Source code for bmtk.simulator.filternet.lgnmodel.cursor

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as spsig

    from mpi4py import MPI
    mpi_size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
    numba_parallel = mpi_size == 1  # if there is only 1 thread, turn on numba parallel
except ImportError:
    numba_parallel = True  # If there is no MPI, turn on numba parallel

    from numba import njit, prange

    # a faster version of the commented out part of the above class method. Results agree up to a round off error.
    def kernel_dot_product(movie_data, ti_offset, kernel_t_inds, kernel_row_inds, kernel_col_inds, kernel_kernel):
        t_inds = kernel_t_inds + ti_offset + 1
        result = 0.0
        for i in prange(len(t_inds)):
            if t_inds[i] >= 0 and t_inds[i] < movie_data.shape[0]:
                result = result + movie_data[t_inds[i], kernel_row_inds[i], kernel_col_inds[i]] * kernel_kernel[i]
        return result
except ImportError as ie:
    # Normal way to calculate dot-product not using numba library. Also had to create because for some reason numba
    # is interfering with NEST (at-least ver 3.3) binary causing a segmentation fault.
[docs] def kernel_dot_product(movie_data, ti_offset, kernel_t_inds, kernel_row_inds, kernel_col_inds, kernel_kernel): t_inds = kernel_t_inds + ti_offset + 1 # Offset by one nhc 14 Apr '17 min_ind, max_ind = 0, movie_data.shape[0] allowed_inds = np.where(np.logical_and(min_ind <= t_inds, t_inds < max_ind)) t_inds = t_inds[allowed_inds] row_inds = kernel_row_inds[allowed_inds] col_inds = kernel_col_inds[allowed_inds] kernel_vector = kernel_kernel[allowed_inds] return[t_inds, row_inds, col_inds], kernel_vector)
from .utilities import convert_tmin_tmax_framerate_to_trange from .linearfilter import SpatioTemporalFilter, SpectroTemporalFilter
[docs] class KernelCursor(object): """A class that takes care of the convolution of the (non-separable) spatial-temporal linear filter with the move. """ def __init__(self, kernel, movie): = movie self.kernel = kernel self.cache = {} # This ensures that the kernel frame rate matches the movie frame rate: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.diff(self.kernel.t_range), np.ones_like(self.kernel.t_range[1:])*(1./movie.frame_rate)) @property def row_range(self): return @property def col_range(self): return @property def t_range(self): return @property def frame_rate(self): return
[docs] def evaluate(self, t_min=None, t_max=None, downsample=1): if t_max is None: t_max = self.t_range[-1] if t_min is None: t_min = self.t_range[0] t_range = convert_tmin_tmax_framerate_to_trange(t_min, t_max,[::int(downsample)] y_vals = np.array([self(t) for t in t_range]) return t_range, y_vals
def __call__(self, t): # TODO: Using call is not a good idea here, change to evaluate if t < self.t_range[0] or t > self.t_range[-1]: curr_rate = 0 else: ti = t*self.frame_rate til, tir = int(np.floor(ti)), int(np.ceil(ti)) tl, tr = float(til)/self.frame_rate, float(tir)/self.frame_rate if np.abs(tl - t) < 1e-12: curr_rate = self.apply_dot_product(til) elif np.abs(tr - t) < 1e-12: curr_rate = self.apply_dot_product(tir) else: wa, wb = (1-(t-tl)/(tr-tl)), (1-(tr-t)/(tr-tl)) cl = self.apply_dot_product(til) cr = self.apply_dot_product(tir) curr_rate = cl*wa+cr*wb if np.isnan(curr_rate): assert RuntimeError return curr_rate
