Source code for bmtk.simulator.filternet.lgnmodel.kernel

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import cm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] def find_l_r_in_t_range(t_range, t): for tl in range(len(t_range)-1): tr = tl+1 test_val = (t_range[tl]-t)*(t_range[tr]-t) if np.abs(test_val) < 1e-16: if np.abs(t_range[tl]-t) < 1e-16: return (tl,) else: return (tr,) elif test_val < 0: t_range[tl], t_range[tr], t return tl, tr
[docs] def get_contour(X, Y, Z, c): contour_obj = plt.contour(X, Y, Z) res = contour_obj.trace(c) nseg = len(res) // 2 if nseg > 0: seg = res[:nseg][0] return seg[:, 0], seg[:, 1] else: return [], []
[docs] def plot_single_contour(ax, x_contour, y_contour, t, color): t_contour = t+np.zeros_like(x_contour) ax.plot(x_contour, t_contour, y_contour, zdir='z', color=color)
[docs] class Kernel1D(object): def __init__(self, t_range, kernel_array, threshold=0., reverse=False): assert len(t_range) == len(kernel_array) kernel_array = np.array(kernel_array) inds_to_keep = np.where(np.abs(kernel_array) > threshold) if reverse: self.t_range = -np.array(t_range)[::-1] t_inds_tmp = inds_to_keep[0] max_t_ind = t_inds_tmp.max() reversed_t_inds = max_t_ind - t_inds_tmp self.t_inds = reversed_t_inds - max_t_ind - 1 # Had an off by one error here should be "- 1" nhc 14 Apr '17 change made in cursor evalutiate too else: self.t_range = np.array(t_range) self.t_inds = inds_to_keep[0] self.kernel = kernel_array[inds_to_keep] assert len(self.t_inds) == len(self.kernel)
[docs] def rescale(self): if np.abs(self.kernel.sum())!=0: self.kernel /= np.abs(self.kernel.sum())
[docs] def normalize(self): self.kernel /= np.abs(self.kernel.sum())
def __len__(self): return len(self.kernel)
[docs] def imshow(self, ax=None, show=True, save_file_name=None, ylim=None, xlim=None, color='b', reverse=True): if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) t_vals = self.t_range[self.t_inds] kernel_data = self.kernel if reverse: kernel_data = self.kernel[-1::-1] ax.plot(t_vals, kernel_data, color) ax.set_xlabel('Time (Seconds)') if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) else: a, b = (t_vals[0], t_vals[-1]) ax.set_xlim(min(a, b), max(a, b)) if save_file_name is not None: ax.savefig(save_file_name, transparent=True) if show: return ax, (t_vals, self.kernel)
[docs] def full(self, truncate_t=True): data = np.zeros(len(self.t_range)) data[self.t_inds] = self.kernel if truncate_t: ind_min = np.where(np.abs(data) > 0)[0].min() return data[ind_min:] else: return data return data
[docs] class Kernel2D(object): def __init__(self, row_range, col_range, row_inds, col_inds, kernel): self.col_range = np.array(col_range) self.row_range = np.array(row_range) self.row_inds = np.array(row_inds) self.col_inds = np.array(col_inds) self.kernel = np.array(kernel) assert len(self.row_inds) == len(self.col_inds) assert len(self.row_inds) == len(self.kernel)
[docs] def rescale(self): if np.abs(self.kernel.sum()) != 0: self.kernel /= np.abs(self.kernel.sum())
[docs] def normalize(self): self.kernel /= np.abs(self.kernel.sum())
[docs] def normalize2(self, remove_offset=True): # Better for kernels that are not all positive if remove_offset: self.kernel -= self.kernel.mean() # Set amplitude offset to 0 size = np.sum(np.abs(self.kernel)) self.kernel /= size # Normalize overall size and maximum output
[docs] @classmethod def from_dense(cls, row_range, col_range, kernel_array, threshold=0.): col_range = np.array(col_range).copy() row_range = np.array(row_range).copy() kernel_array = np.array(kernel_array).copy() #inds_to_keep = np.where(np.abs(kernel_array) > threshold) # Find cropped contiguous rectangle containing above threshold kernel values above_thresh = np.abs(kernel_array) > threshold start_ind0 = np.argmax(np.max(above_thresh, axis=1)) b = above_thresh[::-1,:] end_ind0 = b.shape[0] - np.argmax(np.max(b,axis=1)) start_ind1 = np.argmax(np.max(above_thresh, axis=0)) b = above_thresh[:,::-1] end_ind1 = b.shape[1] - np.argmax(np.max(b, axis=0)) #kernel = kernel_array[inds_to_keep] col_inds, row_inds = [v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid(range(start_ind0, end_ind0), range(start_ind1, end_ind1), indexing='ij')] kernel = kernel_array[col_inds, row_inds] if len(np.where(above_thresh)) == 1: col_inds, row_inds = np.array([]), np.array([]) return cls(row_range, col_range, row_inds, col_inds, kernel)
[docs] @classmethod def copy(cls, instance): return cls(instance.row_range.copy(), instance.col_range.copy(), instance.row_inds.copy(), instance.col_inds.copy(), instance.kernel.copy())
