Source code for allensdk.brain_observatory.brain_observatory_plotting

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import logging

[docs]def plot_drifting_grating_traces(dg, save_dir): '''saves figures with a Ori X TF grid of mean resposes'''"Plotting Ori and TF mean response for all cells") blank = dg.sweep_response[dg.stim_table.temporal_frequency == 0] for nc in range(dg.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) xtime = np.arange(-1 * dg.interlength / dg.acquisition_rate, (dg.sweeplength + dg.interlength) / dg.acquisition_rate, 1 / dg.acquisition_rate) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(20, 16)) vmax = 0 vmin = 0 try: blank_p = blank[str(nc)].mean() + \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) blank_n = blank[str(nc)].mean() - \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) except: blank_p = blank.iloc[:, nc].apply( np.mean) + (blank.iloc[:, nc].apply(np.std) / blank.iloc[:, nc].apply(len)) blank_n = blank.iloc[:, nc].apply( np.mean) - (blank.iloc[:, nc].apply(np.std) / blank.iloc[:, nc].apply(len)) for ori in dg.orivals: ori_pt = np.where(dg.orivals == ori)[0][0] for tf in dg.tfvals[1:]: tf_pt = np.where(dg.tfvals == tf)[0][0] sp_pt = (5 * ori_pt) + tf_pt subset_response = dg.sweep_response[ (dg.stim_table.temporal_frequency == tf) & (dg.stim_table.orientation == ori)] try: subset_response_p = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) + (subset_response[str(nc)][:-1].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) subset_response_n = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) - (subset_response[str(nc)][:-1].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) except: subset_response_p = subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply( np.mean) + (subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply(np.std) / subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply(len)) subset_response_n = subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply( np.mean) - (subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply(np.std) / subset_response.iloc[:, nc].apply(len)) ax = plt.subplot(8, 5, sp_pt) while len(xtime) > len(subset_response[str(nc)].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) try: ax.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) except: pass try: ax.fill_between(xtime, blank_p, blank_n, color='k', alpha=0.5) except: pass try: ax.plot(xtime, subset_response[ str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) except: pass ax.plot(xtime, subset_response[ str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) # TODO: remove the [:119] and [:-1] and the try/except ax.plot(xtime, blank[str(nc)].mean(), color='k', lw=2) ax.axvspan(0, dg.sweeplength / dg.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax.set_xlim(-1, 3) ax.set_xticks(range(-1, 4)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) vmax = np.where(np.amax(subset_response_p) > vmax, np.amax(subset_response_p), vmax) vmin = np.where(np.amin(subset_response_n) < vmin, np.amin(subset_response_n), vmin) if ori_pt < 7: ax.set_xticks([]) else: ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) if tf_pt > 1: ax.set_yticks([]) else: ax.set_ylabel(str(dg.orivals[ori_pt]), fontsize=24) if ori_pt == 0: ax.set_title(str(dg.tfvals[tf_pt]), fontsize=24) for i in range(1, sp_pt + 1): ax = plt.subplot(8, 5, i) ax.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle("Cell " + str(nc + 1), fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) filename = 'Traces DG Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_ns_traces(nsa, save_dir):"Plotting Natural Scene traces for each cell") xtime = np.arange(-1 * nsa.interlength / nsa.acquisition_rate, (nsa.sweeplength + nsa.interlength) / nsa.acquisition_rate, 1 / nsa.acquisition_rate) blank = nsa.sweep_response[nsa.stim_table.frame == -1] for nc in range(nsa.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) vmax = 0 vmin = 0 blank_p = blank[str(nc)].mean() + \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) blank_n = blank[str(nc)].mean() - \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(30, 25)) for ns in range(nsa.number_scenes - 1): subset_response = nsa.sweep_response[nsa.stim_table.frame == ns] subset_response_p = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) + (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) subset_response_n = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) - (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) ax = plt.subplot(10, 12, ns + 1) try: ax.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) except: xtime = xtime[:-1] ax.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) ax.fill_between(xtime, blank_p, blank_n, color='k', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(xtime, subset_response[str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) ax.plot(xtime, blank[str(nc)].mean(), color='k', lw=2) ax.axvspan(0, nsa.sweeplength / nsa.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) vmax = np.where(np.amax(subset_response_p) > vmax, np.amax(subset_response_p), vmax) vmin = np.where(np.amin(subset_response_n) < vmin, np.amin(subset_response_n), vmin) if ns < 108: ax.set_xticks([]) if np.mod(ns, 12): ax.set_yticks([]) for i in range(1, nsa.number_scenes): ax = plt.subplot(10, 12, i) ax.