Source code for allensdk.eye_tracking.plotting

import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
from skimage.draw import ellipse, ellipse_perimeter, polygon_perimeter
import matplotlib
with warnings.catch_warnings():
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # noqa: E402

[docs]class Annotator(object): """Class for annotating frames with ellipses. Parameters ---------- output_stream : object Object that implements a `write` method that accepts ndarray frames as well as `open` and `close` methods. """ COLORS = {"cr": (0, 0, 255), "pupil": (255, 0, 0)} def __init__(self, output_stream=None): self.output_stream = output_stream self.densities = {"pupil": None, "cr": None} self.clear_rc()
[docs] def initiate_cumulative_data(self, shape): """Initialize density arrays to zeros of the correct shape. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple (height, width) to make the density arrays. """ self.densities["cr"] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
self.densities["pupil"] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
[docs] def clear_rc(self): """Clear the cached row and column ellipse border points.""" self._r = {"pupil": None, "cr": None} self._c = {"pupil": None,
"cr": None}
[docs] def update_rc(self, name, ellipse_parameters, shape): """Cache new row and column ellipse border points. Parameters ---------- name : string "pupil" or "cr" to reference the correct object in the lookup table. ellipse_parameters : tuple Conic parameters of the ellipse. shape : tuple (height, width) shape of image used to generate ellipse border points at the right rows and columns. Returns ------- cache_updated : bool Whether or not new values were cached. """ if np.any(np.isnan(ellipse_parameters)): return False if self._r[name] is None: self._r[name], self._c[name] = ellipse_perimeter_points( ellipse_parameters, shape)
return True def _annotate(self, name, rgb_frame, ellipse_parameters): if self.update_rc(name, ellipse_parameters, rgb_frame.shape[:2]): color_by_points(rgb_frame, self._r[name], self._c[name], self.COLORS[name])
[docs] def annotate_frame(self, frame, pupil_parameters, cr_parameters, seed=None, pupil_candidates=None): """Annotate an image with ellipses for cr and pupil. If the annotator was initialized with an output stream, the frame will be written to the stream. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Grayscale image to annotate. pupil_parameters : tuple (x, y, r, a, b) ellipse parameters for pupil. cr_parameters : tuple (x, y, r, a, b) ellipse parameters for corneal reflection. seed : tuple (y, x) seed point of pupil. pupil_candidates : list List of (y, x) candidate points used for the ellipse fit of the pupil. Returns ------- rgb_frame : numpy.ndarray Color annotated frame. """ rgb_frame = get_rgb_frame(frame) if not np.any(np.isnan(pupil_parameters)): self._annotate("pupil", rgb_frame, pupil_parameters) if not np.any(np.isnan(cr_parameters)): self._annotate("cr", rgb_frame, cr_parameters) if seed is not None: color_by_points(rgb_frame, seed[0], seed[1], (0, 255, 0)) if pupil_candidates: arr = np.array(pupil_candidates) color_by_points(rgb_frame, arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], (0, 255, 0)) if self.output_stream is not None: self.output_stream.write(rgb_frame)
return rgb_frame def _density(self, name, frame, ellipse_parameters): if self.update_rc(name, ellipse_parameters, frame.shape): self.densities[name][self._r[name], self._c[name]] += 1
[docs] def compute_density(self, frame, pupil_parameters, cr_parameters): """Update the density maps with from the current frame. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Input frame. pupil_parameters : tuple (x, y, r, a, b) ellipse parameters for pupil. cr_parameters : tuple (x, y, r, a, b) ellipse parameters for corneal reflection. """ # TODO: rename this to update_density if self.densities["pupil"] is None: self.initiate_cumulative_data(frame.shape) self._density("pupil", frame, pupil_parameters)
self._density("cr", frame, cr_parameters)
[docs] def annotate_with_cumulative_pupil(self, frame, filename=None): """Annotate frame with all pupil ellipses from the density map. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Grayscale frame to annotate. filename : string Filename to save annotated image to, if provided. Returns ------- rgb_frame : numpy.ndarray Annotated color frame. """ return annotate_with_cumulative(frame, self.densities["pupil"],
(0, 0, 255), filename)
