Source code for bmtk.utils.reports.spike_trains.spike_train_buffer

# Copyright 2020. Allen Institute. All rights reserved
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
# following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
# disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
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import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv
import time
from array import array

from .core import SortOrder, pop_na, comm, MPI_size, MPI_rank, comm_barrier
from .core import col_node_ids, col_population, col_timestamps
from .spike_trains_api import SpikeTrainsAPI

def _spikes_filter1(p, t, time_window, populations):
    return p in populations and time_window[0] <= t <= time_window[1]

def _spikes_filter2(p, t, populations):
    return p in populations

def _spikes_filter3(p, t, time_window):
    return time_window[0] <= t <= time_window[1]

def _create_filter(populations, time_window):
    from functools import partial

    if populations is None and time_window is None:
        return lambda p, t: True
    if populations is None:
        return partial(_spikes_filter3, time_window=time_window)

    populations = [populations] if np.isscalar(populations) else populations
    if time_window is None:
        return partial(_spikes_filter2, populations=populations)
        return partial(_spikes_filter1, populations=populations, time_window=time_window)

def _create_empty_df(with_population_col=True):
    columns = [col_timestamps, col_population, col_node_ids] if with_population_col else [col_timestamps, col_node_ids]
    return pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)

[docs]class STMemoryBuffer(SpikeTrainsAPI): """ A Class for creating, storing and reading multi-population spike-trains - especially for saving the spikes of a large scale network simulation. Keeps a running tally of the (timestamp, population-name, node_id) for each individual spike. The spikes are stored in memory and very large and/or epiletic simulations may run into memory issues. Not designed to work with parallel simulations. """ def __init__(self, default_population=None, store_type='array', **kwargs): self._default_population = default_population or kwargs.get('population', None) or pop_na self._store_type = store_type # self._pop_counts = {self._default_population: 0} # A count of spikes per population self._units = kwargs.get('units', 'ms') # for backwards compatability default to milliseconds self._pops = {}
[docs] def add_spike(self, node_id, timestamp, population=None, **kwargs): population = population or self._default_population if population not in self._pops: self._create_store(population) self._pops[population][col_node_ids].append(node_id) self._pops[population][col_timestamps].append(timestamp)
[docs] def add_spikes(self, node_ids, timestamps, population=None, **kwargs): population = population or self._default_population if np.isscalar(node_ids): node_ids = [node_ids]*len(timestamps) if len(node_ids) != len(timestamps): raise ValueError('node_ids and timestamps must by of the same length') if population not in self._pops: self._create_store(population) pop_data = self._pops[population] pop_data[col_node_ids].extend(node_ids) pop_data[col_timestamps].extend(timestamps)
def _create_store(self, population): """Helper for creating storage data struct of a population, so add_spike/add_spikes is consistent.""" # Benchmark Notes: # Tested with numpy, lists and arrays. np.concate/append is too slow to consider. regular list is ~2-3x # faster than array, but require 2-4x the amount of memory. For larger and parallelized applications # (> 100 million spikes) use array since the amount of memory can required can exceed amount available. But # if memory is not an issue use list. if self._store_type == 'list': self._pops[population] = {col_node_ids: [], col_timestamps: []} elif self._store_type == 'array': self._pops[population] = {col_node_ids: array('I'), col_timestamps: array('d')} else: raise AttributeError('Uknown store type {} for SpikeTrains'.format(self._store_type))
[docs] def import_spikes(self, obj, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def flush(self): pass # not necessary since everything is stored in memory
[docs] def close(self): pass # don't need to do anything
@property def populations(self): return list(self._pops.keys())
[docs] def node_ids(self, population=None): population = population if population is not None else self._default_population if population not in self._pops: return [] return np.unique(self._pops[population][col_node_ids]).astype(np.uint)
[docs] def units(self, population=None): return self._units