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle("Cell " + str(nc + 1), fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) filename = 'NS Traces Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_sg_traces(sg, save_dir):"Plotting Static Grating traces for each cell") xtime = np.arange(-1 * sg.interlength / sg.acquisition_rate, (sg.sweeplength + sg.interlength) / sg.acquisition_rate, 1 / sg.acquisition_rate) blank = sg.sweep_response[sg.stim_table.spatial_frequency == 0] for nc in range(sg.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) vmax = 0 vmin = 0 blank_p = blank[str(nc)].mean() + \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) blank_n = blank[str(nc)].mean() - \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / len(blank[str(nc)])) while len(xtime) > len(blank_p): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(30, 30)) ph_dict = {0: 0, 0.25: 6, 0.5: 77, 0.75: 83} for ori in sg.orivals: ori_pt = np.where(sg.orivals == ori)[0][0] for sf in sg.sfvals[1:]: sf_pt = np.where(sg.sfvals == sf)[0][0] for phase in sg.phasevals: ph_pt = ph_dict[phase] subplotnum = sf_pt + (ori_pt * 11) + ph_pt subset_response = sg.sweep_response[(sg.stim_table.spatial_frequency == sf) & ( sg.stim_table.orientation == ori) & (sg.stim_table.phase == phase)] subset_response_p = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) + (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) subset_response_n = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) - (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / len(subset_response[str(nc)])) ax = plt.subplot(13, 11, subplotnum) ax.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) ax.fill_between(xtime, blank_p, blank_n, color='k', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(xtime, subset_response[ str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) ax.plot(xtime, blank[str(nc)].mean(), color='k', lw=2) ax.axvspan(0, sg.sweeplength / sg.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) vmax = np.where(np.amax(subset_response_p) > vmax, np.amax(subset_response_p), vmax) vmin = np.where(np.amin(subset_response_n) < vmin, np.amin(subset_response_n), vmin) if np.mod(subplotnum, 11) != 1: ax.set_yticks([]) else: ax.set_ylabel(ori, fontsize=20) if subplotnum < 133: ax.set_xticks([]) if subplotnum < 12: ax.set_title(sf, fontsize=20) if subplotnum == 3: ax.set_title("Phase 0.0", fontsize=20) if subplotnum == 9: ax.set_title("Phase 0.25", fontsize=20) if subplotnum == 80: ax.set_title("Phase 0.5", fontsize=20) if subplotnum == 86: ax.set_title("Phase 0.75", fontsize=20) for i in range(1, 144): ax = plt.subplot(13, 11, i) ax.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle("Cell " + str(nc + 1), fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) filename = 'SG Traces Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_lsn_traces(lsn, save_dir, suffix=''):"Plotting LSN traces for all cells") xtime = np.arange(-lsn.interlength / lsn.acquisition_rate, (lsn.interlength + lsn.sweeplength) / lsn.acquisition_rate, 1.0 / lsn.acquisition_rate) for nc in range(lsn.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(24, 20)) vmax = 0 vmin = 0 one_cell = lsn.sweep_response[str(nc)] for yp in range(16): for xp in range(28): sp_pt = (yp * 28) + xp + 1 on_frame = np.where(lsn.LSN[:, yp, xp] == 255)[0] off_frame = np.where(lsn.LSN[:, yp, xp] == 0)[0] subset_on = one_cell[lsn.stim_table.frame.isin(on_frame)] subset_off = one_cell[lsn.stim_table.frame.isin(off_frame)] subset_on_mean = subset_on.mean() subset_off_mean = subset_off.mean() ax = plt.subplot(16, 28, sp_pt) ax.plot(xtime, subset_on_mean, color='r', lw=2) ax.plot(xtime, subset_off_mean, color='b', lw=2) ax.axvspan(0, lsn.sweeplength / lsn.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) vmax = np.where(np.amax(subset_on_mean) > vmax, np.amax(subset_on_mean), vmax) vmax = np.where(np.amax(subset_off_mean) > vmax, np.amax(subset_off_mean), vmax) vmin = np.where(np.amin(subset_on_mean) < vmin, np.amin(subset_on_mean), vmin) vmin = np.where(np.amin(subset_off_mean) < vmin, np.amin(subset_off_mean), vmin) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) for i in range(1, sp_pt + 1): ax = plt.subplot(16, 28, i) ax.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle("Cell " + str(nc + 1), fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) filename = 'Traces LSN Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + suffix + '.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()
def _plot_3sa(dg, nm1, nm3, save_dir):"Plotting for all cell") for nc in range(dg.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(20, 20)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 0), colspan=4) # full trace ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 4)) # histogram of F ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 0), colspan=4) # running speed ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 4)) ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 5), sharex=ax4, sharey=ax4) ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 0), colspan=2) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 2), colspan=2) ax8 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 4), colspan=2) ax9 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 0)) ax10 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 0), colspan=3) ax11 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 0), colspan=3) ax12 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 3), colspan=3) ax13 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 3), colspan=3) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(dg.celltraces, 1), 1.) xtime /= dg.acquisition_rate dif = np.ediff1d(dg.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) ax1.plot(xtime, dg.celltraces[nc, :]) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(dg.