[docs] def annotate_with_cumulative_cr(self, frame, filename=None): """Annotate frame with all cr ellipses from the density map. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Grayscale frame to annotate. filename : string Filename to save annotated image to, if provided. Returns ------- rgb_frame : numpy.ndarray Annotated color frame. """ return annotate_with_cumulative(frame, self.densities["cr"],
(255, 0, 0), filename)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the output stream if it exists.""" if self.output_stream is not None:
[docs]def get_rgb_frame(frame): """Convert a grayscale frame to an RGB frame. If the frame passed in already has 3 channels, it is simply returned. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Image frame. Returns ------- rgb_frame : numpy.ndarray [height,width,3] RGB frame. """ if frame.ndim == 3 and frame.shape[2] == 3: rgb_frame = frame elif frame.ndim == 2: rgb_frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame]) else: raise ValueError("Frame of shape {} is not valid".format(frame.shape))
return rgb_frame
[docs]def annotate_with_cumulative(frame, density, rgb_vals=(255, 0, 0), filename=None): """Annotate frame with all values from `density`. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy.ndarray Grayscale frame to annotate. density : numpy.ndarray Array of the same shape as frame with non-zero values where the image should be annotated. rgb_vals : tuple (r, g, b) 0-255 color values for annotation. filename : string Filename to save annotated image to, if provided. Returns ------- rgb_frame : numpy.ndarray Annotated color frame. """ rgb_frame = get_rgb_frame(frame) if density is not None: mask = density > 0 color_by_mask(rgb_frame, mask, rgb_vals) if filename is not None: plt.imsave(filename, rgb_frame)
return rgb_frame
[docs]def annotate_with_box(image, bounding_box, rgb_vals=(255, 0, 0), filename=None): """Annotate image with bounding box. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray Grayscale or RGB image to annotate. bounding_box : numpy.ndarray [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] bounding box. rgb_vals : tuple (r, g, b) 0-255 color values for annotation. filename : string Filename to save annotated image to, if provided. Returns ------- rgb_image : numpy.ndarray Annotated color image. """ rgb_image = get_rgb_frame(image) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = bounding_box r = np.array((ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax), dtype=int) c = np.array((xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin), dtype=int) rr, cc = polygon_perimeter(r, c, rgb_image.shape[:2]) color_by_points(rgb_image, rr, cc, rgb_vals) if filename is not None: plt.imsave(filename, rgb_image)
return rgb_image
[docs]def color_by_points(rgb_image, row_points, column_points, rgb_vals=(255, 0, 0)): """Color image at points indexed by row and column vectors. The image is recolored in-place. Parameters ---------- rgb_image : numpy.ndarray Color image to draw into. row_points : numpy.ndarray Vector of row indices to color in. column_points : numpy.ndarray Vector of column indices to color in. rgb_vals : tuple (r, g, b) 0-255 color values for annotation. """ for i, value in enumerate(rgb_vals):
rgb_image[row_points, column_points, i] = value
[docs]def color_by_mask(rgb_image, mask, rgb_vals=(255, 0, 0)): """Color image at points indexed by mask. The image is recolored in-place. Parameters ---------- rgb_image : numpy.ndarray Color image to draw into. mask : numpy.ndarray Boolean mask of points to color in. rgb_vals : tuple (r, g, b) 0-255 color values for annotation. """ for i, value in enumerate(rgb_vals):
rgb_image[mask, i] = value
[docs]def ellipse_points(ellipse_params, image_shape): """Generate row, column indices for filled ellipse. Parameters ---------- ellipse_params : tuple (x, y, r, a b) ellipse parameters. image_shape : tuple (height, width) shape of image. Returns ------- row_points : numpy.ndarray Row indices for filled ellipse. column_points : numpy.ndarray Column indices for filled ellipse. """ x, y, r, a, b = ellipse_params r = np.radians(-r)
return ellipse(y, x, b, a, image_shape, r)
[docs]def ellipse_perimeter_points(ellipse_params, image_shape): """Generate row, column indices for ellipse perimeter. Parameters ---------- ellipse_params : tuple (x, y, r, a b) ellipse parameters. image_shape : tuple (height, width) shape of image. Returns ------- row_points : numpy.ndarray Row indices for ellipse perimeter. column_points : numpy.ndarray Column indices for ellipse perimeter. """ x, y, r, a, b = ellipse_params r = np.radians(r)