[docs] def apply_dot_product(self, ti_offset): if ti_offset in self.cache: result = self.cache[ti_offset] else: result = kernel_dot_product(, ti_offset=ti_offset, kernel_t_inds=self.kernel.t_inds, kernel_row_inds=self.kernel.row_inds, kernel_col_inds=self.kernel.col_inds, kernel_kernel=self.kernel.kernel, ) self.cache[ti_offset] = result return result
[docs] class FilterCursor(KernelCursor): def __init__(self, spatiotemporal_filter, movie, threshold=0): # TODO: not sure why this needs to have it's own class and shouldn't be merged into parent? self.spatiotemporal_filter = spatiotemporal_filter kernel = self.spatiotemporal_filter.get_spatiotemporal_kernel(movie.row_range, movie.col_range, t_range=movie.t_range, threshold=threshold, reverse=True) super(FilterCursor, self).__init__(kernel, movie)
[docs] class LNUnitCursor(KernelCursor): """A class that takes care of applying a linear-nonlinear filter to a movie. Parent class is used to apply the spatial-termporal filter convolution to the movie, when then the lnunit non-linear transfer function is applied. """ def __init__(self, lnunit, movie, threshold=0): self.lnunit = lnunit if hasattr(movie, "t_range_orig"): # Reset padded to original movie.t_range = movie.t_range_orig = movie.data_orig movie.row_range = movie.row_range_orig if isinstance(self.lnunit.linear_filter, SpatioTemporalFilter): kernel = lnunit.get_spatiotemporal_kernel(movie.row_range, movie.col_range, movie.t_range, reverse=True, threshold=threshold) elif isinstance(self.lnunit.linear_filter, SpectroTemporalFilter): kernel = lnunit.get_spectrotemporal_kernel(movie.row_range, movie.t_range, reverse=True, threshold=0.05) if movie.padding: if movie.padding == 'edge': pre_pad = np.full((len(np.unique(kernel.t_inds))-1,[1]),[0, :, 0]) pre_pad = pre_pad[:, :, np.newaxis] movie.data_orig = = np.concatenate((pre_pad, lower_pad = np.full(([0], len(np.unique(kernel.row_inds)) - 1, 1), np.reshape([:, 0, 0], (-1, 1, 1))) upper_pad = np.full(([0], len(np.unique(kernel.row_inds)) - 1, 1), np.reshape([:, -1, 0], (-1, 1, 1))) = np.hstack((lower_pad,, upper_pad)) kernel.t_range = np.linspace(kernel.t_range[0] - pre_pad.shape[0] * 1/movie.frame_rate, 0,[0]) movie.t_range_orig = movie.t_range movie.t_range = kernel.t_range - kernel.t_range[0] # Treating it like an image, although technically strange to pad to negative frequencies kernel.row_range = np.linspace(kernel.row_range[0] - lower_pad.shape[1] * (kernel.row_range[1]-kernel.row_range[0]), kernel.row_range[-1] + upper_pad.shape[1] * (kernel.row_range[-1]-kernel.row_range[-2]),[1]) movie.row_range_orig = movie.row_range movie.row_range = kernel.row_range kernel.row_inds = kernel.row_inds + lower_pad.shape[1] else: pass kernel.apply_threshold(threshold) super(LNUnitCursor, self).__init__(kernel, movie) def __call__(self, t): # TODO: Don't use call operator, change to evaluate return self.lnunit.transfer_function(super(LNUnitCursor, self).__call__(t))
[docs] class MultiLNUnitCursor(object): def __init__(self, multi_lnunit, movie, threshold=0): self.multi_lnunit = multi_lnunit self.lnunit_cursor_list = [LNUnitCursor(lnunit, movie, threshold=threshold) for lnunit in multi_lnunit.lnunit_list] = movie
[docs] def evaluate(self, **kwargs): multi_e = [unit_cursor.evaluate(**kwargs) for unit_cursor in self.lnunit_cursor_list] t_list, y_list = zip(*multi_e) return t_list[0], self.multi_lnunit.transfer_function(*y_list)