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / dg.acquisition_rate), xmax=( dg.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values / dg.acquisition_rate), color='gray', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan(xmin=nm1.stim_table.start.min() / nm1.acquisition_rate, xmax=( (nm1.stim_table.start.max() + nm1.sweeplength) / nm1.acquisition_rate), color='red', alpha=0.3) dif = np.ediff1d(nm3.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(nm3.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / nm3.acquisition_rate), xmax=( (nm3.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values + nm3.sweeplength) / nm3.acquisition_rate), color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.hist(dg.celltraces[nc, :], bins=70) ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(dg.dxcm), 1.) xtime /= dg.acquisition_rate ax3.plot(xtime, dg.dxcm, color='k') ax3.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax3.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) smax = nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0]), 0] + nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 0]), 1] vmax = nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0]), 0] + nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 0]), 1] rmax = np.where(smax > vmax, smax, vmax) smin = nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0]), 0] - nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 0]), 1] vmin = nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0]), 0] - nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 0]), 1] rmin = np.where(smin < vmin, smin, vmin) ax4.errorbar(nm1.binned_dx_sp[:, 0], nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0], yerr=nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 1], fmt='.', color='k') ax4.set_ylim(rmin, rmax) ax4.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) ax4.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax4.set_title("Spontaneous", fontsize=20) ax5.errorbar(nm1.binned_dx_vis[:, 0], nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0], yerr=nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 1], fmt='.') ax5.set_ylim(rmin, rmax) ax5.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) ax5.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax5.set_title("Visual Stimuli", fontsize=20) peakori = dg.peak.ori_dg[nc] peaktf = dg.peak.tf_dg[nc] ax6.errorbar(dg.orivals, dg.response[:, peaktf, nc, 0], yerr=dg.response[ :, peaktf, nc, 1], fmt='bo-', lw=2) ax6.fill_between(dg.orivals, np.repeat(dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] + dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_ori), np.repeat( dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] - dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_ori), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax6.axhline(y=dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k') ax6.annotate(str(dg.tfvals[peaktf]) + " Hz", xy=(0, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14) ax6.set_xticks(dg.orivals) ax7.set_xlim(-10, 325) ax6.set_xlabel("Direction (d)", fontsize=20) ax6.set_ylabel("Mean DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) ax6.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6)) ax7.errorbar(range(5), dg.response[peakori, 1:, nc, 0], yerr=dg.response[ peakori, 1:, nc, 1], fmt='bo-', lw=2) ax7.fill_between(range(5), np.repeat(dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] + dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], 5), np.repeat( dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] - dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], 5), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax7.axhline(y=dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k', lw=2) ax7.annotate(str(dg.orivals[peakori]) + " Deg", xy=(0, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14) ax7.set_xlim(-0.2, 4.2) ax7.set_xticks(range(5)) ax7.set_xticklabels(dg.tfvals[1:]) ax7.set_xlabel("Temporal frequency (Hz)", fontsize=20) subset = dg.sweep_response[(dg.stim_table.orientation == dg.orivals[peakori]) & ( dg.stim_table.temporal_frequency == dg.tfvals[peaktf])] xtime = np.arange(-1 * dg.interlength / dg.acquisition_rate, (dg.sweeplength + dg.interlength) / dg.acquisition_rate, 1 / dg.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > len(subset[str(nc)].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in subset.iterrows(): ax8.plot(xtime, subset[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax8.set_xlim(-1, 3) ax8.annotate(str(dg.orivals[peakori]) + " Deg / " + str( dg.tfvals[peaktf]) + " Hz", xy=(0, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14) ax8.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax8.set_ylabel("DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) ax8.axvspan(0, dg.sweeplength / dg.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax8.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6)) ax8.set_title("Trial responses to prefered ori/tf", fontsize=20) im = ax9.imshow(dg.response[:, 1:, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none') ax9.set_ylabel("Direction (d)", fontsize=20) ax9.set_yticks(range(8)) ax9.set_yticklabels(dg.orivals) ax9.set_xlabel("Temporal frequency (Hz)", fontsize=20) ax9.set_xticks(range(5)) ax9.set_xticklabels(dg.tfvals[1:]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax9)'DF/F (%)', fontsize=8) for t in t.set_fontsize(8) xtime = np.arange(0, nm1.sweeplength / nm1.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm1.