return ellipse_perimeter(int(y), int(x), int(b), int(a), r, image_shape)
[docs]def get_filename(output_folder, prefix, image_type): """Helper function to build image filename. Parameters ---------- output_folder : string Folder for images. prefix : string Image filename without extension. image_type : string File extension for image (e.g. '.png'). Returns ------- filename : string Fill filename of image, or None if no output folder. """ if output_folder: filename = prefix + image_type return os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
return None
[docs]def plot_cumulative(pupil_density, cr_density, output_dir=None, show=False, image_type=".png"): """Plot cumulative density of ellipse fits for cr and pupil. Parameters ---------- pupil_density : numpy.ndarray Accumulated density of pupil perimeters. pupil_density : numpy.ndarray Accumulated density of cr perimeters. output_dir : string Output directory to store images. Images aren't saved if None is provided. show : bool Whether or not to call after generating both plots. image_type : string Image extension for saving plots. """ dens = np.log(1+pupil_density) plot_density(np.max(dens) - dens, filename=get_filename(output_dir, "pupil_density", image_type), title="pupil density", show=False) dens = np.log(1+cr_density) plot_density(np.max(dens) - dens, filename=get_filename(output_dir, "cr_density", image_type), title="cr density",
[docs]def plot_summary(pupil_params, cr_params, output_dir=None, show=False, image_type=".png"): """Plot timeseries of various pupil and cr parameters. Generates plots of pupil and cr parameters against frame number. The plots include (x, y) position, angle, and (semi-minor, semi-major) axes seperately for pupil and cr, for a total of 6 plots. Parameters ---------- pupil_params : numpy.ndarray Array of pupil parameters at every frame. cr_params : numpy.ndarray Array of cr parameters at every frame. output_dir : string Output directory for storing saved images of plots. show : bool Whether or not to call after generating the plots. image_type : string File extension to use if saving images to `output_dir`. """ plot_timeseries(pupil_params.T[0], "pupil x", x2=pupil_params.T[1], label2="pupil y", title="pupil position", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "pupil_position", image_type), show=False) plot_timeseries(cr_params.T[0], "cr x", x2=cr_params.T[1], label2="pupil y", title="cr position", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "cr_position", image_type), show=False) plot_timeseries(pupil_params.T[3], "pupil axis1", x2=pupil_params.T[4], label2="pupil axis2", title="pupil major/minor axes", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "pupil_axes", image_type), show=False) plot_timeseries(cr_params.T[3], "cr axis1", x2=cr_params.T[4], label2="cr axis1", title="cr major/minor axes", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "cr_axes", image_type), show=False) plot_timeseries(pupil_params.T[2], "pupil angle", title="pupil angle", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "pupil_angle", image_type), show=False) plot_timeseries(cr_params.T[2], "cr angle", title="cr angle", filename=get_filename(output_dir, "cr_angle", image_type),
[docs]def plot_timeseries(x1, label1, x2=None, label2=None, title=None, filename=None, show=False): """Helper function to plot up to 2 timeseries against index. Parameters ---------- x1 : numpy.ndarray Array of values to plot. label1 : string Label for `x1` timeseries. x2 : numpy.ndarray Optional second array of values to plot. label2 : string Label for `x2` timeseries. title : string Title for the plot. filename : string Filename to save the plot to. show : bool Whether or not to call after generating the plot. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.plot(x1, label=label1) if x2 is not None: ax.plot(x2, label=label2) ax.set_xlabel('frame index') if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.legend() if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) if show:
[docs]def plot_density(density, title=None, filename=None, show=False): """Plot cumulative density. Parameters ---------- density : numpy.ndarray Accumulated 2-D density map to plot. title : string Title for the plot. filename : string Filename to save the plot to. show : bool Whether or not to call after generating the plot. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.imshow(density, cmap="gray", interpolation="nearest") if title: ax.set_title(title) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) if show: