Source code for bmtk.simulator.pointnet.modules.iclamp

import nest

from bmtk.simulator.core.modules import iclamp
from bmtk.simulator.pointnet.io_tools import io

[docs]class IClampMod(iclamp.IClampMod):
[docs] def initialize(self, sim): """Creates a NEST current clamp (eg step-generator) and attaches it to the given cells.""" # Get a list of amplitude times and values, making sure values are valid for NEST and # also turning off iclamp after "duration" # TODO: May be faster if put the has_delays check first amp_times = [] amp_vals = [] n_steps = len(self._amp_reader.delays) for idx in range(n_steps): start_time = self._amp_reader.delays[idx] if start_time <= sim.dt: # NEST has issues with amplitude_values that occur before the dt. io.log_warning( 'IClamp Stimulus has onset ("delay") skipping values that occur before "dt"', display_once=True ) continue # Add a time and amp value for turning on iclamp amp_times.append(start_time) amp_vals.append(self._amp_reader.amps[idx]) # if there is a duration, make sure to turn off iclamp (set to 0.0) at timestamp # delay + duration if self._amp_reader.has_delays: duration = self._amp_reader.durations[idx] stop_time = start_time + duration last_element = idx + 1 == n_steps if last_element or stop_time <= self._amp_reader.delays[idx+1]: amp_times.append(stop_time) amp_vals.append(0.0) # Create iclamp/current generator scg = nest.Create( "step_current_generator", params={ 'amplitude_times': amp_times, 'amplitude_values': amp_vals } ) # attach iclamp to all the specified cells. # TODO: Check it will work if multiple Node populations are selected! node_set = nest_ids = node_set.gids() nest.Connect(scg, list(nest_ids), syn_spec={'delay': sim.dt})