Synaptic Connectivity

The Connectome Annotation Versioning Engine (CAVE) is a suite of tools developed at the Allen Institute and Seung Lab to manage large connectomics data.

Initial Setup

Before using any programmatic access to the data, you first need to set up your CAVEclient token.

The connectome data (synapses, cell types, etc.) can be accessed from the cloud via CAVE. However, because of the size of the connectivity tables, it is often preferable to download and compile the features of interest (in this case synapses) to work with offline. This notebook steps through downloading the synapses of the proofread neurons, as of materialization version 1181.


It is recommended you have worked through the CAVE Quickstart notebook, as this tutorial builds on knowledge in the previous notebook.

from caveclient import CAVEclient
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Initialize CAVEclient with a datastack

Datasets in CAVE are organized as datastacks. These are a combination of an EM dataset, a segmentation and a set of annotations. The datastack for MICrONS public release is minnie65_public. When you instantiate your client with this datastack, it loads all relevant information to access it.

client = CAVEclient("minnie65_public")

Materialization versions

Data in CAVE is timestamped and periodically versioned - each (materialization) version corresponds to a specific timestamp. Individual versions are made publicly available. The materialization service provides annotation queries to the dataset. It is available under client.materialize.

Currently the following versions are publicly available (in this tutorial we will be using 1181):

[1078, 117, 661, 343, 1181, 795, 943]

And these are their associated timestamps (all timestamps are in UTC):

for version in client.materialize.get_versions():
    print(f"Version {version}: {client.materialize.get_timestamp(version)}")
Version 1078: 2024-06-05 10:10:01.203215+00:00
Version 117: 2021-06-11 08:10:00.215114+00:00
Version 661: 2023-04-06 20:17:09.199182+00:00
Version 343: 2022-02-24 08:10:00.184668+00:00
Version 1181: 2024-09-16 10:10:01.121167+00:00
Version 795: 2023-08-23 08:10:01.404268+00:00
Version 943: 2024-01-22 08:10:01.497934+00:00

The client will automatically query the latest materialization version. You can specify a materialization_version for every query if you want to access a specific version.


Querying Synapses

While synapses are stored as any other table in the database, in this case synapses_pni_2, this table is much larger than any other table at more than 337 million rows, and it works best when queried in a different way.

The synapse_query function allows you to query the synapse table in a more convenient way than most other tables. In particular, the pre_ids and post_ids let you specify which root id (or collection of root ids) you want to query, with pre_ids indicating the collection of presynaptic neurons and post_ids the collection of postsynaptic neurons.

Using both pre_ids and post_ids in one call is effectively a logical AND, returning only those synapses from neurons in the list of pre_ids that target neurons in the list of post_ids.

Let’s look at one particular example.

my_root_id = 864691135808473885
syn_df = client.materialize.synapse_query(pre_ids=my_root_id)
print(f"Total number of output synapses for {my_root_id}: {len(syn_df)}")
Total number of output synapses for 864691135808473885: 1498
id created superceded_id valid size pre_pt_supervoxel_id pre_pt_root_id post_pt_supervoxel_id post_pt_root_id pre_pt_position post_pt_position ctr_pt_position
0 158405512 2020-11-04 06:48:59.403833+00:00 NaN t 420 89385416926790697 864691135808473885 89385416926797494 864691135546540484 [179076, 188248, 20233] [179156, 188220, 20239] [179140, 188230, 20239]
1 185549462 2020-11-04 06:49:10.903020+00:00 NaN t 4832 91356016507479890 864691135808473885 91356016507470163 864691135884799088 [193168, 190452, 19262] [193142, 190404, 19257] [193180, 190432, 19254]
2 138110803 2020-11-04 06:49:46.758528+00:00 NaN t 3176 87263084540201919 864691135808473885 87263084540199587 864691135759983182 [163440, 104292, 19808] [163498, 104348, 19806] [163460, 104356, 19804]
3 157378264 2020-11-04 07:38:27.332669+00:00 NaN t 412 89374490395905686 864691135808473885 89374490395921430 864691135446953106 [179218, 107132, 19372] [179204, 107010, 19383] [179196, 107072, 19380]
4 174798776 2020-11-04 10:10:59.416878+00:00 NaN t 1796 90089104301487245 864691135808473885 90089104301487089 864691135572292333 [184038, 188292, 19753] [183920, 188202, 19754] [183998, 188216, 19755]

Note that synapse queries always return the list of every synapse between the neurons in the query, even if there are multiple synapses between the same pair of neurons.

A common pattern to generate a list of connections between unique pairs of neurons is to group by the root ids of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons and then count the number of synapses between them. For example, to get the number of synapses from this neuron onto every other neuron, ordered

  ['pre_pt_root_id', 'post_pt_root_id']
  columns={'id': 'syn_count'}
# Note that the 'id' part here is just a way to quickly extract one column.
# This could be any of the remaining column names, but `id` is often convenient 
# because it is common to all tables.
pre_pt_root_id post_pt_root_id
864691135808473885 864691135865557118 20
864691135214122296 16
864691136578647572 15
864691136066504856 13
864691135841325283 11
... ...
864691136926552138 1
864691136952088543 1
864691135241125665 1
864691136952690399 1
864691136974682652 1

1035 rows × 1 columns

We can query the synapse table directly. However, it is too large to query all at once. CAVE limits to queries to 500,000 rows at once and will display a warning when that happens. Here, we demonstrate this with the limit set to 10:

synapse_table_name =["synapse_table"]
syn_df = client.materialize.query_table(synapse_table_name, limit=10, desired_resolution=[1, 1, 1], split_positions=True)
id created superceded_id valid pre_pt_position_x pre_pt_position_y pre_pt_position_z post_pt_position_x post_pt_position_y post_pt_position_z ctr_pt_position_x ctr_pt_position_y ctr_pt_position_z size pre_pt_supervoxel_id pre_pt_root_id post_pt_supervoxel_id post_pt_root_id
0 4456 2020-11-04 13:02:08.388988+00:00 NaN t 211448.0 409744.0 801440.0 211448.0 409744.0 801440.0 211612.0 410172.0 801400.0 2956 72063160986635724 864691135533713769 72063160986635724 864691135533713769
1 4503 2020-11-04 12:09:33.286834+00:00 NaN t 212456.0 408032.0 800360.0 212456.0 408032.0 800360.0 212168.0 408088.0 800400.0 344 72063092267156962 864691135087527094 72063092267156962 864691135087527094
2 4508 2020-11-04 13:02:13.024144+00:00 NaN t 212448.0 411696.0 801440.0 212448.0 411696.0 801440.0 212224.0 411800.0 801560.0 344 72063229706111827 864691135533713769 72063229706111827 864691135533713769
3 4568 2020-11-04 13:44:08.085705+00:00 NaN t 213392.0 415448.0 802920.0 213392.0 415448.0 802920.0 213096.0 415176.0 802880.0 13816 72133735889250131 864691134530418554 72133735889250131 864691134530418554
4 4581 2020-11-04 07:29:12.917622+00:00 NaN t 213552.0 417184.0 800800.0 213552.0 417184.0 800800.0 213240.0 417080.0 801080.0 10436 72133804608718799 864691134745062676 72133804608718799 864691134745062676
5 4582 2020-11-04 13:02:17.694701+00:00 NaN t 212880.0 409120.0 801440.0 212880.0 409120.0 801440.0 213016.0 408832.0 801520.0 1344 72063160986636743 864691135533713769 72063160986636743 864691135533713769
6 4588 2020-11-04 12:20:12.290593+00:00 NaN t 213200.0 421120.0 805520.0 213200.0 421120.0 805520.0 213064.0 421000.0 805600.0 7128 72133942047682150 864691134609767690 72133942047682150 864691134609767690
7 4590 2020-11-04 13:20:01.875310+00:00 NaN t 213504.0 406440.0 805160.0 213504.0 406440.0 805160.0 213336.0 406596.0 805200.0 6572 72133461011344162 864691135091400630 72133461011344162 864691135091400630
8 4606 2020-11-04 07:24:39.038223+00:00 NaN t 213384.0 413792.0 800800.0 213384.0 413792.0 800800.0 213256.0 413976.0 801040.0 2100 72133667169766499 864691134609872906 72133667169766499 864691134609872906
9 4611 2020-11-04 07:24:37.800341+00:00 NaN t 213336.0 415304.0 800960.0 213336.0 415304.0 800960.0 213192.0 415604.0 800960.0 492 72133735889243887 864691134609872906 72133735889243887 864691134609872906

Instead we need to limit our query to a few neurons. The next section will load the proofread cells, and merge their cell type information for some connectivity mapping

Query proofread cells and connectivity

Proofread neurons

The table proofreading_status_and_strategy contains proofreading information about ~1,300 neurons. This manifest on provides the most detailed overview. In brief, axons annotated with any strategy_axon were cleaned of false mergers but not all were fully extended. The most important distinction is axons annotated with axon_column_truncated were only proofread within a certain volume wheras others were proofread without such bias.

proof_df = client.materialize.tables.proofreading_status_and_strategy(status_axon='t').query(desired_resolution=[1, 1, 1], split_positions=True)
axon_partially_extended    979
axon_column_truncated      233
axon_interareal            144
axon_fully_extended         80
Name: count, dtype: int64

Query synapses between proofread neurons

We can query the graph spanned by the neurons with proofread axons using the filter_in_dict parameter (takes ~3 mins):

# This takes 3-5 minutes to complete

synapse_table_name =["synapse_table"]
syn_proof_only_df = client.materialize.query_table(synapse_table_name, desired_resolution=[1, 1, 1], split_positions=True,
                                                   filter_in_dict={"pre_pt_root_id": proof_df["pt_root_id"], 
                                                                   "post_pt_root_id": proof_df["pt_root_id"]})

# remove autapses
syn_proof_only_df = syn_proof_only_df[syn_proof_only_df["pre_pt_root_id"] != syn_proof_only_df["post_pt_root_id"]]
CPU times: total: 297 ms
Wall time: 2min 23s

Plot connectivity as binarized heatmap

Now lets plot the connectivity between every proofread cell and every other cell

syn_mat = syn_proof_only_df.pivot_table(index="pre_pt_root_id", columns="post_pt_root_id", 
                                      values="size", aggfunc=lambda x: float(np.sum(x) > 0)).fillna(0)
syn_mat = syn_mat.reindex(columns=np.array(syn_mat.index))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
sns.heatmap(syn_mat, cmap="gray_r", xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[], 
            ax=ax, square=True,
            cbar_kws={"label": "Connected - binary"})

There is some structure of highly interconnected cells. By adding information about the type of cells, we might infer more about the connectivity patterns

Add cell type information to connectivity

Querying cell type information

There are two distinct ways cell types were classified in the MICrONS dataset: manual and automated. Manual annotations are available for ~1,000 neurons (allen_v1_column_types_slanted_ref), automated classifications are available for all cell bodies based on these manual annotations (aibs_metamodel_celltypes_v661). Because they are annotating an existing annotations, these annotations are introduced as a “reference” table:

Annotation tables

For more on cell types and their tables, see the Annotation Tables page.

ct_manual_df = client.materialize.query_table("allen_v1_column_types_slanted_ref", desired_resolution=[1, 1, 1], split_positions=True)

# rename the reference column for clarity
ct_manual_df.rename(columns={'target_id': 'nucleus_id'}, inplace=True)

# remove segments with multiple cell bodies
ct_manual_df.drop_duplicates("pt_root_id", keep=False, inplace=True)
id created valid nucleus_id classification_system cell_type id_ref created_ref valid_ref volume ... pt_position_y pt_position_z bb_start_position_x bb_start_position_y bb_start_position_z bb_end_position_x bb_end_position_y bb_end_position_z pt_supervoxel_id pt_root_id
0 50 2023-03-18 14:13:21.613360+00:00 t 258319 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P 258319 2020-09-28 22:40:42.476911+00:00 t 261.806162 ... 572992.0 849520.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 89309001002848425 864691135927260174
1 1119 2023-03-18 14:13:22.506660+00:00 t 276438 aibs_coarse_excitatory 6P-CT 276438 2020-09-28 22:40:42.700226+00:00 t 277.317714 ... 1035072.0 943880.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 89465269428261699 864691136487559186
2 35 2023-03-18 14:13:21.602813+00:00 t 260552 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P 260552 2020-09-28 22:40:42.745779+00:00 t 230.111805 ... 631872.0 840080.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 89170256379033022 864691135510274057
3 95 2023-03-18 14:13:21.644304+00:00 t 260263 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P 260263 2020-09-28 22:40:42.746658+00:00 t 274.324193 ... 632512.0 810640.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 88044356338331571 864691135694415551
4 81 2023-03-18 14:13:21.634505+00:00 t 262898 aibs_coarse_inhibitory BPC 262898 2020-09-28 22:40:42.749245+00:00 t 230.092308 ... 701120.0 878560.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 88468836747612860 864691135759892302

5 rows × 21 columns

The reference table added two additional data columns: classification_system and cell_type. The classification_system divides the cells into excitatitory and inhibitory neurons as well as non-neuronal cells. cell_type provides lower level cell annotations.