[docs] def set_units(self, v, population=None): self._units = v
[docs] def n_spikes(self, population=None): population = population if population is not None else self._default_population if population not in self._pops: return 0 return len(self._pops[population][col_timestamps])
[docs] def get_times(self, node_id, population=None, time_window=None, **kwargs): population = population if population is not None else self._default_population pop = self._pops[population] # filter by node_id and (if specified) by time. mask = np.array(pop[col_node_ids]) == node_id ts = np.array(pop[col_timestamps]) if time_window: mask &= (time_window[0] <= ts) & (ts <= time_window[1]) return ts[mask]
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, populations=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, with_population_col=True, **kwargs): if populations is None: selelectd_pops = list(self.populations) elif np.isscalar(populations): selelectd_pops = [populations] else: selelectd_pops = populations ret_df = None for pop_name in selelectd_pops: pop_data = self._pops.get(pop_name, {col_node_ids: [], col_timestamps: []}) pop_df = pd.DataFrame({ col_node_ids: pop_data[col_node_ids], col_timestamps: pop_data[col_timestamps] }) if with_population_col: pop_df[col_population] = pop_name if sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_node_ids) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_timestamps) if ret_df is None: ret_df = pop_df else: ret_df = pd.concat((ret_df, pop_df)) # Make sure ret_df is not None ret_df = _create_empty_df(with_population_col) if ret_df is None else ret_df return ret_df
[docs] def spikes(self, populations=None, time_window=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, **kwargs): if populations is None: populations = self.populations elif np.isscalar(populations): populations = [populations] for pop_name in populations: pop_data = self._pops.get(pop_name, {col_node_ids: [], col_timestamps: []}) timestamps = pop_data[col_timestamps] node_ids = pop_data[col_node_ids] if sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: sort_indx = np.argsort(node_ids) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: sort_indx = np.argsort(timestamps) else: sort_indx = range(len(timestamps)) filter = _create_filter(populations, time_window) for i in sort_indx: t = timestamps[i] p = pop_name if filter(p=p, t=t): yield t, p, node_ids[i] return
def __len__(self): return len(self.to_dataframe())
[docs]class STMPIBuffer(STMemoryBuffer): def __init__(self, default_population=None, store_type='array', **kwargs): self.mpi_rank = kwargs.get('MPI_rank', MPI_rank) self.mpi_size = kwargs.get('MPI_size', MPI_size) super(STMPIBuffer, self).__init__(default_population=default_population, store_type=store_type, **kwargs) def _gatherv(self, population, on_all_ranks=True): from mpi4py import MPI local_n_spikes = super(STMPIBuffer, self).n_spikes(population) sizes = comm.allgather(local_n_spikes) offsets = np.zeros(MPI_size, dtype=np.int64) offsets[1:] = np.cumsum(sizes)[:-1] all_n_spikes = np.sum(sizes) local_population = self._pops.get(population, {col_node_ids: [], col_timestamps: []}) # if pop not on rank local_node_ids = np.array(local_population[col_node_ids], dtype=np.uint64) all_node_ids = np.zeros(all_n_spikes, dtype=np.uint64) if on_all_ranks: comm.Allgatherv(local_node_ids, [all_node_ids, sizes, offsets, MPI.UINT64_T]) else: comm.Gatherv(local_node_ids, [all_node_ids, sizes, offsets, MPI.UINT64_T], root=0) if MPI_rank != 0: all_node_ids = None local_timestamps = np.array(local_population[col_timestamps], dtype=np.double) all_timestamps = np.zeros(all_n_spikes, dtype=np.double) if on_all_ranks: comm.Allgatherv(local_timestamps, [all_timestamps, sizes, offsets, MPI.DOUBLE]) else: comm.Gatherv(local_timestamps, [all_timestamps, sizes, offsets, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0) if MPI_rank != 0: all_timestamps = None return all_node_ids, all_timestamps
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, populations=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, with_population_col=True, on_rank='all', **kwargs): comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'local': return super(STMPIBuffer, self).to_dataframe(populations=populations, sort_order=sort_order, with_population_col=with_population_col, **kwargs) if on_rank not in ['local', 'all', 'root']: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) if populations is None: selelectd_pops = list(self.get_populations(on_rank='all')) elif np.isscalar(populations): selelectd_pops = [populations] else: selelectd_pops = populations # Make sure the list of populations is exactly the same (including order) across all ranks so that # _gatherv is called in the same sequence across all ranks. selelectd_pops.sort() ret_df = None for pop_name in selelectd_pops: if on_rank == 'all': node_ids, timestamps = self._gatherv(population=pop_name, on_all_ranks=True) pop_df = pd.DataFrame({ col_node_ids: node_ids, col_timestamps: timestamps }) if with_population_col: pop_df[col_population] = pop_name if sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_node_ids) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_timestamps) if ret_df is None: ret_df = pop_df else: ret_df = pd.concat((ret_df, pop_df)) elif on_rank == 'root': node_ids, timestamps = self._gatherv(population=pop_name, on_all_ranks=False) if MPI_rank != 0: continue pop_df = pd.DataFrame({ col_node_ids: node_ids, col_timestamps: timestamps }) if with_population_col: pop_df[col_population] = pop_name if sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_node_ids) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: pop_df = pop_df.sort_values(col_timestamps) if ret_df is None: ret_df = pop_df else: ret_df = pd.concat((ret_df, pop_df)) comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all' or MPI_rank == 0: # If using 'all' or on rank 0 a dataframe is expected even if there are no spikes ret_df = _create_empty_df(with_population_col) if ret_df is None else ret_df return ret_df
@property def populations(self): return self.get_populations(on_rank='all')
[docs] def get_populations(self, on_rank='all'): local_pops = list(super(STMPIBuffer, self).populations) if on_rank == 'local': return local_pops if on_rank == 'all': gathered_pops = comm.allgather(local_pops) elif on_rank == 'root': gathered_pops = comm.gather(local_pops, 0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) if gathered_pops is None: return None else: all_populations = set() for pops in gathered_pops: all_populations |= set(pops) # WARNING: For a number of parallel applications it's important that the list of populations returned # is the same across all ranks (eg ranks don't iterate through each population in different sequences) all_populations = list(all_populations) all_populations.sort() return all_populations
[docs] def node_ids(self, population=None, on_rank='all'): local_node_ids = super(STMPIBuffer, self).node_ids(population) if on_rank == 'local': return local_node_ids if on_rank == 'all': gathered_nodes = comm.allgather(local_node_ids) elif on_rank == 'root': gathered_nodes = comm.gather(local_node_ids, 0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) if gathered_nodes is None: return None else: return np.unique(np.concatenate(gathered_nodes)).astype(np.uint)
[docs] def n_spikes(self, population=None, on_rank='all'): from mpi4py import MPI local_n = super(STMPIBuffer, self).n_spikes(population) if on_rank == 'local': return local_n elif on_rank == 'all': return comm.allreduce(local_n, MPI.SUM) elif on_rank == 'root': return comm.reduce(local_n, MPI.SUM) else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank))
[docs] def get_times(self, node_id, population=None, time_window=None, on_rank='all', **kwargs): local_times = super(STMPIBuffer, self).get_times(node_id=node_id, population=population, time_window=time_window, **kwargs) if on_rank == 'local': return local_times elif on_rank == 'all': all_times = comm.allgather(local_times) elif on_rank == 'root': all_times = comm.gather(local_times, 0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) if all_times is not None: return np.sort(np.concatenate(all_times)) else: return None
[docs] def spikes(self, populations=None, time_window=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, on_rank='all', **kwargs): if on_rank == 'local': for i in super(STMPIBuffer, self).spikes(populations=populations, time_window=time_window, sort_order=sort_order, **kwargs): yield i return if populations is None: populations = self.populations elif np.isscalar(populations): populations = [populations] populations.sort() for pop_name in populations: node_ids, timestamps = self._gatherv(pop_name, on_all_ranks=(on_rank == 'all')) if node_ids is None: continue if sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: sort_indx = np.argsort(node_ids) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: sort_indx = np.argsort(timestamps) else: sort_indx = range(len(timestamps)) filter = _create_filter(populations, time_window) for i in sort_indx: t = timestamps[i] p = pop_name if filter(p=p, t=t): yield t, p, node_ids[i]
