_map:
err_msg = '{}: invalid input_type value "{}",'.format(self.__class__.__name__, input_type)
err_msg += ' unable to parse current clamp parameters.'
err_msg += ' Valid options: {}'.format(', '.join(list(self.input2reader_map.keys())))
self._node_set = mod_args.get('node_set', 'all')
self._amp_reader = self.input2reader_map[input_type](**mod_args)
def input2reader_map(self):
return {
'current_clamp': AmpsReader,
'csv': CSVAmpReader,
'file': CSVAmpReader,
'nwb': NWBReader,
'allen': NWBReader