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > len(nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in nm1.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax10.plot(xtime, nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax10.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax10.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax10.set_title("Natural Movie 1", fontsize=20, color='red') temp = np.empty((len(nm1.stim_table), nm1.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm1.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)].iloc[i] ax11.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=40) ax11.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax11.set_xticks([]) xtime = np.arange(0, nm3.sweeplength / nm3.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm3.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > len(nm3.sweep_response[str(nc)].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in nm3.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax12.plot(xtime, nm3.sweep_response[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax12.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax12.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax12.set_title("Natural Movie Long", fontsize=20, color='blue') temp = np.empty((len(nm3.stim_table), nm3.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm3.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm3.sweep_response[str(nc)].iloc[i] ax13.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=100) ax13.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax13.set_xticks([]) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.tight_layout() filename = 'Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '_3SA.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close() def _plot_3sc(lsn, nm1, nm2, save_dir, suffix=''):"Plotting for all cells") for nc in range(lsn.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(20, 20)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 0), colspan=4) # full trace ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 4)) # histogram of F ax11 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 0), colspan=4) ax12 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 4)) ax13 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 5), sharex=ax12, sharey=ax12) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 0), colspan=3) # movie 1 ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 0), colspan=3) ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 3), colspan=3) # movie 2 ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 3), colspan=3) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 0), colspan=3) # receptive fields ax8 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 3), colspan=3) ax9 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 0), colspan=3) ax10 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 3), colspan=3) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(lsn.celltraces, 1), 1.) xtime /= lsn.acquisition_rate dif = np.ediff1d(lsn.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) ax1.plot(xtime, lsn.celltraces[nc, :]) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(lsn.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / lsn.acquisition_rate), xmax=( lsn.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values / lsn.acquisition_rate), color='gray', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan(nm1.stim_table.start.min() / nm1.acquisition_rate, nm1.stim_table.end.max() / nm1.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='red', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan(nm2.stim_table.start.min() / nm2.acquisition_rate, nm2.stim_table.end.max() / nm2.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='green', alpha=0.3) ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.hist(lsn.celltraces[nc, :], bins=70) ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(lsn.dxcm), 1.) xtime /= lsn.acquisition_rate ax11.plot(xtime, lsn.dxcm, color='k') ax11.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax11.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) smax = nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0]), 0] + nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 0]), 1] vmax = nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0]), 0] + nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmax(nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 0]), 1] rmax = np.where(smax > vmax, smax, vmax) smin = nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0]), 0] - nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 0]), 1] vmin = nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0]), 0] - nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, np.argmin(nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 0]), 1] rmin = np.where(smin < vmin, smin, vmin) ax12.errorbar(nm1.binned_dx_sp[:, 0], nm1.binned_cells_sp[ nc, :, 0], yerr=nm1.binned_cells_sp[nc, :, 1], fmt='.', color='k') ax12.set_ylim(rmin, rmax) ax12.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) ax12.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax12.set_title("Spontaneous", fontsize=20) ax13.errorbar(nm1.binned_dx_vis[:, 0], nm1.binned_cells_vis[ nc, :, 0], yerr=nm1.binned_cells_vis[nc, :, 1], fmt='.') ax13.set_ylim(rmin, rmax) ax13.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) ax13.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax13.set_title("Visual Stimuli", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(0, nm1.sweeplength / nm1.