[docs]class STCSVBuffer(SpikeTrainsAPI): """ A Class for creating, storing and reading multi-population spike-trains - especially for saving the spikes of a large scale network simulation. Keeps a running tally of the (timestamp, population-name, node_id) for each individual spike. Uses a caching mechanism to periodically save spikes to the disk. Will encure a runtime performance penality but will always have an upper bound on the maximum memory used. If running parallel simulations should use the STMPIBuffer adaptor instead. """ def __init__(self, cache_dir=None, default_population=None, cache_name='spikes', **kwargs): self._default_population = default_population or pop_na # Keep a file handle open for writing spike information self._cache_dir = cache_dir or '.' self._cache_name = cache_name self._buffer_filename = self._cache_fname(self._cache_dir) self._buffer_handle = open(self._buffer_filename, 'w') self._units = kwargs.get('units', 'ms') self._pop_metadata = {} self._spike_counts = 0 # all spikes added on rank, for each individual pop spike count stored in _pop_metadata def _cache_fname(self, cache_dir): # TODO: Potential problem if multiple SpikeTrains are opened at the same time, add salt to prevent collisions if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) return os.path.join(cache_dir, '.bmtk.{}.cache.csv'.format(self._cache_name))
[docs] def add_spike(self, node_id, timestamp, population=None, **kwargs): population = population or self._default_population # NOTE: I looked into using a in-memory buffer to save data and caching only when they reached a threshold, # however on my computer it was actually slower than just calling file.write() each time. Likely the python # file writer is more efficent than what I could write. However still would like to benchmark on a NSF. self._buffer_handle.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(timestamp, population, node_id)) if population not in self._pop_metadata: self._pop_metadata[population] = {'node_ids': set(), 'n_spikes': 0} self._pop_metadata[population]['node_ids'].add(node_id) self._pop_metadata[population]['n_spikes'] += 1 self._spike_counts += 1
[docs] def add_spikes(self, node_ids, timestamps, population=None, **kwargs): if np.isscalar(node_ids): for ts in timestamps: self.add_spike(node_ids, ts, population) else: for node_id, ts in zip(node_ids, timestamps): self.add_spike(node_id, ts, population)
@property def populations(self): return list(self._pop_metadata.keys())
[docs] def units(self, population=None): return self._units
[docs] def set_units(self, u, population=None): self._units = u
[docs] def node_ids(self, population=None): population = population if population is not None else self._default_population if population not in self._pop_metadata: return [] return list(self._pop_metadata[population]['node_ids'])
[docs] def n_spikes(self, population=None): population = population if population is not None else self._default_population if population not in self._pop_metadata: return 0 return self._pop_metadata[population]['n_spikes']
[docs] def time_range(self, populations=None): return None # TODO: keep track of largest and smallest values
# return np.min(self._timestamps), np.max(self._timestamps)
[docs] def get_times(self, node_id, population=None, time_window=None, **kwargs): self.flush() population = population if population is not None else self._default_population return np.array([t[0] for t in self.spikes(populations=population, time_window=time_window) if t[2] == node_id])
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, populations=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, with_population_col=True, **kwargs): self.flush() sorting_cols = [col_population] if sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: sorting_cols = [col_population, col_timestamps] elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: sorting_cols = [col_population, col_node_ids] ret_df = pd.read_csv( self._buffer_filename, sep=' ', names=[col_timestamps, col_population, col_node_ids] ).sort_values(sorting_cols) # filter by population if np.isscalar(populations): ret_df = ret_df[ret_df[col_population] == populations] elif populations is not None: ret_df = ret_df[ret_df[col_population].isin(populations)] if not with_population_col: ret_df = ret_df.drop(col_population, axis=1) ret_df = ret_df.astype({col_timestamps: float, col_node_ids: np.int64}) return ret_df
[docs] def flush(self): self._buffer_handle.flush() # Found an issue with even after flushing the csv there can be a lag before data is actually cached to the disk. # this can have problems with other processes on a different rank tries open the file that hasn't been # completely saved. This hack should hopefully ensure that each rank has fully cached their spikes to disk. for i in range(10): with open(self._buffer_filename) as fh: fcount = len(fh.readlines()) if fcount == self._spike_counts: break time.sleep(0.5) else: print('Warning: spike counts on rank {} cache does not match total added.'.format(MPI_rank))
