Source code for bmtk.simulator.filternet.lgnmodel.util_fns

import os
import re
import numpy as np
import as sio
from scipy.fftpack import fft
import pandas as pd
from .movie import Movie, FullFieldFlashMovie

pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)

[docs]def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n]
[docs]def compute_FFT_OneCycle(FR, TF, downsample): one_cyc = / downsample) / TF)) FR_cyc = list(chunks(FR, one_cyc)) if (TF == 15. or TF == 8.): FR_cyc = FR_cyc[:-1] FR_cyc_avg = np.mean(FR_cyc, axis=0) y = FR_cyc_avg AMP = 2 * np.abs(fft(y) / len(y)) F0 = 0.5 * AMP[0] assert (F0 - np.mean(y) < 1.e-4) F1 = AMP[1] return F0, F1
[docs]def create_ff_mov(frame_rate, tst, tend, xrng, yrng): ff_mov_on = FullFieldFlashMovie(np.arange(xrng), np.arange(yrng), tst, tend, frame_rate=frame_rate, max_intensity=1).full(t_max=tend) # +0.5) ff_mov_off = FullFieldFlashMovie(np.arange(xrng), np.arange(yrng), tst, tend, frame_rate=frame_rate, max_intensity=-1).full(t_max=tend) # +0.5) return ff_mov_on, ff_mov_off
[docs]def create_grating_movie_list(gr_dir_name): gr_fnames = os.listdir(gr_dir_name) gr_fnames_ord = sorted(gr_fnames, key=lambda x: (int(re.sub('\D', '', x)), x)) gr_mov_list = [] for fname in gr_fnames_ord[:5]: movie_file = os.path.join(gr_dir_name, fname) m_file = sio.loadmat(movie_file) m_data_raw = m_file['mov'].T swid = np.shape(m_data_raw)[1] res = int(np.sqrt(swid / (8 * 16))) m_data = np.reshape(m_data_raw, (3000, 8 * res, 16 * res)) m1 = Movie(m_data[:500, :, :], row_range=np.linspace(0, 120, m_data.shape[1], endpoint=True), col_range=np.linspace(0, 120, m_data.shape[2], endpoint=True), frame_rate=1000.) gr_mov_list.append(m1) return gr_mov_list
""" ################################################## metrics_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cell_metrics') def get_data_metrics_for_each_subclass(ctype): # Load csv file into dataframe if ctype.find('_sus') >= 0: prs_fn = os.path.join(metrics_dir, '{}_cells_v3.csv'.format(ctype)) else: prs_fn = os.path.join(metrics_dir, '{}_cell_data.csv'.format(ctype)) prs_df = pd.read_csv(prs_fn) N_class, nmet = np.shape(prs_df) # Group data by subclasses based on max F0 vals exp_df = prs_df.iloc[:, [13, 14, 17, 18, 28, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54]].copy() # Bl_lat,Wh_lat,Bl_si, wh_si, spont, 5 F0s, 5 F1s sub_df = exp_df.iloc[:, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] exp_df['max_tf'] = sub_df.idxmax(axis=1).values # sub_df.idxmax(axis=1) exp_means = exp_df.groupby(['max_tf']).mean() exp_std = exp_df.groupby(['max_tf']).std() exp_nsub = exp_df.groupby(['max_tf']).size() max_ind_arr = np.where(exp_nsub == np.max(exp_nsub)) max_nsub_ind = max_ind_arr[0][0] # Get means and std dev for subclasses exp_prs_dict = {} for scn in np.arange(len(exp_nsub)): f0_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 5:10].values f1_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 10:].values spont_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 4:5].values if ctype.find('OFF') >= 0: si_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 2:3].values ttp_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 0:1].values elif ctype.find('ON') >= 0: si_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 3:4].values ttp_exp = exp_means.iloc[scn, 1:2].values else: si_exp = np.NaN * np.ones((1, 5)) ttp_exp = np.NaN * np.ones((1, 2)) nsub = exp_nsub.iloc[scn] if nsub == 1: f0_std = np.mean(exp_std.iloc[max_nsub_ind, 5:10].values) * np.ones((1, 5)) f1_std = np.mean(exp_std.iloc[max_nsub_ind, 10:].values) * np.ones((1, 5)) spont_std = np.mean(exp_std.iloc[max_nsub_ind, 4:5].values) * np.ones((1, 5)) if ctype.find('OFF') >= 0: si_std = np.mean(exp_std.iloc[max_nsub_ind, 2:3].values) * np.ones((1, 5)) elif ctype.find('ON') >= 0: si_std = np.mean(exp_std.iloc[max_nsub_ind, 3:4].values) * np.ones((1, 5)) else: si_std = np.NaN * np.ones((1, 5)) else: f0_std = exp_std.iloc[scn, 5:10].values f1_std = exp_std.iloc[scn, 10:].values spont_std = exp_std.iloc[scn, 4:5].values if ctype.find('OFF') >= 0: si_std = exp_std.iloc[scn, 2:3].values elif ctype.find('ON') >= 0: si_std = exp_std.iloc[scn, 3:4].values else: si_std = np.NaN * np.ones((1, 5)) if ctype.find('t') >= 0: tcross = 40. si_inf_exp = (si_exp - tcross / 200.) * (200. / (200. - tcross - 40.)) elif ctype.find('s') >= 0: tcross = 60. si_inf_exp = (si_exp - tcross / 200.) * (200. / (200. - tcross - 40.)) else: si_inf_exp = np.nan dict_key = exp_means.iloc[scn].name[3:] exp_prs_dict[dict_key] = {} exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['f0_exp'] = f0_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['f1_exp'] = f1_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['spont_exp'] = spont_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['si_exp'] = si_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['si_inf_exp'] = si_inf_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['ttp_exp'] = ttp_exp exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['f0_std'] = f0_std exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['f1_std'] = f1_std exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['spont_std'] = spont_std exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['si_std'] = si_std exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['nsub'] = nsub exp_prs_dict[dict_key]['N_class'] = N_class return exp_prs_dict """ ##################################################
[docs]def check_optim_results_against_bounds(bounds, opt_wts, opt_kpeaks): bds_wts0 = bounds[0] bds_wts1 = bounds[1] bds_kp0 = bounds[2] bds_kp1 = bounds[3] opt_wts0 = opt_wts[0] opt_wts1 = opt_wts[1] opt_kp0 = opt_kpeaks[0] opt_kp1 = opt_kpeaks[1] if (opt_wts0 == bds_wts0[0] or opt_wts0 == bds_wts0[1]): prm_on_bds = 'w0' elif (opt_wts1 == bds_wts1[0] or opt_wts1 == bds_wts1[1]): prm_on_bds = 'w1' elif (opt_kp0 == bds_kp0[0] or opt_kp0 == bds_kp0[1]): prm_on_bds = 'kp0' elif (opt_kp1 == bds_kp1[0] or opt_kp1 == bds_kp1[1]): prm_on_bds = 'kp1' else: prm_on_bds = 'None' return prm_on_bds
[docs]def cross_from_above(x, threshold): """Return the indices into *x* where *x* crosses some threshold from above.""" x = np.asarray(x) ind = np.nonzero((x[:-1] >= threshold) & (x[1:] < threshold))[0] if len(ind): return ind+1 else: return ind
[docs]def get_tcross_from_temporal_kernel(temporal_kernel): max_ind = np.argmax(temporal_kernel) min_ind = np.argmin(temporal_kernel) temp_tcross_ind = cross_from_above(temporal_kernel[max_ind:min_ind], 0.0) tcross_ind = max_ind + temp_tcross_ind[0] return tcross_ind