def __mul__(self, constant): new_copy = Kernel2D.copy(self) new_copy.kernel *= constant return new_copy def __add__(self, other): if len(other) == 0: return self try: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.row_range, other.row_range) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.col_range, other.col_range) except: raise Exception('Kernels must exist on same grid to be added') row_range = self.row_range.copy() col_range = self.col_range.copy() kernel_dict = {} for key, ker in zip(zip(self.row_inds, self.col_inds), self.kernel): kernel_dict[key] = kernel_dict.setdefault(key, 0) + ker for key, ker in zip(zip(other.row_inds, other.col_inds), other.kernel): kernel_dict[key] = kernel_dict.setdefault(key, 0) + ker key_list, kernel_list = zip(*kernel_dict.items()) row_inds_list, col_inds_list = zip(*key_list) row_inds = np.array(row_inds_list) col_inds = np.array(col_inds_list) kernel = np.array(kernel_list) return Kernel2D(row_range, col_range, row_inds, col_inds, kernel)
[docs] def apply_threshold(self, threshold): inds_to_keep = np.where(np.abs(self.kernel) > threshold) self.row_inds = self.row_inds[inds_to_keep] self.col_inds = self.col_inds[inds_to_keep] self.kernel = self.kernel[inds_to_keep]
[docs] def full(self, truncate_col=False): data = np.zeros((len(self.row_range), len(self.col_range))) data[self.row_inds, self.col_inds] = self.kernel if truncate_col: # For spectrotemporal receptive fields where col is time dimension ind_max = np.max(self.col_inds) return data[:, :ind_max] else: return data
[docs] def imshow(self, ax=None, show=True, save_file_name=None, clim=None, colorbar=True, truncate_col=False, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) if colorbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) data = self.full(truncate_col=truncate_col) if truncate_col: col_max = self.col_range[np.max(self.col_inds)] else: col_max = self.col_range[-1] if clim is not None: im = ax.imshow(data, extent=(self.col_range[0], col_max, np.squeeze(self.row_range[0]), np.squeeze(self.row_range[-1])), origin='lower', clim=clim, interpolation='none') else: im = ax.imshow(data, extent=(self.col_range[0], col_max, np.squeeze(self.row_range[0]), np.squeeze(self.row_range[-1])), origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if colorbar: plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) if save_file_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_file_name, transparent=True) if show: return ax, data
def __len__(self): return len(self.kernel)
[docs] class Kernel3D(object):
[docs] def rescale(self): if np.abs(self.kernel.sum()) != 0: self.kernel /= np.abs(self.kernel.sum())
[docs] def normalize(self): self.kernel /= (self.kernel.sum())*np.sign(self.kernel.sum())
[docs] @classmethod def copy(cls, instance): return cls(instance.row_range.copy(), instance.col_range.copy(), instance.t_range.copy(), instance.row_inds.copy(), instance.col_inds.copy(), instance.t_inds.copy(), instance.kernel.copy())
def __len__(self): return len(self.kernel) def __init__(self, row_range, col_range, t_range, row_inds, col_inds, t_inds, kernel): self.col_range = np.array(col_range) self.row_range = np.array(row_range) self.t_range = np.array(t_range) self.col_inds = np.array(col_inds) self.row_inds = np.array(row_inds) self.t_inds = np.array(t_inds) self.kernel = np.array(kernel) assert len(self.row_inds) == len(self.col_inds) assert len(self.row_inds) == len(self.t_inds) assert len(self.row_inds) == len(self.kernel)
[docs] def apply_threshold(self, threshold): inds_to_keep = np.where(np.abs(self.kernel) > threshold) self.row_inds = self.row_inds[inds_to_keep] self.col_inds = self.col_inds[inds_to_keep] self.t_inds = self.t_inds[inds_to_keep] self.kernel = self.kernel[inds_to_keep]
def __add__(self, other): if len(other) == 0: return self try: if not (len(self.row_range) == 0 or len(other.row_range) == 0): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.row_range, other.row_range) if not (len(self.col_range) == 0 or len(other.col_range) == 0): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.col_range, other.col_range) if not (len(self.t_range) == 0 or len(other.t_range) == 0): np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.t_range, other.t_range) except: raise Exception('Kernels must exist on same grid to be added') if len(self.row_range) == 0: row_range = other.row_range.copy() else: row_range = self.row_range.copy() if len(self.col_range) == 0: col_range = other.col_range.copy() else: col_range = self.col_range.copy() if len(self.t_range) == 0: t_range = other.t_range.copy() else: t_range = self.t_range.copy() kernel_dict = {} for key, ker in zip(zip(self.row_inds, self.col_inds, self.t_inds), self.kernel): kernel_dict[key] = kernel_dict.setdefault(key, 0) + ker for key, ker in zip(zip(other.row_inds, other.col_inds, other.t_inds), other.kernel): kernel_dict[key] = kernel_dict.setdefault(key, 0) + ker key_list, kernel_list = zip(*kernel_dict.items()) row_inds_list, col_inds_list, t_inds_list = zip(*key_list) row_inds = np.array(row_inds_list) col_inds = np.array(col_inds_list) t_inds = np.array(t_inds_list) kernel = np.array(kernel_list) return Kernel3D(row_range, col_range, t_range, row_inds, col_inds, t_inds, kernel) def __mul__(self, constant): new_copy = Kernel3D.copy(self) new_copy.kernel *= constant return new_copy