Next, we query the automatically classified cell type information. The query works the same way:

ct_auto_df = client.materialize.query_table("aibs_metamodel_celltypes_v661", desired_resolution=[1, 1, 1], split_positions=True)

# rename the reference column for clarity
ct_manual_df.rename(columns={'target_id': 'nucleus_id'}, inplace=True)

# remove segments with multiple cell bodies
ct_auto_df.drop_duplicates("pt_root_id", keep=False, inplace=True)
id created valid target_id classification_system cell_type id_ref created_ref valid_ref volume ... pt_position_y pt_position_z bb_start_position_x bb_start_position_y bb_start_position_z bb_end_position_x bb_end_position_y bb_end_position_z pt_supervoxel_id pt_root_id
0 36916 2023-12-19 22:47:18.659864+00:00 t 336365 excitatory_neuron 5P-IT 336365 2020-09-28 22:42:48.966292+00:00 t 272.488202 ... 723328.0 1083040.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 93606511657924288 864691136274724621
1 1070 2023-12-19 22:38:00.472115+00:00 t 110648 excitatory_neuron 23P 110648 2020-09-28 22:45:09.650639+00:00 t 328.533443 ... 518528.0 1016400.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 79385153184885329 864691135489403194
2 1099 2023-12-19 22:38:00.898837+00:00 t 112071 excitatory_neuron 23P 112071 2020-09-28 22:43:34.088785+00:00 t 272.929423 ... 597888.0 623320.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 79035988248401958 864691136147292311
3 13259 2023-12-19 22:41:14.417986+00:00 t 197927 nonneuron oligo 197927 2020-09-28 22:43:10.652649+00:00 t 91.308851 ... 744768.0 1058840.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 84529699506051734 864691136050858227
4 13271 2023-12-19 22:41:14.685474+00:00 t 198087 nonneuron astrocyte 198087 2020-09-28 22:41:36.677186+00:00 t 161.744978 ... 763776.0 1094440.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 83756261929388963 864691135809440972

5 rows × 21 columns

excitatory_neuron    63761
nonneuron            18697
inhibitory_neuron     7849
Name: count, dtype: int64
23P          19643
4P           14722
6P-IT        11637
5P-IT         7889
astrocyte     7108
oligo         6900
6P-CT         6755
BC            3310
MC            2434
microglia     2394
5P-ET         2158
BPC           1484
OPC           1449
5P-NP          957
pericyte       846
NGC            621
Name: count, dtype: int64

We can merge the manual and automatic cell types together into a single cell type table for convenience.

Note: the cells for which there is no manual cell type will appear as a NaN in the following dataframe

ct_all_df = pd.merge(ct_auto_df[['pt_root_id','classification_system','cell_type', 'id_ref']],
ct_all_df['cell_type_auto'] = ct_all_df.cell_type_auto.fillna('unsure')
ct_all_df['cell_type_manual'] = ct_all_df.cell_type_manual.fillna('unsure')
pt_root_id classification_system_auto cell_type_auto id_ref classification_system_manual cell_type_manual
90332 864691137198895425 excitatory_neuron 4P 298773.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 5P-IT
90333 864691137198900801 excitatory_neuron 4P 260651.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 4P
90334 864691137198933569 excitatory_neuron 5P-IT 196769.0 NaN unsure
90335 864691137198939713 excitatory_neuron 6P-CT 234930.0 NaN unsure
90336 864691137198943297 nonneuron astrocyte 468059.0 NaN unsure
ct_proof_df = pd.merge(proof_df[['pt_root_id']], ct_all_df,

# ct_proof_df = ct_all_df[np.isin(ct_all_df["pt_root_id"], proof_df["pt_root_id"])]
ct_proof_df.set_index('pt_root_id', inplace=True)
classification_system_auto cell_type_auto id_ref classification_system_manual cell_type_manual
864691135464714565 excitatory_neuron 5P-ET 527784.0 NaN unsure
864691136228491601 excitatory_neuron 23P 294589.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P
864691136445280131 excitatory_neuron 23P 292674.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P
864691135059817627 excitatory_neuron 23P 291175.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P
864691136424171823 excitatory_neuron 23P 256510.0 aibs_coarse_excitatory 23P
... ... ... ... ... ...
864691135953632803 excitatory_neuron 4P 397167.0 NaN unsure
864691135741659499 excitatory_neuron 4P 493796.0 NaN unsure
864691135741684075 excitatory_neuron 4P 612794.0 NaN unsure
864691135741721707 excitatory_neuron 23P 361632.0 NaN unsure
864691136674219143 excitatory_neuron 23P 358984.0 NaN unsure

1436 rows × 5 columns

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