allensdk.model.glif.glif_neuron module¶
(message, dv)[source]¶ Bases:
Exception raised when voltage is still above threshold after a reset rule is applied.
(El, dt, asc_tau_array, R_input, C, asc_amp_array, spike_cut_length, th_inf, th_adapt, coeffs, AScurrent_dynamics_method, voltage_dynamics_method, threshold_dynamics_method, AScurrent_reset_method, voltage_reset_method, threshold_reset_method, init_voltage, init_threshold, init_AScurrents, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Implements the current-based Mihalas Neiber GLIF neuron. Simulations model the voltage, threshold, and afterspike currents of a neuron given an input stimulus. A set of modular dynamics rules are applied until voltage crosses threshold, at which point a set of modular reset rules are applied. See for a list of what options there are for voltage, threshold, and afterspike current dynamics and reset rules.
Parameters: - El : float
resting potential
- dt : float
duration between time steps
- asc_tau_array: np.ndarray
- R_input : float
input resistance
- C : float
- asc_amp_arrap : np.ndarray
afterspike current vector. one element per element of asc_tau_array.
- spike_cut_length : int
how many time steps to replace with NaNs when a spike occurs.
- th_inf : float
instantaneous threshold
- coeffs : dict
dictionary coefficients premultiplied to neuron properties during simulation. used for optimization.
- AScurrent_dynamics_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the afterspike current dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- voltage_dynamics_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the voltage dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- threshold_dynamics_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the threshold dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- AScurrent_reset_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the afterspike current dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- voltage_reset_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the voltage dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- threshold_reset_method : dict
dictionary containing the ‘name’ of the threshold dynamics method to use and a ‘params’ dictionary parameters to pass to that function.
- init_voltage : float
initial voltage value
- init_threshold : float
initial spike threshold value
- init_AScurrents : np.ndarray
initial afterspike current vector. one element per element of asc_tau_array.
= 'GLIF'¶
(method_type, params)[source]¶ Create a GlifNeuronMethod instance out of a library of functions organized by type name. This refers to the METHOD_LIBRARY in, which lays out the available functions that can be used for dynamics and reset rules.
Parameters: - method_type : string
the name of a function category (e.g. ‘AScurrent_dynamics_method’ for the afterspike current dynamics methods)
- params : dict
a dictionary with two members. ‘name’: the string name of function you want, and ‘params’: parameters you want to pass to that function
Returns: - GlifNeuronMethod
a GlifNeuronMethod instance
(method_name, method, method_params)[source]¶ Create a GlifNeuronMethod instance given a name, a function, and function parameters. This is just a shortcut to the GlifNeuronMethod constructor.
Parameters: - method_name : string
name for refering to this method later
- method : function
a python function
- method_parameters : dict
function arguments whose values should be fixed
Returns: - GlifNeuronMethod
a GlifNeuronMethod instance
(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0, inj, time_step, spike_time_steps)[source]¶ Update the voltage, threshold, and afterspike currents of the neuron for a single time step.
Parameters: - voltage_t0 : float
the current voltage of the neuron
- threshold_t0 : float
the current spike threshold level of the neuron
- AScurrents_t0 : np.ndarray
the current state of the afterspike currents in the neuron
- inj : float
the current value of the current injection into the neuron
- time_step : int
the current time step of the neuron simulation
- spike_time_steps : list
a list of all of the time steps of spikes in the neuron
Returns: - tuple
voltage_t1 (voltage at next time step), threshold_t1 (threshold at next time step), AScurrents_t1 (afterspike currents at next time step)
(voltage_t0, threshold_t0, AScurrents_t0)[source]¶ Apply reset rules to the neuron’s voltage, threshold, and afterspike currents assuming a spike has occurred (voltage is above threshold).
Parameters: - voltage_t0 : float
the current voltage of the neuron
- threshold_t0 : float
the current spike threshold level of the neuron
- AScurrents_t0 : np.ndarray
the current state of the afterspike currents in the neuron
Returns: - tuple
voltage_t1 (voltage at next time step), threshold_t1 (threshold at next time step), AScurrents_t1 (afterspike currents at next time step)
(stim)[source]¶ Run neuron simulation over a given stimulus. This steps through the stimulus applying dynamics equations. After each step it checks if voltage is above threshold. If so, self.spike_cut_length NaNs are inserted into the output voltages, reset rules are applied to the voltage, threshold, and afterspike currents, and the simulation resumes.
Parameters: - stim : np.ndarray
vector of scalar current values
Returns: - dict
- a dictionary containing:
‘voltage’: simulated voltage values, ‘threshold’: threshold values during the simulation, ‘AScurrents’: afterspike current values during the simulation, ‘grid_spike_times’: spike times (in uits of self.dt) aligned to simulation time steps, ‘interpolated_spike_times’: spike times (in units of self.dt) linearly interpolated between time steps, ‘spike_time_steps’: the indices of grid spike times, ‘interpolated_spike_voltage’: voltage of the simulation at interpolated spike times, ‘interpolated_spike_threshold’: threshold of the simulation at interpolated spike times
(dt, time_step, threshold_t0, threshold_t1, voltage_t0, voltage_t1)[source]¶ Given two voltage and threshold values, the dt between them and the initial time step, interpolate a spike time within the dt interval by intersecting the two lines.
(dt, interpolated_spike_time_offset, v0, v1)[source]¶ Take a value at two adjacent time steps and linearly interpolate what the value would be at an offset between the two time steps.