[docs] def t_slice(self, t): ind_list = find_l_r_in_t_range(self.t_range, t) if ind_list is None: return None elif len(ind_list) == 1: t_ind_i = ind_list[0] inds_i = np.where(self.t_range[self.t_inds] == self.t_range[t_ind_i]) row_inds = self.row_inds[inds_i] col_inds = self.col_inds[inds_i] kernel = self.kernel[inds_i] return Kernel2D(self.row_range, self.col_range, row_inds, col_inds, kernel) else: t_ind_l, t_ind_r = ind_list t_l, t_r = self.t_range[t_ind_l], self.t_range[t_ind_r] inds_l = np.where(self.t_range[self.t_inds] == self.t_range[t_ind_l]) inds_r = np.where(self.t_range[self.t_inds] == self.t_range[t_ind_r]) row_inds_l = self.row_inds[inds_l] col_inds_l = self.col_inds[inds_l] kernel_l = self.kernel[inds_l] kl = Kernel2D(self.row_range, self.col_range, row_inds_l, col_inds_l, kernel_l) row_inds_r = self.row_inds[inds_r] col_inds_r = self.col_inds[inds_r] kernel_r = self.kernel[inds_r] kr = Kernel2D(self.row_range, self.col_range, row_inds_r, col_inds_r, kernel_r) wa, wb = (1-(t-t_l)/(t_r-t_l)), (1-(t_r-t)/(t_r-t_l)) return kl*wa + kr*wb
[docs] def full(self, truncate_t=True): data = np.zeros((len(self.t_range), len(self.row_range), len(self.col_range))) data[self.t_inds, self.row_inds, self.col_inds] = self.kernel if truncate_t: ind_max = np.where(np.abs(data) > 0)[0].min() return data[ind_max:, :, :] else: return data
[docs] def imshow(self, ax=None, t_range=None, cmap=cm.bwr, N=10, show=True, save_file_name=None, kvals=None): if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') if t_range is None: t_range = self.t_range slice_list_sparse = [self.t_slice(t) for t in t_range] slice_list = [] slice_t_list = [] for curr_slice, curr_t in zip(slice_list_sparse, t_range): if not curr_slice is None: slice_list.append(curr_slice.full()) slice_t_list.append(curr_t) all_slice_max = max(map(np.max, slice_list)) all_slice_min = min(map(np.min, slice_list)) upper_bound = max(np.abs(all_slice_max), np.abs(all_slice_min)) lower_bound = -upper_bound norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=lower_bound, vmax=upper_bound) color_mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap).to_rgba if kvals is None: kvals = np.linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, N) X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.row_range, self.col_range) contour_dict = {} for kval in kvals: for t_val, curr_slice in zip(slice_t_list, slice_list): x_contour, y_contour = get_contour(Y, X, curr_slice.T, kval) contour_dict[kval, t_val] = x_contour, y_contour color = color_mapper(kval) color = color[0], color[1], color[2], np.abs(kval)/upper_bound plot_single_contour(ax, x_contour, y_contour, t_val, color) ax.set_zlim(self.row_range[0], self.row_range[-1]) ax.set_ylim(self.t_range[0], self.t_range[-1]) ax.set_xlim(self.col_range[0], self.col_range[-1]) if save_file_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_file_name, transparent=True) if show: return ax, contour_dict
[docs] def merge_spatial_temporal(spatial_kernel, temporal_kernel, threshold=0): t_range = temporal_kernel.t_range spatiotemporal_kernel = np.ones((len(temporal_kernel), len(spatial_kernel))) spatiotemporal_kernel *= spatial_kernel.kernel[None, :] spatiotemporal_kernel *= temporal_kernel.kernel[:, None] spatiotemporal_kernel = spatiotemporal_kernel.reshape(( spatial_coord_array = np.empty((len(spatial_kernel), 2)) spatial_coord_array[:, 0] = spatial_kernel.col_inds spatial_coord_array[:, 1] = spatial_kernel.row_inds spatiiotemporal_coord_array = np.zeros((len(spatial_kernel)*len(temporal_kernel), 3)) spatiiotemporal_coord_array[:, 0:2] = np.kron(np.ones((len(temporal_kernel), 1)), spatial_coord_array) spatiiotemporal_coord_array[:, 2] = np.kron(temporal_kernel.t_inds, np.ones(len(spatial_kernel))) col_inds, row_inds, t_inds = map(lambda x: x.astype(, spatiiotemporal_coord_array.T) kernel = Kernel3D(spatial_kernel.row_range, spatial_kernel.col_range, t_range, row_inds, col_inds, t_inds, spatiotemporal_kernel) kernel.apply_threshold(threshold) return kernel