Source code for bmtk.analyzer.compartment

import os
from six import string_types
import numpy as np

from bmtk.utils import sonata
from bmtk.utils.sonata.config import SonataConfig
from bmtk.utils.reports.compartment import CompartmentReport
from bmtk.utils.reports.compartment import plotting
from bmtk.simulator.utils import simulation_reports

def _get_report(report_path=None, config=None, report_name=None):
    if report_path is not None:
        return report_path, CompartmentReport.load(report=report_path)

    elif config is not None:
        selected_reports = []
        sim_reports = simulation_reports.from_config(config)
        for report in sim_reports:
            if report.module in ['membrane_report', 'multimeter_report']:
                rname = report.report_name
                rfile = report.params['file_name']
                # TODO: Full path should be determined by config/simulation_reports module
                rpath = rfile if os.path.isabs(rfile) else os.path.join(report.params['tmp_dir'], rfile)
                if report_name is not None and report_name == rname:
                    selected_reports.append((rname, CompartmentReport.load(rpath)))
                elif report_name is None:
                    selected_reports.append((rname, CompartmentReport.load(rpath)))

        if len(selected_reports) == 0:
            msg = 'Could not find a report '
            msg += '' if report_name is None else 'with report_name "{}"'.format(report_name)
            msg += ' from configuration file. . Use "report_path" parameter instead.'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        elif len(selected_reports) > 1:
            avail_reports = ', '.join(s[0] for s in selected_reports)
            raise ValueError('Configuration file contained multiple "membrane_reports", use "report_name" or'
                             '"report_path" to pick which one to plot. Option values: {}'.format(avail_reports))

            return selected_reports[0]

        raise AttributeError('Could not find a compartment report SONATA file. Please user "config_file" or '
                             '"report_path" options.')

def _find_nodes(population, config=None, nodes_file=None, node_types_file=None):
    if nodes_file is not None:
        network = sonata.File(data_files=nodes_file, data_type_files=node_types_file)
        if population not in network.nodes.population_names:
            raise ValueError('node population "{}" not found in {}'.format(population, nodes_file))
        return network.nodes[population]

    elif config is not None:
        for nodes_grp in config.nodes:
            network = sonata.File(data_files=nodes_grp['nodes_file'], data_type_files=nodes_grp['node_types_file'])
            if population in network.nodes.population_names:
                return network.nodes[population]

    raise ValueError('Could not find nodes file with node population "{}".'.format(population))

[docs]def plot_traces(config_file=None, report_name=None, population=None, report_path=None, group_by=None, group_excludes=None, nodes_file=None, node_types_file=None, node_ids=None, sections='origin', average=False, times=None, title=None, show_legend=None, show=True, save_as=None, plt_style=None): """Plot compartment variables (eg Membrane Voltage, Calcium conc.) traces from the output of simulation. Will attempt to look in the SONATA simulation configuration json "reports" sections for any matching "membrane_report" outputs with a matching report_name:: plot_traces(config_file='config.json', report_name='membrane_potential') If the path the the report is different (or missing) than what's in the SONATA config then use the "report_path" option instead:: plot_traces(report_path='/my/path/to/membrane_potential.h5') To display the traces of only a select number of nodes you can filter using the node_ids options:: plot_traces(config_file='config.json', node_ids=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) The average option will find the mean value of all the traces to display:: plot_traces(config_file='config.json', node_ids=range(50, 100), average=True) You may also group together different subsets of nodes and display multiple averages based on certain attributes of the network, which can be done using the group_by key. The group_exlcudes option will exclude certain groups. For example if you want to plot the averaged membrane potential across each cortical "layer", exclude L1:: plot_traces(config_file='config.json', report='membrane_potential', group_by='layer', group_excludes='L1') :param config_file: path to SONATA simulation configuration. :param report_name: name of the membrane_report "report" which will be plotted. If only one compartment report in the simulation config then function will find it automatically. :param population: string. If the report more than one population of nodes, use this to determine which nodes to plot. If only one population exists and population=None then the function will find it by default. :param report_path: Path to SONATA compartment report file. Do not use with "config_file" and "report_name" options. :param group_by: Attribute of the "nodes" file used to group and average subsets of nodes. :param group_excludes: list of strings or None. When using the "group_by", allows users to exclude certain groupings based on the attribute value. :param nodes_file: path to nodes hdf5 file containing "population". By default this will be resolved using the config. :param node_types_file: path to node-types csv file containing "population". By default this will be resolved using the config. :param node_ids: int or list of integers. Individual node to display the variable. :param sections: 'origin', 'all', or list of ids, Compartments/elements to display, By default will only show values at the soma. :param average: If true will display average of "node_ids". Default: False :param times: (float, float), start and stop times of simulation. By default will get values from simulation configs "run" section. :param title: str, adds a title to the plot. If None (default) then name will be automatically generated using the report_name. :param show_legend: Set True or False to determine if legend should be displayed on the plot. The default (None) function itself will guess if legend should be shown. :param show: bool to display or not display plot. default True. :param save_as: None or str: file-name/path to save the plot as a png/jpeg/etc. If None or empty string will not save plot. :return: matplotlib figure.Figure object """ sonata_config = SonataConfig.from_json(config_file) if config_file else None report_name, cr = _get_report(report_path=report_path, config=sonata_config, report_name=report_name) if population is None: pops = cr.populations if len(pops) > 1: raise ValueError('Report {} contains more than population of nodes ({}). Use population parameter'.format( report_name, pops )) population = pops[0] if title is None: title = '{} ({})'.format(report_name, population) # Create node-groups if group_by is not None: node_groups = [] nodes = _find_nodes(population=population, config=sonata_config, nodes_file=nodes_file, node_types_file=node_types_file) grouped_df = None for grp in nodes.groups: if group_by in grp.all_columns: grp_df = grp.to_dataframe() grp_df = grp_df[['node_id', group_by]] grouped_df = grp_df if grouped_df is None else grouped_df.append(grp_df, ignore_index=True) if grouped_df is None: raise ValueError('Could not find any nodes with group_by attribute "{}"'.format(group_by)) # Convert from string to list so we can always use the isin() method for filtering if isinstance(group_excludes, string_types): group_excludes = [group_excludes] elif group_excludes is None: group_excludes = [] for grp_key, grp in grouped_df.groupby(group_by): if grp_key in group_excludes: continue node_groups.append({'node_ids': np.array(grp['node_id']), 'label': grp_key}) if len(node_groups) == 0: exclude_str = ' excluding values {}'.format(', '.join(group_excludes)) if len(group_excludes) > 0 else '' raise ValueError('Could not find any node-groups using group_by="{}"{}.'.format(group_by, exclude_str)) else: node_groups = None return plotting.plot_traces( report=cr, population=population, node_ids=node_ids, sections=sections, average=average, node_groups=node_groups, times=times, title=title, show_legend=show_legend, show=show, save_as=save_as, plt_style=plt_style )