allensdk.core.brain_observatory_nwb_data_set module¶
(nwb_file)[source]¶ Bases:
= {'age': 'general/subject/age', 'device_string': 'general/devices/2-photon microscope', 'excitation_lambda': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/excitation_lambda', 'experiment_container_id': 'general/experiment_container_id', 'fov': 'general/fov', 'generated_by': 'general/generated_by', 'genotype': 'general/subject/genotype', 'imaging_depth': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/imaging depth', 'indicator': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/indicator', 'ophys_experiment_id': 'general/session_id', 'session_start_time': 'session_start_time', 'session_type': 'general/session_type', 'sex': 'general/subject/sex', 'specimen_name': 'general/specimen_name', 'targeted_structure': 'general/optophysiology/imaging_plane_1/location'}¶
= ['MotionCorrection/2p_image_series/xy_translations', 'MotionCorrection/2p_image_series/xy_translation']¶
= 'brain_observatory_pipeline'¶
= {'abstract_feature_series': ['drifting_gratings', 'static_gratings'], 'indexed_time_series': ['natural_scenes', 'locally_sparse_noise', 'locally_sparse_noise_4deg', 'locally_sparse_noise_8deg'], 'repeated_indexed_time_series': ['natural_movie_one', 'natural_movie_two', 'natural_movie_three']}¶
= '2.0'¶
()[source]¶ Returns an array of cell IDs for all cells in the file
Returns: - cell specimen IDs: list
(cell_specimen_ids)[source]¶ Given a list of cell specimen ids, return their index based on their order in this file.
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list of cell specimen ids
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of demixed and neuropil-corrected fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- traces: 2D numpy array
Corrected fluorescence traces for each cell
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of demixed fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- traces: 2D numpy array
Demixed fluorescence traces for each cell
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of dF/F traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return data for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- dF/F: 2D numpy array
dF/F values for each cell
()[source]¶ Returns an array of timestamps in seconds for the fluorescence traces
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of fluorescence traces for all ROI and the timestamps for each datapoint
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- traces: 2D numpy array
Fluorescence traces for each cell
(stimulus, mask_off_screen=True)[source]¶ Return an array of the stimulus template for the specified stimulus.
Parameters: - stimulus: string
- Which locally sparse noise stimulus to retrieve. Must be one of:
- mask_off_screen: boolean
Set off-screen regions of the stimulus to LocallySparseNoise.LSN_OFF_SCREEN.
Returns: - tuple: (template, off-screen mask)
()[source]¶ Returns the maximum projection image for the 2P movie.
Returns: - max projection: np.ndarray
()[source]¶ Returns a dictionary of meta data associated with each experiment, including Cre line, specimen number, visual area imaged, imaging depth
Returns: - metadata: dictionary
()[source]¶ Returns a Panda DataFrame containing the x- and y- translation of each image used for image alignment
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns a scalar value of r for neuropil correction of flourescence traces
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then results for all are returned
Returns: - r: 1D numpy array, len(r)=len(cell_specimen_ids)
Scalar for neuropil subtraction for each cell
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of neuropil fluorescence traces for all ROIs and the timestamps for each datapoint
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- traces: 2D numpy array
Neuropil fluorescence traces for each cell
(as_spherical=True)[source]¶ Returns the x, y pupil location.
Parameters: - as_spherical : bool
Whether to return the location as spherical (default) or not. If true, the result is altitude and azimuth in degrees, otherwise it is x, y in centimeters. (0,0) is the center of the monitor.
Returns: - (timestamps, location)
Timestamps is an (Nx1) array of timestamps in seconds. Location is an (Nx2) array of spatial location.
()[source]¶ Returns the pupil area in pixels.
Returns: - (timestamps, areas)
Timestamps is an (Nx1) array of timestamps in seconds. Areas is an (Nx1) array of pupil areas in pixels.
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Returns an array of all the ROI masks
Parameters: - cell specimen IDs: list or array (optional)
List of cell IDs to return traces for. If this is None (default) then all are returned
Returns: - List of ROI_Mask objects
(cell_specimen_ids=None)[source]¶ Return a numpy array containing all of the ROI masks for requested cells. If cell_specimen_ids is omitted, return all masks.
Parameters: - cell_specimen_ids: list
List of cell specimen ids. Default None.
Returns: - np.ndarray: NxWxH array, where N is number of cells
()[source]¶ Returns the type of experimental session, presently one of the following: three_session_A, three_session_B, three_session_C
Returns: - session type: string
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Return the spontaneous activity stimulus table, if it exists.
Returns: - stimulus table: pd.DataFrame
()[source]¶ Returns a pandas dataframe that summarizes the stimulus epoch duration for each acquisition time index in the experiment
Parameters: - None
Returns: - timestamps: 2D numpy array
Timestamp for each fluorescence sample
- traces: 2D numpy array
Fluorescence traces for each cell
(stimulus_name)[source]¶ Return a stimulus table given a stimulus name
For more information, see:
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Return an array of the stimulus template for the specified stimulus.
Parameters: - stimulus_name: string
Must be one of the strings returned by list_stimuli().
Returns: - stimulus table: pd.DataFrame
()[source]¶ Return a list of the stimuli presented in the experiment.
Returns: - stimuli: list of strings
¶ Number of cells in the experiment
(dxcm, dxtime, timestamps)[source]¶ If running speed timestamps differ from fluorescence timestamps, adjust by inserting NaNs to running speed.
Returns: - tuple: dxcm, dxtime
(st, threshold, max_cuts=2)[source]¶ Convenience function to cut a stim table into multiple epochs
Parameters: - st – input stimtable
- threshold – threshold on the max duration of a subepoch
- max_cuts – maximum number of allowed epochs to cut into
Returns: epoch_mask_list, a list of indices that define the start and end of sub-epochs