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm1.acquisition_rate) for index, row in nm1.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax3.plot(xtime, nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax3.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax3.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax3.set_title("Natural Movie 1", fontsize=20, color='red') temp = np.empty((len(nm1.stim_table), nm1.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm1.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)].iloc[i] ax4.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=40) ax4.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax4.set_xticks([]) xtime = np.arange(0, nm2.sweeplength / nm2.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm2.acquisition_rate) for index, row in nm2.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax5.plot(xtime, nm2.sweep_response[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax5.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax5.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax5.set_title("Natural Movie 2", fontsize=20, color='green') temp = np.empty((len(nm2.stim_table), nm2.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm2.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm2.sweep_response[str(nc)].iloc[i] ax6.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=40) ax6.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax6.set_xticks([]) vMax = np.where(np.amax(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0]) > np.amax(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 1]), np.amax(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0]), np.amax(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1])) vMin = np.where(np.amin(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0]) < np.amin(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 1]), np.amin(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0]), np.amin(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1])) imon = ax7.imshow(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='None', vmin=vMin, vmax=vMax) ax7.set_title("ON", fontsize=20) ax7.set_xticks([]) ax7.set_yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(imon, ax=ax7, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)'DF/F (%)', fontsize=10) for t in t.set_fontsize(8) imoff = ax8.imshow(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 1], cmap='gray', interpolation='None', vmin=vMin, vmax=vMax) ax8.set_title("OFF", fontsize=20) ax8.set_xticks([]) ax8.set_yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(imoff, ax=ax8, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)'DF/F (%)', fontsize=10) for t in t.set_fontsize(8) zon = (lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0] - np.mean(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 0])) / np.std(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 0]) zon = np.where(abs(zon) > 2, zon, 0) Vmax_on = np.where(abs(np.amax(zon)) > abs( np.amin(zon)), np.amax(zon), -1 * np.amin(zon)) zoff = (lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1] - np.mean(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 1])) / np.std(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1]) zoff = np.where(abs(zoff) > 2, zoff, 0) Vmax_off = np.where(abs(np.amax(zoff)) > abs( np.amin(zoff)), np.amax(zoff), -1 * np.amin(zoff)) Vmax = np.where(Vmax_on > Vmax_off, Vmax_on, Vmax_off) imzon = ax9.imshow(zon, cmap='RdBu_r', interpolation='none', vmin=-1 * Vmax, vmax=Vmax) ax9.set_title("On Z-score", fontsize=20) ax9.set_xticks([]) ax9.set_yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(imzon, ax=ax9, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) zoff = (lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1] - np.mean(lsn.receptive_field[ :, :, nc, 1])) / np.std(lsn.receptive_field[:, :, nc, 1]) zoff = np.where(abs(zoff) > 2, zoff, 0) imzoff = ax10.imshow( zoff, cmap='RdBu', interpolation='none', vmin=-1 * Vmax, vmax=Vmax) ax10.set_title("Off Z-score", fontsize=20) ax10.set_xticks([]) ax10.set_yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(imzoff, ax=ax10, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.tight_layout() filename = 'Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '_3SC' + suffix + '.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close() def _plot_3sb(sg, nm1, ns, save_dir):"Plotting for all cells") for nc in range(sg.numbercells): if np.mod(nc, 20) == 0:"Cell #%s", str(nc)) plt.figure(nc, figsize=(20, 24)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 0), colspan=4) # full trace ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (0, 4)) # histogram of F ax14 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 4)) # speed tuning ax16 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 5), sharex=ax14, sharey=ax14) ax15 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (1, 0), colspan=4) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 0), colspan=2) # Ori tuning ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 2), colspan=2) # sf tuning ax13 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (2, 4), colspan=2) # response at peak ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 0)) ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 1)) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 2)) ax8 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (3, 3)) ax9 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 0), colspan=3) # movie ax10 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 0), colspan=3) ax11 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (4, 3), colspan=2) # natural scenes ax12 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 6), (5, 3), colspan=2) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(sg.celltraces, 1), 1.) xtime /= sg.acquisition_rate dif = np.ediff1d(sg.