[docs] def close(self): self._buffer_handle.close() if os.path.exists(self._buffer_filename): os.remove(self._buffer_filename)
[docs] def spikes(self, populations=None, time_window=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, **kwargs): self.flush() self._sort_buffer_file(self._buffer_filename, sort_order) filter_fnc = _create_filter(populations, time_window) with open(self._buffer_filename, 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in csv_reader: t = float(row[0]) p = row[1] if filter_fnc(p=p, t=t): yield t, p, int(row[2]) return
def _sort_buffer_file(self, file_name, sort_order): # sort a spikes cache file # Currently we just read "file_name" into a dataframe, sort it, and resave it to the file if sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: sort_col = 'time' elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: sort_col = 'node' else: return tmp_spikes_ds = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep=' ', names=['time', 'population', 'node']) tmp_spikes_ds = tmp_spikes_ds.sort_values(by=sort_col) tmp_spikes_ds.to_csv(file_name, sep=' ', index=False, header=False)
[docs]class STCSVMPIBuffer(STCSVBuffer): def __init__(self, cache_dir=None, default_population=None, cache_name='spikes', **kwargs): self.mpi_rank = kwargs.get('MPI_rank', MPI_rank) self.mpi_size = kwargs.get('MPI_size', MPI_size) self._cache_name = cache_name self._all_ranks_data = {} super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).__init__(cache_dir, default_population=default_population, **kwargs) def _cache_fname(self, cache_dir): if self.mpi_rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(self._cache_dir): os.makedirs(self._cache_dir) comm_barrier() return os.path.join(self._cache_dir, '.bmtk.{}.cache.node{}.csv'.format(self._cache_name, self.mpi_rank)) def _all_cached_files(self): return [os.path.join(self._cache_dir, '.bmtk.{}.cache.node{}.csv'.format(self._cache_name, r)) for r in range(MPI_size)] def _gather(self): self._all_ranks_data = {} for fn in self._all_cached_files(): if not os.path.exists(fn): continue with open(fn, 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in csv_reader: pop = row[1] if pop not in self._all_ranks_data: self._all_ranks_data[pop] = {'n_spikes': 0, 'node_ids': set()} self._all_ranks_data[pop]['n_spikes'] += 1 # self._all_ranks_data.get(pop, 0) + 1 self._all_ranks_data[pop]['node_ids'].add(int(row[2])) def _gather_times(self, node_id, population): timestamps = [] for fn in self._all_cached_files(): if not os.path.exists(fn): continue with open(fn, 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in csv_reader: pop = row[1] nid = int(row[2]) if nid == node_id and pop == population: timestamps.append(float(row[0])) return timestamps @property def populations(self): return self.get_populations(on_rank='all')
[docs] def get_populations(self, on_rank='all'): if on_rank == 'local': pops = super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).populations pops.sort() # import populations are in the same order on all ranks return pops self.flush() comm_barrier() pops = None if on_rank == 'all': self._gather() pops = list(self._all_ranks_data.keys()) elif on_rank == 'root': if MPI_rank == 0: self._gather() pops = list(self._all_ranks_data.keys()) if pops is not None: pops.sort() return pops
[docs] def n_spikes(self, population=None, on_rank='all'): if on_rank == 'local': return super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).n_spikes(population=population) population = population if population is not None else self._default_population self.flush() comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all': self._gather() return self._all_ranks_data[population]['n_spikes'] if population in self._all_ranks_data else 0 elif on_rank == 'root': if MPI_rank == 0: self._gather() return self._all_ranks_data[population]['n_spikes'] if population in self._all_ranks_data else 0 else: return None else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank))
[docs] def node_ids(self, population=None, on_rank='all'): if on_rank == 'local': return super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).node_ids(population=population) population = population if population is not None else self._default_population self.flush() comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all': self._gather() return list(self._all_ranks_data[population]['node_ids']) if population in self._all_ranks_data else [] elif on_rank == 'root': if MPI_rank == 0: self._gather() return list(self._all_ranks_data[population]['node_ids']) if population in self._all_ranks_data else [] else: return None else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank))
