Source code for bmtk.builder.builder_utils

import numpy as np
import hashlib
import logging
import uuid

    from mpi4py import MPI

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    mpi_rank = comm.Get_rank()
    mpi_size = comm.Get_size()
    barrier = comm.barrier

except ImportError:
    comm = None
    mpi_rank = 0
    mpi_size = 1
    barrier = lambda: None

MPI_fail_params_nonuniform = True  # throw exception unless params across MPI ranks are the same.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def add_hdf5_attrs(hdf5_handle): # TODO: move this as a utility function hdf5_handle['/'].attrs['magic'] = np.uint32(0x0A7A) hdf5_handle['/'].attrs['version'] = [np.uint32(0), np.uint32(1)]
[docs]def list_to_hash(str_list): str_list = str_list.copy() str_list.sort() combined_keys = ':'.join(str_list).encode('utf-8') return hashlib.md5(combined_keys).hexdigest()
[docs]def check_properties_across_ranks(properties, graph_type='node'): """Checks that a properties table is consistant across all MPI ranks. Mainly used by add_nodes() and add_edges() method due to bug where using random generator without rng_seed was causing issues building the network properties consistantly using multiple cores. Will throw an Exception or a warning message (if MPI_fail_params_nonuniform is false) :param properties: A dictionary :param graph_type: 'node' or 'edge', used in error message. default 'node'. """ if mpi_size < 2: return # Check that model_properties have the same number of items and the keys match n_args = len(properties) ranked_args = comm.allgather(n_args) if len(set(ranked_args)) > 1: err_msg = '{} properties are not the same across all ranks.'.format(graph_type) if not MPI_fail_params_nonuniform: logger.warning(err_msg) else: raise IndexError(err_msg) if n_args == 0: return # create a string/id that will be uniform across all ranks, even if the dict on one rank returns keys out-of-order. prop_keys = list(properties.keys()) prop_keys.sort() combined_keys = ':'.join(prop_keys).encode('utf-8') hash_id = hashlib.md5(combined_keys).hexdigest() ranked_keys = comm.allgather(hash_id) if len(set(ranked_keys)) > 1: err_msg = '{} properties are not the same across all ranks.'.format(graph_type) if not MPI_fail_params_nonuniform: logger.warning(err_msg) else: raise IndexError(err_msg) # For each item in model_properties dictionary try to check that values are the same for pkey in prop_keys: # Don't use Dict.items() method since it is possible the ret order is different across ranks. pval = properties[pkey] try: if isinstance(pval, bytes): phash = hashlib.md5(pval).hexdigest() elif isinstance(pval, str): phash = hashlib.md5(pval.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() elif isinstance(pval, (int, float, bool)): phash = pval elif isinstance(pval, (list, tuple)): joined_keys = ':'.join([str(p) for p in pval]).encode('utf-8') phash = hashlib.md5(joined_keys).hexdigest() elif isinstance(pval, np.ndarray): phash = hashlib.md5( else: continue except TypeError as te: # If the hashing fails assume there is no MPI data issue and continue with the next property. continue ranked_vals = comm.allgather(phash) if len(set(ranked_vals)) > 1: err_msg = '{} property "{}" varies across ranks, please make sure parameter value is uniform across all' \ 'ranks or set bmtk.builder.MPI_fail_params_nonuniform to False'.format(graph_type, pkey) if not MPI_fail_params_nonuniform: logger.warning(err_msg) else: raise TypeError(err_msg)
__build_time_uuid = None
[docs]def build_time_uuid(): """Produces a unique identifier that will be unique for each time a network building script is executed. """ global __build_time_uuid if __build_time_uuid is not None: return __build_time_uuid elif comm is not None and mpi_size > 1: barrier() try: if mpi_rank == 0: bcast_data = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) else: bcast_data = None bcast_data = comm.bcast(bcast_data, root=0) __build_time_uuid = bcast_data except Exception as e: __build_time_uuid = 'tmp' else: __build_time_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) # __build_time_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) return __build_time_uuid