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) ax1.plot(xtime, sg.celltraces[nc, :]) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(sg.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / sg.acquisition_rate), xmax=( sg.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values / sg.acquisition_rate), color='gray', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan(nm1.stim_table.start.min() / nm1.acquisition_rate, nm1.stim_table.end.max() / nm1.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='red', alpha=0.3) dif = np.ediff1d(ns.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(ns.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / ns.acquisition_rate), xmax=( ns.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values / ns.acquisition_rate), color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.hist(sg.celltraces[nc, :], bins=70) ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel("Fluorescence", fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(sg.dxcm), 1.) xtime /= sg.acquisition_rate ax15.plot(xtime, sg.dxcm, color='k') ax15.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax15.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) peakori = sg.peak.ori_sg[nc] peaksf = sg.peak.sf_sg[nc] ax3.errorbar(sg.orivals, sg.response[:, peaksf, 0, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ :, peaksf, 0, nc, 1], color='blue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax3.errorbar(sg.orivals, sg.response[:, peaksf, 1, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ :, peaksf, 1, nc, 1], color='cornflowerblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax3.errorbar(sg.orivals, sg.response[:, peaksf, 2, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ :, peaksf, 2, nc, 1], color='steelblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax3.errorbar(sg.orivals, sg.response[:, peaksf, 3, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ :, peaksf, 3, nc, 1], color='lightskyblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax3.fill_between(sg.orivals, np.repeat(sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0] + sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 1], sg.number_ori), np.repeat( sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0] - sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 1], sg.number_ori), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax3.axhline(y=sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k', lw=2) ax3.set_xlim(-10, 160) ax3.set_xticks(sg.orivals) ax3.set_xlabel("Orientation (d)", fontsize=20) ax3.set_ylabel("DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) ax4.errorbar(range(5), sg.response[peakori, 1:, 0, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ peakori, 1:, 0, nc, 1], color='blue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax4.errorbar(range(5), sg.response[peakori, 1:, 1, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ peakori, 1:, 1, nc, 1], color='cornflowerblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax4.errorbar(range(5), sg.response[peakori, 1:, 2, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ peakori, 1:, 2, nc, 1], color='steelblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax4.errorbar(range(5), sg.response[peakori, 1:, 3, nc, 0], yerr=sg.response[ peakori, 1:, 3, nc, 1], color='lightskyblue', fmt='o-', lw=2) ax4.fill_between(range(5), np.repeat(sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0] + sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 1], 5), np.repeat( sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0] - sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 1], 5), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax4.axhline(y=sg.response[0, 0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k', lw=2) ax4.set_xlim(-0.2, 4.2) ax4.set_xticks(range(5)) ax4.set_xticklabels(sg.sfvals[1:]) ax4.set_xlabel("Spatial frequency (cpd)", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(-1 * sg.interlength / sg.acquisition_rate, (sg.sweeplength + sg.interlength) / sg.acquisition_rate, 1 / sg.acquisition_rate) peakori = sg.peak.ori_sg[nc] peaksf = sg.peak.sf_sg[nc] peakphase = sg.peak.phase_sg[nc] subset = sg.sweep_response[(sg.stim_table.orientation == sg.orivals[peakori]) & ( sg.stim_table.spatial_frequency == sg.sfvals[peaksf]) & (sg.stim_table.phase == sg.phasevals[peakphase])] subset_p = subset[str(nc)].mean( ) + (subset[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(subset[str(nc)]))) subset_n = subset[str(nc)].mean( ) - (subset[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(subset[str(nc)]))) try: ax13.fill_between(xtime, subset_p, subset_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) except: xtime = xtime[:-1] ax13.fill_between(xtime, subset_p, subset_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) blank = sg.sweep_response[(sg.stim_table.orientation == 0) & ( sg.stim_table.spatial_frequency == 0) & (sg.stim_table.phase == 0)] blank_p = blank[str(nc)].mean() + \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(blank[str(nc)]))) blank_n = blank[str(nc)].mean() - \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(blank[str(nc)]))) ax13.fill_between(xtime, blank_p, blank_n, color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax13.plot(xtime, subset[str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) ax13.plot(xtime, blank[str(nc)].mean(), color='k', lw=2) ax13.axvspan(0, sg.sweeplength / sg.