Source code for bmtk.simulator.bionet.modules.iclamp

import numpy as np
from neuron import h

# from bmtk.simulator.bionet.modules.sim_module import SimulatorMod
from bmtk.simulator.bionet.io_tools import io
from bmtk.simulator.core.modules import iclamp

[docs]class AmpsReaderNRN(iclamp.AmpsReader):
[docs] def create_clamps(self, hobj): clamps = [] for amp, delay, dur in zip(self.amps, self.delays, self.durations): clamp = h.IClamp(hobj) clamp.amp = amp clamp.delay = delay clamp.dur = dur clamps.append(clamp) return clamps
[docs]class CSVAmpReaderNRN(iclamp.CSVAmpReader): def __init__(self, **args): super().__init__(**args) # NRN function requires consistent dts = np.unique(np.diff(self._inputs_df[self._ts_col].values)) if len(dts) > 1: io.log_exception('{}: csv timestamps column ({}) must have a consistent intervals.'.format( IClampMod.__name__, self._ts_col) ) self._idt = dts[0] self._istart = self.delays[0] # self._inputs_df[self._ts_col].values[0] # self._amps_vals = self._inputs_df[self._amps_col].values # self._ts_vals = self._inputs_df[self._ts_col].values # The way NEURON's[amps], dt) works is that it will access the [amps] at every dt interval (0.0, # dt, 2dt, 3dt, ...) in ms regardless of when the IClamp starts. Thus if the initial onset stimuli is > 0.0 ms, # we need to update the amps array so that the following occurs: # 1. amps[0] is the injection current (usually 0.0mA) that occurs at the very start of the simulation. # 2. the above _istart, and all other timestamps, is a multiple of dt. # this may require decreasing dt which will require increasing the the amp array. eg: # times: [200, 800, 1200, 1600] ==> [ 0, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600] # amps: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0] ==> [0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0] if self._istart < 0.0: # Check in trying to start a current clamp before simulation starts io.log_exception('{}: initial onset of stimulus ({}) cannot be a negative number.'.format( IClampMod.__name__, self.delays) ) elif self._istart > 0.0: if self._istart - self._idt == 0.0: # Simplist case initial onset time occurs at first dt after start of simulation, add a 0.0 current # clamp at the very beginning of the simulation. self.amps = np.concatenate(([0.0], self.amps)) self.delays = np.concatenate(([0.0], self.delays)) self._istart = 0.0 else: warn_msg = '{}: initial onset of stimulus at {} does not occur at a {} timestep. Attempting to update' \ 'timesteps and amp values'.format(IClampMod.__name__, self._istart, self._idt) io.log_warning(warn_msg) gcd = np.gcd(int(self._idt), int(self._istart)) amps = np.repeat(self.amps, int(self._idt)/gcd) zero_curr = np.zeros(int(self._istart/gcd)) self.amps = np.concatenate((zero_curr, amps)) self.delays = np.concatenate(([0.0], self.delays)) self._idt = gcd self._istart = 0.0 # Try to determine IClamp stop time (eg max duration) if self.amps[-1] != 0: self._istop = self.delays[-1] + self._idt warn_msg = '{}: Stimulus of {} does not end with a 0.0, attempting to set turn off at time {}.'.format( IClampMod.__name__, self._csv_path, self._istop) io.log_warning(warn_msg) else: self._istop = self.delays[-1]
[docs] def create_clamps(self, hobj): clamp = h.IClamp(hobj) clamp.delay = self._istart clamp.dur = self._istop vect_stim = h.Vector(self.amps), self._idt) return [(vect_stim, clamp)]
[docs]class NWBReaderNRN(iclamp.NWBReader): def __init__(self, **args): super().__init__(**args) self._istop = len(self.delays)*self._idt*1000.0
[docs] def create_clamps(self, hobj): clamp = h.IClamp(hobj) clamp.delay = self._offset clamp.dur = self._istop vect_stim = h.Vector(self.amps), self._idt) return [(vect_stim, clamp)]
[docs]class IClampMod(iclamp.IClampMod): @property def input2reader_map(self): return { 'current_clamp': AmpsReaderNRN, 'csv': CSVAmpReaderNRN, 'file': CSVAmpReaderNRN, 'nwb': NWBReaderNRN, 'allen': NWBReaderNRN } def __init__(self, input_type, **mod_args): super().__init__(input_type, **mod_args) # Select location to place iclamp, if not specified use the center of the soma self._section_name = mod_args.get('section_name', 'soma') self._section_index = mod_args.get('section_index', 0) self._section_dist = mod_args.get('section_dist', 0.5) # IClamp objects need to be saved in memory otherwise NRN will try to garbage collect them # prematurly self._iclamps = []
[docs] def initialize(self, sim): # Get select node gids, but only for those nodes that are on the current rank (if running on multiple cores) select_gids = list( gids_on_rank = list(set(select_gids) & set(select_gids)) for gid in gids_on_rank: cell = hobj_sec = getattr(cell.hobj, self._section_name)[self._section_index](self._section_dist) self._iclamps.extend(self._amp_reader.create_clamps(hobj_sec))