[docs] def get_times(self, node_id, population=None, time_window=None, on_rank='all', **kwargs): # population = population if population is not None else self._default_population if on_rank == 'local': # calling super.get_times() will fail since it relies on spikes() return np.array([t[0] for t in super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).spikes( populations=population, time_window=time_window) if t[2] == node_id]) population = population if population is not None else self._default_population self.flush() comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all': timestamps = self._gather_times(node_id=node_id, population=population) elif on_rank == 'root': timestamps = self._gather_times(node_id, population) if MPI_rank == 0 else None else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) if time_window is not None: timestamps = [t for t in timestamps if time_window[0] <= t <= time_window[1]] return timestamps
[docs] def spikes(self, populations=None, time_window=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, on_rank='all', **kwargs): if on_rank == 'local': return super(STCSVMPIBuffer, self).spikes(populations=populations, time_window=time_window, sort_order=sort_order, **kwargs) self.flush() comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all': return self._sort_helper(populations, time_window, sort_order) elif on_rank == 'root': if MPI_rank == 0: return self._sort_helper(populations, time_window, sort_order) else: return []
def _sort_helper(self, populations, time_window, sort_order): filter_fnc = _create_filter(populations, time_window) if sort_order == SortOrder.by_time or sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: for file_name in self._all_cached_files(): if not os.path.exists(file_name): continue self._sort_buffer_file(file_name, sort_order) return self._sorted_itr(filter_fnc, 0 if sort_order == SortOrder.by_time else 2) else: return self._unsorted_itr(filter_fnc) def _unsorted_itr(self, filter_fnc): for fn in self._all_cached_files(): if not os.path.exists(fn): continue with open(fn, 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in csv_reader: t = float(row[0]) p = row[1] if filter_fnc(p=p, t=t): yield t, p, int(row[2]) return def _sorted_itr(self, filter_fnc, sort_col): """Iterates through all the spikes on each rank, returning them in the specified order""" import heapq def next_row(csv_reader): try: rn = next(csv_reader) row = [float(rn[0]), rn[1], int(rn[2])] return row[sort_col], row, csv_reader except StopIteration: return None except ValueError as ie: print(ie) exit() # Assumes all the ranked cached files have already been sorted. Pop the top row off of each rank onto the # heap, pull next spike off the heap and replace. Repeat until all spikes on all ranks have been poped. h = [] readers = [next_row(csv.reader(open(fn, 'r'), delimiter=' ')) for fn in self._all_cached_files()] for r in readers: if r is not None: # Some ranks may not have produced any spikes heapq.heappush(h, r) while h: v, row, csv_reader = heapq.heappop(h) n = next_row(csv_reader) if n: heapq.heappush(h, n) if filter_fnc(row[1], row[2]): yield row
[docs]class STCSVMPIBufferV2(STCSVMPIBuffer):
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, populations=None, sort_order=SortOrder.none, with_population_col=True, on_rank='all', **kwargs): if on_rank == 'local': return super(STCSVMPIBufferV2, self).to_dataframe(populations=populations, sort_order=populations, with_population_col=with_population_col, **kwargs) if np.isscalar(populations): populations = [populations] # so we can use dataframe.isin() later ret_df = None self.flush() comm_barrier() if on_rank == 'all': cached_files = self._all_cached_files() elif on_rank == 'root': cached_files = self._all_cached_files() if MPI_rank == 0 else [] else: raise ValueError('Invalid option "{}" for mpi on_rank parameter'.format(on_rank)) for file_name in cached_files: if not os.path.exists(file_name): continue df = pd.read_csv(file_name, sep=' ', names=[col_timestamps, col_population, col_node_ids]) if populations is not None: df = df[df[col_population].isin(populations)] if not with_population_col: df.drop(col_population, axis=1) ret_df = df if ret_df is None else ret_df.append(df) if ret_df is not None: # pandas doesn't always do a good job of reading in the correct dtype for each column ret_df = ret_df.astype({col_timestamps: float, col_node_ids: np.int64}) if sort_order == SortOrder.by_time: ret_df = ret_df.sort_values(col_timestamps) elif sort_order == SortOrder.by_id: ret_df = ret_df.sort_values(col_node_ids) comm_barrier() return ret_df