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax13.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) ax13.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax13.set_ylabel("DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) Vmax = sg.response[:, 1:, :, nc, 0].max() ax5.imshow(sg.response[:, 1:, 0, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=Vmax) ax5.set_ylabel("Orientation (d)", fontsize=20) ax5.set_yticks(range(6)) ax5.set_yticklabels(sg.orivals) ax5.set_xlabel("Spatial frequency (cpd)", fontsize=20) ax5.set_xticks(range(5)) ax5.set_xticklabels(sg.sfvals[1:]) ax5.set_title("Phase 0.0", color='blue', fontsize=20) ax6.imshow(sg.response[:, 1:, 1, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=Vmax) ax6.set_xlabel("Spatial frequency (cpd)", fontsize=20) ax6.set_xticks(range(5)) ax6.set_xticklabels(sg.sfvals[1:]) ax6.set_yticks(range(6)) ax6.set_yticklabels(sg.orivals) ax6.set_title("Phase 0.25", color='cornflowerblue', fontsize=20) ax7.imshow(sg.response[:, 1:, 2, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=Vmax) ax7.set_xlabel("Spatial frequency (cpd)", fontsize=20) ax7.set_xticks(range(5)) ax7.set_xticklabels(sg.sfvals[1:]) ax7.set_yticks(range(6)) ax7.set_yticklabels(sg.orivals) ax7.set_title("Phase 0.5", color='steelblue', fontsize=20) ax8.imshow(sg.response[:, 1:, 3, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=Vmax) ax8.set_xlabel("Spatial frequency (cpd)", fontsize=20) ax8.set_xticks(range(5)) ax8.set_xticklabels(sg.sfvals[1:]) ax8.set_yticks(range(6)) ax8.set_yticklabels(sg.orivals) ax8.set_title("Phase 0.75", color='lightskyblue', fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(0, nm1.sweeplength / nm1.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm1.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > nm1.sweeplength: xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in nm1.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax9.plot(xtime, nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)][index], lw=2) ax9.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax9.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax9.set_title("Natural Movie 1", fontsize=20, color='red') temp = np.empty((len(nm1.stim_table), nm1.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm1.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm1.sweep_response[str(nc)].iloc[i] ax10.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=40) ax10.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax10.set_xticks([]) temp = np.copy(ns.response[1:, nc, :2]) scene_response = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=('response', 'error')) scene_response = scene_response.sort( columns='response', ascending=False) ax11.errorbar(range(ns.number_scenes - 1), scene_response.response, yerr=scene_response.error, fmt='o', color='k') ax11.fill_between(range(ns.number_scenes - 1), np.repeat(ns.response[0, nc, 0] + ns.response[0, nc, 1], ns.number_scenes - 1), np.repeat( ns.response[0, nc, 0] - ns.response[0, nc, 1], ns.number_scenes - 1), color='gray', alpha=0.3) ax11.axhline(y=ns.response[0, nc, 0], ls='--', lw=2, color='k') ax11.set_xlim(-2, 120) ax11.set_title("Natural Scenes", fontsize=20, color='blue') ax11.set_xlabel("Scene", fontsize=20) ax11.set_ylabel("DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) xtime = np.arange(-1 * ns.interlength / ns.acquisition_rate, (ns.sweeplength + ns.interlength) / ns.acquisition_rate, 1 / ns.acquisition_rate) nsp = np.argmax(ns.response[1:, nc, 0]) subset_response = ns.sweep_response[ns.stim_table.frame == nsp] subset_response_p = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) + (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / np.sqrt(len(subset_response[str(nc)]))) subset_response_n = subset_response[str(nc)].mean( ) - (subset_response[str(nc)][:].std() / np.sqrt(len(subset_response[str(nc)]))) try: ax12.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) except: xtime = xtime[:-1] ax12.fill_between(xtime, subset_response_p, subset_response_n, color='b', alpha=0.5) blank = ns.sweep_response[ns.stim_table.frame == -1] blank_p = blank[str(nc)].mean() + \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(blank[str(nc)]))) blank_n = blank[str(nc)].mean() - \ (blank[str(nc)].std() / np.sqrt(len(blank[str(nc)]))) ax12.fill_between(xtime, blank_p, blank_n, color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax12.plot(xtime, subset_response[str(nc)].mean(), color='b', lw=2) ax12.plot(xtime, blank[str(nc)].mean(), color='k', lw=2) ax12.axvspan(0, ns.sweeplength / ns.acquisition_rate, ymin=0, ymax=1, facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3) ax12.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) ax12.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax12.set_ylabel("DF/F (%)", fontsize=20) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.tight_layout() filename = 'Cell_' + str(nc + 1) + '_3SB.