[docs] class MultiLNUnitMultiMovieCursor(MultiLNUnitCursor): def __init__(self, multi_lnunit, movie_list, threshold=0.): assert len(multi_lnunit.lnunit_list) == len(movie_list) self.multi_lnunit = multi_lnunit self.lnunit_movie_list = movie_list self.lnunit_cursor_list = [lnunit.get_cursor(movie, threshold=threshold) for lnunit, movie in zip(multi_lnunit.lnunit_list, movie_list)]
[docs] class SeparableKernelCursor(object): """A class for applying a spatial-temporal convolution to a movie. Unlike the KernelCursor the spatial-temporal filter is broken up into its components, spatial filter is applied then followed by a temporal filter convolution. """ def __init__(self, spatial_kernel, temporal_kernel, movie): """Assumes temporal kernel is not reversed""" = movie self.spatial_kernel = spatial_kernel self.temporal_kernel = temporal_kernel
[docs] def evaluate(self, threshold=0): full_spatial_kernel = np.array([self.spatial_kernel.full()]) full_temporal_kernel = self.temporal_kernel.full() # Convolve every frame in the movie with the spatial filter. First find the range of rows (range min and max) # and columns in the filter that are above threshold, that way only portion of movie/filter are multiplied # together # Using > instead of >= makes the code faster if there are many zeros in the # spatial kernel. This will not affect the results. nonzero_inds = np.where(np.abs(full_spatial_kernel[0, :, :]) > threshold) rm, rM = nonzero_inds[0].min(), nonzero_inds[0].max() cm, cM = nonzero_inds[1].min(), nonzero_inds[1].max() convolution_answer_sep_spatial = ([:, rm:rM+1, cm:cM+1] * full_spatial_kernel[:, rm:rM+1, cm:cM+1]).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) # Convolve results of spatial convolution with the temporal filter sig_tmp = np.zeros(len(full_temporal_kernel) + len(convolution_answer_sep_spatial) - 1) sig_tmp[len(full_temporal_kernel)-1:] = convolution_answer_sep_spatial convolution_answer_sep = spsig.convolve(sig_tmp, full_temporal_kernel[::-1], mode='valid') t = np.arange(len(convolution_answer_sep))/ return t, convolution_answer_sep
[docs] class SeparableSpatioTemporalFilterCursor(SeparableKernelCursor): def __init__(self, spatiotemporal_filter, movie): self.spatial_filter = spatiotemporal_filter.spatial_filter self.temporal_filter = spatiotemporal_filter.temporal_filter spatial_kernel = self.spatial_filter.get_kernel(movie.row_range, movie.col_range, threshold=-1) temporal_kernel = self.temporal_filter.get_kernel(t_range=movie.t_range, threshold=0, reverse=True) spatial_kernel.kernel *= spatiotemporal_filter.amplitude super(SeparableSpatioTemporalFilterCursor, self).__init__(spatial_kernel, temporal_kernel, movie)
[docs] class SeparableLNUnitCursor(SeparableSpatioTemporalFilterCursor): def __init__(self, lnunit, movie): self.lnunit = lnunit super(SeparableLNUnitCursor, self).__init__(self.lnunit.linear_filter, movie)
[docs] def evaluate(self, downsample=1): assert(downsample == 1) t, y = super(SeparableLNUnitCursor, self).evaluate() return t, [self.lnunit.transfer_function(yi) for yi in y]
[docs] class SeparableMultiLNUnitCursor(object): def __init__(self, multilnunit, movie): self.multilnunit = multilnunit self.lnunit_cursor_list = [] for lnunit in self.multilnunit.lnunit_list: self.lnunit_cursor_list.append(SeparableLNUnitCursor(lnunit, movie))
[docs] def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): assert(kwargs.get('downsample', 1) == 1) y_list = [] for cursor in self.lnunit_cursor_list: t, y = cursor.evaluate(*args, **kwargs) y_list.append(y) return t, self.multilnunit.transfer_function(*y_list)