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_running_a(dg, nm1, nm3, save_dir):"Plotting running data summary") nc = -1 plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 8)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), colspan=3) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 3)) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 0)) ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 1)) ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 2)) ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 0), colspan=2) ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (3, 0), colspan=2) ax8 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 2), colspan=2) ax9 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (3, 2), colspan=2) xtime = np.arange(0, np.size(dg.dxcm), 1.) xtime /= dg.acquisition_rate dif = np.ediff1d(dg.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) ax1.plot(xtime, dg.dxcm, color='k') for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(dg.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / dg.acquisition_rate), xmax=( dg.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values / dg.acquisition_rate), color='gray', alpha=0.3) ax1.axvspan(xmin=nm1.stim_table.start.min() / nm1.acquisition_rate, xmax=( (nm1.stim_table.start.max() + nm1.sweeplength) / nm1.acquisition_rate), color='red', alpha=0.3) dif = np.ediff1d(nm3.stim_table.start.values, to_begin=8000, to_end=8000) test = np.argwhere(dif > 5000) for i in range(len(test) - 1): ax1.axvspan(xmin=(nm3.stim_table.start.iloc[test[i]].values / nm3.acquisition_rate), xmax=( (nm3.stim_table.end.iloc[test[i + 1] - 1].values + nm3.sweeplength) / nm3.acquisition_rate), color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax1.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) dx = dg.dxcm[np.logical_not(np.isnan(dg.dxcm))] ax2.hist(dx, bins=80, range=(-20, 100), color='gray') ax2.set_xlabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) run_peak = np.where(dg.response[:, 1:, nc, 0] == np.nanmax(dg.response[:, 1:, nc, 0])) peakori = run_peak[0][0] peaktf = run_peak[1][0] + 1 ax3.errorbar(dg.orivals, dg.response[:, peaktf, nc, 0], yerr=dg.response[ :, peaktf, nc, 1], fmt='b.-', lw=2) ax3.fill_between(dg.orivals, np.repeat(dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] + dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_ori), np.repeat( dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] - dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_ori), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax3.axhline(y=dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k') ax3.annotate(str(dg.tfvals[peaktf]) + " Hz", xy=(0, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14) ax3.set_xtick = (dg.orivals) ax3.set_xlabel("Direction (deg)", fontsize=20) ax3.set_ylabel("Speed (cm/s)", fontsize=20) ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6)) ax4.errorbar(dg.tfvals[1:], dg.response[peakori, 1:, nc, 0], yerr=dg.response[ peakori, 1:, nc, 1], fmt='b.-', lw=2) ax4.fill_between(dg.tfvals[1:], np.repeat(dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] + dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_tf - 1), np.repeat(dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0] - dg.response[0, 0, nc, 1], dg.number_tf - 1), color='gray', alpha=0.5) ax4.axhline(y=dg.response[0, 0, nc, 0], ls='--', color='k') ax4.annotate(str(dg.orivals[peakori]) + " Deg", xy=(0, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14) ax4.set_xticks = (dg.tfvals[1:]) ax4.set_xlabel("Temporal frequency (Hz)", fontsize=20) ax4.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6)) im = ax5.imshow(dg.response[:, 1:, nc, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='none') ax5.set_ylabel("Direction", fontsize=16) ax5.set_xlabel("TF", fontsize=16) ax5.set_yticks(range(dg.number_ori)) ax5.set_yticklabels(list(dg.orivals.astype(int).astype(str))) ax5.set_xticks(range(dg.number_tf - 1)) ax5.set_xticklabels(list(dg.tfvals[1:].astype(int).astype(str))) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax5)'Speed (cm/s)', fontsize=8) for t in t.set_fontsize(8) xtime = np.arange(0, nm1.sweeplength / nm1.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm1.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > len(nm1.sweep_response['dx'].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in nm1.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax6.plot(xtime, nm1.sweep_response['dx'][index], lw=2) ax6.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax6.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax6.set_title("Natural Movie 1", fontsize=20, color='red') temp = np.empty((len(nm1.stim_table), nm1.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm1.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm1.sweep_response['dx'].iloc[i][:, 0] ax7.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=40) ax7.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax7.set_xticks([]) xtime = np.arange(0, nm3.sweeplength / nm3.acquisition_rate, 1 / nm3.acquisition_rate) while len(xtime) > len(nm3.sweep_response['dx'].mean()): xtime = np.delete(xtime, -1) for index, row in nm3.sweep_response.iterrows(): ax8.plot(xtime, nm3.sweep_response['dx'][index], lw=2) ax8.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=20) ax8.set_ylabel("DF/F", fontsize=20) ax8.set_title("Natural Movie Long", fontsize=20, color='blue') temp = np.empty((len(nm3.stim_table), nm3.sweeplength)) for i in range(len(nm3.stim_table)): temp[i, :] = nm3.sweep_response['dx'].iloc[i][:, 0] ax9.imshow(temp, cmap='gray', interpolation='none', aspect=100) ax9.set_ylabel("Trials", fontsize=20) ax9.set_xticks([]) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle("Running Summary", fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) filename = 'Running Summary.png' fullfilename = os.path.join(save_dir, filename) plt.savefig(fullfilename) plt.close()